Computer shuts down abruptly... especially during gaming... HELP

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beanstalk- Just plain resets or BSODs?
How long have you been using this rig?

Sounds like a typical psu issue.
Or maybe a h/w issue such as a bad OC (but that should BSOD ideally) or hardware incompatibility.
or an ATI vpu recover
-as you don't seem to report any BSODs

Some *ahem* games, bad downloads i.e. may cause random shutdowns.

Please monitor and record all system temps and voltages while running some cpu stress test like Orthos or IBT or something.

Monitor and record the same while running fur rendering staibility test.

go to BIOS.
Check cpu target temperature or cpu shutdown temperature and other system temps.

Either some system temp sets off auto shutdown- as we have in cpu overheat protection or the psu is acting funny or the gpu has an issue.

Last thing, try using only a single 2GB stick and test the rig.
Some P31 mobos and at times some G31 ones too, have no boot or stability issues with double-sided RAM populating all slots due to chipset limitation or a bad batch of mobos.
thanks for the replies people.

The shutdowns are so random that i'm not able to figure out the reason... (once in 2 weeks this time)

Today i ran crysis 32bit on XP with all high settings at 1440 x 900 (max supported by my monitor) for about 3 hrs continuously and no shutdowns... the maximum temperature reported by rivatuner was 71.50 and it did not even touch 80.

I'll check the BIOS settings as suggested above ^^^ @ BIke..

P.S. I've been a total sucker all the way. Dint even thank you guys even once for helping me out to this extent.

So a big THANKKKKKKKKKKKKSSS to all of you for the concern.
OK I have such problems in past and there can be only to reasons for this,

Your PSU has some capacitor problem and is not taking load, in such case you should get it replaced.
Another reason can be that your thermal solution b/w your Processor and Proc. Fan is to be changed.
Never forget about the dust in your system.

Check for all of the above and you will not face the problem anymore.
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