Review Consumer Harassment, the way

Not just mitsu, any Indian registrar that exclusively sells .in domain is basically a scammer/dips**t who didn't have enough credentials to be an actual registrar and knows few people, payed them money (some other favor) and got the registrar status.
Mitsu genuinely appears to have really long hands. Let's attempt at exploring its length. - This page appeared somewhere in between December 6, 2023 and December 22, 2023. .IN Registry had sent out emails on November 27, 2023 informing people the same as per this NamePros post.

Let's now check what sites this page got backlinks from -




It's literally Mitsu everywhere. No other Registrar in sight! Definitely a coincidence, right?

Let's now have a look at Sanjeev Goyal's LinkedIN page bio:


He literally writes that he has helped NIXI in this past. Maybe he helped once again without any of us noticing! :playful:

Stay tuned for more updates.
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Those are very soothing lines, I must say. Thank you for being so compassionate to me. :)

Just one last punch. I promise I'll stop investing any more time in this. I have my exams coming up anyways.

I would say better than this is to keep the flame stowed away for now and park the case. After 10 years once you have made a life for yourself then you can go after mitsu again. Meanwhile keep making network contacts and other contacts if you really want to pursue this in a smart and revengeful way.

Dont let it cost you anything in terms of opportunity cost to a better life but dont let them off the hook. Simply defer it and then go after them again once you are at a place when you can invest time without any cost to yourself.

There is always going to be a mental cost as you will need to stoop to their level but that is inevitable.
Update -

Both rsaeon and ir0nmec would be pleased to know that Mitsu has truly materialised their lines. Rsaeon wrote that "it's impressive that this led to changes to the site." has a brand new page dedicated to refund. - A new page created and added to the site in 2024 by one and only @GOI-Official. That's not all. Mitsu plays some tricks this time. Literally everything is confidential now! Read on -

The top line of that refund page reads, "Policy Updating". If you scroll down to the end, you'll see a bizarre paragraph. It says that there is no escalation if you "EXPOSE" the contact details of the company or staff on "forums". TechEnclave is blessed to have indirectly featured on @GOI-Official's site.

I wondered how the contact details of a public company could be "EXPOSED" so I had a look at their contact page once again. - The contact page had Regd. Office address as well as the Mail/Cheque drop address under it. But that Mail/cheque drop address is now gone. Yep, Mitsu removed it after I posted a screenshot with that address on post #128.

If you look up Mitsu Inc address on Google maps, it'll now show you the address of their Regd. Office. What was it earlier? You guessed it! Google used to show their Mail/Cheque drop address before March, 2024.

@GOI-Official That mail/cheque address is still visible on this page - :playful: Maybe @GOI-Official can find more ideas from this post. I have a new one. Add a line "Exposing links to our site will also mean that there is no escalation. You can't post links to our site without our permission."

Now, Ir0nmec. He sarcastically wrote that "he was trying to teach them English or whatelse lol."

It's a matter of great honour for him that his line is now featured in company response to an authority. Yep, that line is a part of Mitsu's response to the authorities - That I abused Mitsu by trying to teach them English which led to suspension of my domain! That I created many threads on many international forums "before" I submitted my KYC!

* Policy is still updating fellas.

Edit: In case you missed it, @GOI-Official basically denies me refund on that page.
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We all missed an important message from @GOI-Official. He had a rare moment of self-reflection when he wrote the following,
Some of the members above try to guide correctly to @rootyme
@GOI-Official was actually pointing to rsaeon who had guided me correctly by writing:

"He probably ended up giving himself an aneurysm while responding to your email. This company appears to be the most unprofessional domain registrar I have ever heard of. You know there's no benefit with any indian registrar. They're all stuck in the same backward, twisted, unethical, self-centered, egoist mentality that you should consider yourself lucky to have their services available to you. It's people like him that drive talented people away from this country. They're just empty words, empty threats. There's not much money in domain registry services and he probably found out that rats got into his sugar container and contaminated it so today's chai was unsatisfying. And without money, or sugar in his tea, there's not much he can do."

Mitsu: (Screams) Madam, he has written to the Government of India that I am trying to extort the money from him. I will... We'll take it very seriously now. Now we'll not give any relent. "You're not seeing" anything, so you don't call me anytime now.
I had missed one more line here. Mitsu also screams: "Now I will show you how to...." (My sister intervenes but what he was basically screaming was that he was going to show her how Mitsu would extort the money from us)

To this my sister aptly replied: Sir, you're reacting like a child. He has only pinpointed what exactly happened.

