Conflict:AGAIN,this time our own TE member

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The card was not FAULTY .... the card became FAULTY after some overclocking was done at the buyer's end. All the previous posts clearly state that when it was tested by the buyer at his end, IT WAS working fine. It must be noted that I have never OCed the card "ALL ALONG" as claimed by the buyer I have merely tried the card at the said clocks.
man i asked him before doing it k, he told me that he is running at 380, i clocked it at the exact same MHz not even omhz more. and if it worked two days before why isnt it working now?
Check the temps like Funky said ... also AS5 is conductive you need to be careful while applying it
some one needs to come here and put an end to this. Stop pouring ur arguments in TE. its very clear that market on TE is only a platform , TE doesn't provide lawyers to validate your claims. sort it out with a mod like Eddy or someone ..
sathyanaidu said:
The card was not FAULTY .... the card became FAULTY after some overclocking was done at the buyer's end. All the previous posts clearly state that when it was tested by the buyer at his end, IT WAS working fine. It must be noted that I have never OCed the card "ALL ALONG" as claimed by the buyer I have merely tried the card at the said clocks.


he clearly mentioned he USED to run the card at 380, now saying he just tried it, now whos lieng?
No seller here ever gives OC warranty to a buyer. You will have to understand that. They will tell you how much a CPU/Mobo/RAM/GPU can do, but no one will give guarantee for it. Unless the seller specifically states that he will honor a guarantee for a specific overclock, a buyer will loose any seller warranty he has, once he over clocks.

You tested your card at the default settings and you found it to be working perfectly. Once you overclocked the card you lost any testing warranty the seller has given you. It does not matter even if the seller was using it at a even higher overclock. Of course It was wrong on the part of the seller to state that he hadn't over clocked the card ever.

As for non-stability of an overclock, it depends on several conditions under which he and you are using it. For example if one person does 380 Mhz, in a cold place/ winter it does not mean another can do the same in a hot place/ summer. There are a lot many factors which influence oc stability.

One more thing, some of the 6800GT's seem to run hot in the Indian summer in extremely hot places if they are not well ventilated. The first 6800GT (XFX) I had used to idle at 67 deg and goes up to 95 deg on load. I also had some stability issues which stopped after I changed the Mid Tower cabby and 400W PSU to the zebby Jamaica and PSU to Zebby (Sky Hawk) 640W. The temperatures dropped to a sane 55 idle and 76 load. The card conked out after a cleaning operation. (I think it was due to static electricity). I got a replacement card which ran at a 53 idle and 73 load even in summer heat (In my Zebby Jamaica and Antec Neo HE 500). So Just see if the summer heat is to blame.
Guys, its better you talkover and solve this issue over IM. Only thing you guys are doing is giving some entertainment to all other peeps (well I dont mind having some good time ;)). I subscribed to this thread as soon as I read first few posts :ohyeah:
Switch said:
I will quote what you have posted in the original thread which you created in the market section...

What i have highlited in bolds is also hat was specified in the deal in the first place and it was a false fact so the whole deal becomes void then and there if the card was overclocked...

Now did you or didn't you overclock the card...

P.S. This isnt a Mod but a senior member of TE talking to you....

Lord Nemesis said:
No seller here ever gives OC warranty to a buyer. You will have to understand that. They will tell you how much a CPU/Mobo/RAM/GPU can do, but no one will give guarantee for it. Unless the seller specifically states that he will honor a guarantee for a specific overclock, a buyer will loose any seller warranty he has, once he over clocks.

You tested your card at the default settings and you found it to be working perfectly.((no no no man, i just installed the card and i message him that its working great thats all, it gave the same thermal problem from the beginning, after i applied the AS5 i asked him about the overclocking)) Once you overclocked the card you lost any testing warranty the seller has given you. It does not matter even if the seller was using it at a even higher overclock.

As for non-stability of an overclock, it depends on several conditions under which he and you are using it. For example if one person does 380 Mhz, in a cold place/ winter it does not mean another can do the same in a hot place/ summer. There are a lot many factors which influence oc stability.

[/B]You tested your card at the default settings and you found it to be working perfectly.[/B]((no no no man, i just installed the card and i message him that its working great thats all, it gave the same thermal problem from the beginning, after i applied the AS5 i asked him about the overclocking))

and i've run my 6600 at 50Mhz above default clocks both core and mem, i know they are diff cores, but the 6800gt is far better than overclocking than 6600gt rite? and that too its a golden sample, there may be environmental changes but not wen two 80mm fans are blowing cool air into them rite?
ive seen couple of such 6800 dying cards....

some started this way after the user fked up the OC setttings..& somothers..lets say bad luck...& the funny part was .. the OC'ed cards...after restoring the normal clocks too .. it was unstable , later chked to see the PSU was dying out..& now with a better psu.the card is still fine..& mind u i'm talking abt 100 mhz+ in core & mem . . . chk the agp voltages & other system power voltages & try again...

Cause most of the time . if the card is faulty,it would just not boot..;)

EDIT : & DONT increase the voltages liek OC in very carefull wat u do!!
i never volt modded it or something man, just the core clock to 380 his exact specs. and he is having the card, thats what im saying too the card is not having anyother problems except overheating, he said if it worked fine i'll repay your money now he said it himself the card ran for 15 mins, so it isnt fried. so i should get my money back rite?
PIC 1 : Card works fine on the 9th MAY 2007 at 7:26 PM (Also note the buyer wants to know about Expertool which is an overclocking utility provided by the manufacturer)

PIC 2 : Card didn't run Testdrive unlimited at default settings and claims his friend will change thermal paste. On 10th MAY 2007 at 2:02 PM

PIC 3 : 20 minutes later in another thread the buyer states as well as recommends the card to others because of his experience with an OCed 6800GT at ULTRA settings which is at 400MHz core. On 10th MAY 2007 at 2:22 PM .

I agreed to take back the card if it was in the same condition as I had sent, whereas now the card is definitely not in the same condition.
well the card has never been in a good condition, u know it is faulty, and i over clocked it only after u suggesting me that u ran the card ALL THE TIME at 380. so i had the card in the same condition as u did not even a mhz more.
Honestly dude, take these clocks as guidance and not guarantee. There is never guarantee on any clock but the stock.

If it was running stable at stock and then u decided to oc it and it started giving problem, well then its touch luck. nothing can be done in this regard.

When u purchase 2nd hand item first make sure it runs at the stated speed properly over the testing period. And then its your personal risk to go overboard.

If you decide to go overboard right away then its your decision and noone else's. You still havent told what temps the card is reaching. Adding fans means nothing if the core is still getting hot or while assembling the card back something happened.

Even i have found things like this happen due to almost invisible traces of thermal paste or something left where it shouldnt have reached in the first place.

Inspect the card properly. Clean it fit the heatsink again and give it a try. And by cleaning it i mean not just brushing card for dust.

Buy some earbuds and ethenol or any other alcohol based solvent. Dip earbud into it and wipe area near the core, near memory, back of card etc clean and then apply very small amount of AS5 on the core. spread it evenly over core (very thin layer) and put it back together.

There is no point arguing about the fact that you oced bcoz seller got it working at specific speed.
The Buyer has requested for the card back. I will be doing so on Monday as agreed by him.

Hence I request the mods to close the topic and I would like to thank everyone on behalf of memnom and myself for helping us resolve the issue.


Sathya Naidu
All the best!

Do what Funky asked...Hope it works out...I know you have tried what you could but give it your best shot again...

Also dont jam in too much AS5...When it becomes a blob it can be a contributing factor as xfactor points out...
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