CPU/Mobo Computer shutsdown after every 20-30 minutes

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Hello guys,
System Configuration::C2D 2.2ghz,Gigabyte G41 mobo, 2gb ram, 250 hdd, AOC e2262v 22" LED. OS:: Windows 7 ultimate

I purchased the monitor a couple of days back, There was no issue before buying the moniter, with my old moniter CRT 17" LG the system worked fine, it never restarted but as it went bad a few days back I purchased this new one.My computer shuts down every 20-30 minutes, done checking every possible problem. My mobo's highlighted section, gigabyte-g41-combo.jpg ,gets heated very much even if system is turned On for 5 minutes.I thought my mobo does not support 1920*1080 resolution so even purchased a graphic card(a cheap one Asus 210 1gb ddr3) but after using graphic card I am not able to load the Operating system.MY HDD does some click sound sometimes(it feels like the head is brushing with the disk..."karrr karrr").I know there is some issue with the HDD and I am going to buy a new one soon. I am not able to figure out if this particular issue is with the HDD or the mobo.Also, whenever the system shuts down the HDD makes this "karrr karrr.." sound once and after that when I turn On the system that sound is gone.

Please help me figure out the exact issue so that I can resolve it without affecting any other part:sad.gif_1:...
Which psu you are using. I think the psu is not able to handle the system load. Also post the hdtune health status of the HDD, so it'll be easier for us to figure out the problem.
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health status.jpg
Here is the screenshot of my HDtune health status. Also is there any software to check mobo's performance or issues.
Disconnect your HDD and run your system with a ubuntu live cd (you can also run it from a usb pen drive go to pendrivelinux.com to set it up). If it shuts down then the problem is not hdd related. Check the temps of the cpu in the bios.

Install some temp monitoring software like realtemp. what are the temps shown ?
It might be your ram problem too.Test it too. For that you will need memtest. Fortunately it comes preloaded in the ubuntu live cd and you can run the memtest while booting the system using the live cd. The reason for disconnecting the HDD was to leave out a variable which might be faulty.

There might many things faulty in your system or there might be one single thing which is at fault. Best approach would be to keep the system simple and remove any additional stuff in it.

This is how I would approach your problem.
1.Remove the external graphics card and connect the monitor to your onboard video out.
2.Remove the HDD. (We can test it later using hdtune FULL SCAN.)
3. We have now smps + cpu + mobo + ram + cd/dvd drive
4. Use the live ubuntu cd and run the memtest86+ which shows up at boot sequence.Let it run. If your ram is faulty it will find out. If you have multiple rams,better remove all except one, and run the test again with the different ram stick.
5. If ram checks out fine, then it might be wrongly seated cpu heatsink. Here what I would do is run that temp monitoring tool to find if the temps rises just prior to shutting down.If I see no increase in any temps then I would format the pc to clear any software related issues with the system. A full clean format.
6. Do a full scan of HDD using hdtune. not a quick scan.
7. Still the system is rebooting then change the rams to different slot.
8. Still its rebooting then replace the SMPS and check.
9. Still same problem then I am afraid motherboard fault.Contact service center.
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