So he replies to my extortion complaint from, adds "", "", "" in CC. The closing and signature of this mail from reads: Best Regards, Mitsu Support: So was mailing while keeping away from this complaint.
I had forgotten to mention what was written by this fraud in this reply mail. So writes the following:-

You are trying to extort money from us by going public and involving in illegal activities so we are suspending everything. The violations are listed:

1. You registered domain with "false" information

2. You are not ready to comply when asked for KYC and some third party sent us threats on call and tried to extort money

(Note - So according to Mitsu, my sister had called him to extort money.)

3. You are trying to extort money from us by going public and posting "secret" internal communication

4. Violation of all Domain Registration Agreement
So I finally accepted @GOI-Official's advice and contacted Mitsu's "Nodal Officer" on

Mitsu's Nodal Officer finally kindly replied to my "fourth" mail. Yeah, you have to send repeated mails over the course of multiple days to the Mitsu Nodal Officer for him to reply.

I asked the Nodal Officer this: "Please answer on what grounds my domain was suspended and why I was sent repeated 500 rupee threats".

Nodal Officer replied: "We don't see any complaint anywhere. We fail to comprehend what you write. All we can see and say is that account is suspended for AUP violations. Check the refund page, notably point #11, where you might get the answer to your question."

So the Nodal Officer doesn't know anything. :shifty: But he told me to check point number #11 to get my answer. What's written on point #11? That there is no escalation if you post "InTeRnAl CoMmUnIcAtIoN" on "forums". :bag:

Following this, I have mailed him at least eight times more, describing the issue repeatedly after he pointed me to point #11. Been 20 days but no reply. Maybe he is busy or very angry with me! :grumpy:

So here is the Mitsu website change log. It's astonishing how far a fraud can go just to continue the bullying -

A) - This page didn't exist before 2024. In March 2024, this is what was written on the page:

i. 2000 is the minimum refund amount.
ii. Refund less than 2000 will be charged 200 extra.
iii. Gateway Fees to be deducted during this.
iv. Refund request takes 30 days

B) - This page has been edited after September, 2023. Here is what was written on it earlier.

We usually accept support queries from customers through our contact-us page and emails. We are committed to resolve them within 5 to 8 hours in our working hours and 7 to 9 hours in non working hours. We try to maintain this level of customer service commitment. If you are not satisfied with the solutions provided by our support staff or are not provided any support in given time, you may escalate the issue further to our Customer Care Executive with all relevant details at with full details of your support request.

If you remain unsatisfied after that, our customer care department will provide you the email or website URLs of respective registries or offices to escalate further.

keep in mind that we know them since 2006 and companies like Mitsu always react only when someone hurt their interest in real manner not the way you are doing which looks like that you are a paid propagandist.
Clearly, they are not doing anything. :D

[Footnotes] :- For those viewing this thread for the very first time or those who are out of the loop: Post number #128 has the organised rundown of the scam's execution as well as the transcriptions of the calls from Mitsu's official contact number.

I have received jail threats from Mitsu after being framed as a DDOS Attacker and Cyber Defacer upon demanding for refund. The company then joined this forum from a fake ID GOI-Official to publicly insult me by calling me a "paid propagandist" no less than 10-15 times. The ID profile pic got updated with a Hebrew word when others pointed out that impersonating Government Officials is a punishable offence. The ID then abused me right here by writing that I have written "bullshit". The forum admins got jail threats with a fake court order as well, right here on the forum.

Posts by the fake ID. Count how many times he writes "Paid Propagandist".
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>You're focusing too much on details that don't have any bearing.

Since day 1, I was correct in suspecting that this was an organised fraud. That either the Mitsu guy has an ID on this forum or he was alerted by somebody else active right here. Google definitely takes time to index and show posts on the search results. Here is the Mitsu "Customer Master Agreement" Changelog that should help clarify the obvious, officially:

This is what was changed on September 6, 2023:

Change 1.png

Change 1.1.png

Change 1.2.png

Change 1.3.png

And this, in March 2024:

Change 2.png

The changes in March, 2024 are very important. Because those changes are the backbone of this page added in Jan - Feb, 2024 and updated in March - April, 2024.

[Footnotes] :- For those viewing this thread for the very first time or those who are out of the loop: Post number #128 has the organised rundown of the scam's execution as well as the transcriptions of the calls from Mitsu's official contact number.

I have received jail threats from Mitsu after being framed as a DDOS Attacker and Cyber Defacer upon demanding for refund. The company then joined this forum from a fake ID GOI-Official to publicly insult me by calling me a "paid propagandist" no less than 10-15 times. The ID profile pic got updated with a Hebrew word when others pointed out that impersonating Government Officials is a punishable offence. The ID then abused me right here by writing that I have written "bullshit". The forum admins got jail threats with a fake court order as well, right here on the forum.

Posts by the fake ID. Count how many times he writes "Paid Propagandist".
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if you really wanna be vengeful, post this on reddit, google indexes reddit and often enough it's the first result, and get posting it on twitter too. that should light their asses on fire
Maybe yes. Have my exams next month so can't really afford to do that rn. This shady scam is so lengthy that it'd take some effort to summarise it all without skipping any part. It's unbelievable how much has happened. To somebody new, it'd take at least half an hour to grasp the entirety of this fraud in detail.
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What is Nixi's response?
This is a tale for the ages to come. I'm going give a glimpse into how I am being played with. As a citizen of India, I have the right to free speech thus I am eligible to write what NIXI has done with me even if it is a part of the Government.

This scammer had written to me on December 24, 2023 yhat the authorities are not responding because NIXI finds me wrong in every aspect. I am going to get "jail term" and I am not going to be "spared" for the DDOS Attacks as well as Cyber Defacement.. So I filed a RTI before NIXI on the very same day - to examine the authenticity of this scammer Mitsu's statement. Of the many information I sought, one important query intended to figure "Why NIXI (particularly Legal NIXI) had not responded to me for even once in four months". I also inquired if this sort of scamming amounts to a valid domain suspension. I had also asked what @nullpc had inquired recently, that if there is any "periodic check" to detect and weed out such "Accredited Scammers".

Two days after filing that RTI, I received a call straight from the NIXI office. They regretted for the lapse from their end. I was given a reason for this four month delay but I knew I was being deceived. FWIW, this call from them meant they had now a way to avoid answering my query through which I wanted to know why exactly NIXI (particularly Legal NIXI) ignored my complaints for over 120 days. I had asked "Does Legal NIXI never reply?"

Nearly 30 days later, rather unexpectedly to me back then, NIXI denied me any answer. They told me I was asking hypothetical queries. Hypothetical since NIXI had called me after the RTI was filed, before the 30 day reply limit was over!

I filed my First Appeal after this. This meant more waiting of almost 30 more days, once again. And the reply I received from NIXI clarified my suspicion that I was being deceived indeed.


The way they mention the "subject" here almost tells you as if I was seeking help with setting up my custom domain from Seems legit right? I was asking NIXI's legal team to help me with my domain settings!!! NIXI writes here that I was given an answer within one hour by which "addressed" my "initial questions".

First, this was the opening paragraph of an extremely lengthy email in question here. The mail was sent to after I received jail threats as well as that 500 rupee demand on call from Mitsu. I didn't even know about the existence of this mail ID until Mitsu sent a fake violation report to that NIXI ID.


It's obvious that I was not asking any questions on this mail to I was reporting a crime by a fraudster. What had replied to this complaint? The following --

You are trying to "extort" money from us by going public and involving in illegal activities so we are suspending your access to all products and services. The violations are listed:

1. You registered domain with "false" information

2. You are not ready to comply when asked for KYC and some third party sent us threats on call and tried to "extort" money

(Note - So according to Mitsu, my sister had called him to extort money.)

3. You are trying to extort money from us by going public and posting "secret" internal communication

4. Violation of all Domain Registration Agreement

According to NIXI, that reply from was the "solution" to my initial query. Note how NIXI writes that the reply was from when the closing of this mail is:

Closing.png CCing while mailing from


NIXI also write that there was never an email after that which was addressed to legal NIXI. had received 10 emails across the span of 120 days. I'm giving a few examples showing that they were directly addressed to

Instance One-

Instance Two -

Instance Three -

I then asked NIXI this which meant a wait of 30 more days once again!! --


Note that I provided NIXI the RTI Reg. No. here and pasted parts of the exact mail I am talking about. That RTI number clarifies exactly which mail I am talking about and I also mention the subject of the mail in question. NIXI knows what mail they were talking about in that RTI and that I am talking about the same mail here. According to what NIXI had replied on the aforementioned RTI, only one solitary mail from me was acknowledged by and was forwarded to before December 26, 2023. But somehow in this reply, NIXI is asking me to provide details of the mail I'm talking about. NIXI is asking "me" the "forward" and "receive" details in response when I was asking for's forward details of a mail written and sent by me to NIXI. I was "not" talking about any mail forwarded by me to here.


Why exactly is this being done?
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More changes (Final post before exams and a decisive result): -- This page now has a brand new section called "Important info: A: B:", copied and pasted from the point #11 on this page in the month of May, 2024. Yeah, that important info section was missing before May!

On April 24, 2024, on post number #143, I had clarified that this page was added in 2024 with that point no #11. So, Mitsu had to add point #11 on a page that existed before 2024.

In March, 2024, after my post number #128, the contact number +919322203242 was entirely removed from the top portion of the Mitsu contact page - and a new line was added in it's place which says that "Emails are the only valid method of support". The number remains visible on the bottom part.

Coming back to me, this has surely eaten up my time that could've been directed in exam preparation but Mitsu went way way too far with their abuse for me to remain silent. Mitsu had crossed a lot of lines that day with how they misbehaved with my sister. This scammer went ahead and wrote to NIXI and NCH that "my sister" was "threatening" and "extorting money" from him. Not once, he wrote this twice in two days, that my sister and I were trying to extort money from him (when this scammer was the one sending repeated 500 rupee threats to me). Everything after that has been just mind boggling amount of abuse.

Scammer has repeatedly lied to the National Internet Exchange of India and National Consumer Helpline; the Government itself. Scammer, you better keep some "power" ready to show to the Government of India. No company is cheap enough to abuse a consumer like this forget claiming confidentiality based AUP violation over a cheap third class response. I am not your relative, employee or anything along that and paying for a product doesn't make me your slave, scammer.

I'm going to put my democratic rights to test and ensure that no student/teacher is ever abused the way I have been.

[Footnotes] :- For those viewing this thread for the very first time or those who are out of the loop: Post number #128 has the organised rundown of the scam's execution as well as the transcriptions of the calls from Mitsu's official contact number +919322203242.

I have received jail threats from Mitsu after being framed as a DDOS Attacker and Cyber Defacer upon demanding for refund. The company then joined this forum from a fake ID GOI-Official to publicly insult me by calling me a "paid propagandist" no less than 10-15 times. The ID profile pic got updated with a Hebrew word when others pointed out that impersonating Government Officials is a punishable offence. The ID then abused me right here by writing that I have written "bullshit". The forum admins got jail threats with a fake court order as well, right here on the forum.

Posts by the fake ID. Count how many times he writes "Paid Propagandist".
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The mystery that is Sanjeev Ramniwas Goyal's auto-reply!

After looking for his mail ID for months, I finally mailed to an address I assumed to be his. I entered his name without his middle name and added the company's email domain name. And it didn't bounce! I succeeded in my very first attempt. So this first mail was composed on Feb 2, 2024 at 2:00 PM. No reply was received that entire day, as expected. Note that.

I replied to that original mail (addressed to the same mail ID ofc) the day later on Feb 3 at 9:22 AM. And a little more than an hour later, his manually written "auto reply" arrived on Feb 3, 2024 at 10:31 AM! Note that phrase - "Manually written auto reply" - Quite the oxymoron isn't it? But it was done and he actually thought I would not notice. The auto-reply addressed me by my last name.

His handwritten "auto reply" was quoting my original mail from a day earlier which was sent on Feb 2, 2024 at 2:00 PM. A bizarre setup isn't it? His inbox was auto-replying not to a mail sent an hour earlier but a mail sent a full day back! I've never heard of an auto-reply service that replies after so long! And the auto reply had arrived from a mail ID that I hadn't sent my mail to. Yes, the "auto reply" was coming from a mail ID that only had his first name in it. The last name was gone!

What was the subject of this auto reply? "Auto Reply:" was added by editing the subject manually but "Re:" remained. .


Ofc, his "auto reply" service stopped working after this once. I replied to this handwritten "auto-reply" on Feb 3, 2024 at 5:25 PM but no response.
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Maybe you should give this up? All this effort for a bit of principle and Rs. 500.
I wish it were just a bit of principle. It's not about 500, the entire 3.1K is yet to be refunded. 3.1k is definitely not worth this insane effort but -- The amount of jail threats I have received is outright insane. Company replied to NCH that I am a paid propagandist who has been paid by their competitors and that I am going to jail for DDOS attacks. Forget me for a sec. What had my sister done? This scammer wrote twice in two days that my sister had called him to threaten and extort money from him. That is lowest low one can stoop to. She is a woman with dignity and has nothing to do with my domain. She had called to inquire why I was being threatened and that call earned her this"extortioner" tag.

Have I wasted my time by posting so much? Surely. Is it all in vein? Probably not. If nothing this thread will serve as an example for the resistance. This incident is an example as to how hard it is for a common man to get justice.

[Footnotes] :- For those viewing this thread for the very first time or those who are out of the loop: Post number #128 has the organised rundown of the scam's execution as well as the transcriptions of the calls from Mitsu's official contact number.

I have received jail threats from Mitsu after being framed as a DDOS Attacker and Cyber Defacer upon demanding for refund. The company then joined this forum from a fake ID GOI-Official to publicly insult me by calling me a "paid propagandist" no less than 10-15 times. The ID profile pic got updated with a Hebrew word when others pointed out that impersonating Government Officials is a punishable offence. The ID then abused me right here by writing that I have written "bullshit". The forum admins got jail threats with a fake court order as well, right here on the forum.

Posts by the fake ID. Count how many times he writes "Paid Propagandist".
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Here is a compilation of the jail threats I have received from The grand total is 13 (Thirteen). Imagine that. This was never about just the principles or the money I lost:

Jail Threat 1 : September 6, 2023 at 12.15 PM - I was sent direct jail threats on call from this number +919322203242. The freak screamed that I was "playing" with the "Government of India" and that my case was referred to them.

Jail threat 2 : September 6, 2023 at 12.28 PM - writes to me and NIXI that I am liable for legal actions for publishing "internal communication" aka the third class abusive threat. Obviously the manufactured lie that I failed to update the address was included after the aforementioned threat on call.

Jail Threat 3 : September 6, 2023 at ~3.00 PM - Like a disgusting freak, the same guy from this number +919322203242 misbehaves with my sister and sends me more direct jail threats. He screams to her despite her repeatedly asking him to talk professionally. Obviously, he goes ahead and screams like a troll to her, "That boy will be blacklisted all over India."

Jail Threat 4 : September 6, 2023 at 3:51 PM - writes to me that they are initiating actions within legal framework since I and my sister were trying to "extort" money from them. It's also written that I had provided "false" information, that I am "not ready" to comply with KYC and that I was trying to harm their reputation by involving in "illegal activities" (Posting my review on's abuse with proof). I am told to wait for the reply of the authorities who I had complained to. (So according to, it is within his rights to abuse me and send threats after threats and I am supposed to keep a mum about that. It never crossed his mind that him abusing me and sending me monetary threats was the actual illegal thing.)

Jail Threat 5 : September 7, 2023 at 11:34 AM - writes to me that he is contacting my "State Police" for my "cyber crimes". He writes again that me and my sister were blackmailing and trying money extortion from him. In the previous threat, he wrote "Wait for the authorities to reply" but suddenly he changes his mind and suspends the domain before any response from NIXI or NCH.

Jail Threat 6 : October 25, 2023 at 11:48 AM - writes that my case is already referred to the Cyber Crime Cell. He writes that "I need to pay the price" for not complying and posting the email screenshot of their third class abuse. "Delete all posts and apologise to us" is what I was ordered by the scammer.

Jail Threat 7 : November 2, 2023 at 2:08 PM - writes that I am liable for punishment. He writes, "Hope TechEnclave helps you now". "Delete all false stories you posted with internal communications.", I am a ordered once again. For the very first time, he writes about Nodal Officer. So he abuses me, sends me monetary threats, jail threats and still expects that I contact his "escalation - complaint mechanism" while keeping a mum.

Jail Threat 8 : December 7, 2023 at 12:32 PM - writes that I carried out DDOS attacks on them and that I am trying to act "over-smart". "We'll not spare you" - I am told.

Jail Threat 9 : December 22, 2023 at 10:37 AM - writes that I am responsible for "Cyber Defacement" attacks on his site. "We are collecting evidences" - they write.

Jail Threat 10 : December 24, 2023 at 11:48 AM - writes to me, "We know that you did DDOS Attacks and Cyber Defacement. Get ready to face high level actions from us. We are not going to spare you." "Your mail is blocked and put to spam since you're harassing us by mailing."

Jail Threat 11 : December 28, 2023 at 10.56 AM - from this fake ID GOI-Official writes that I am going to face legal action.

Jail Threat 12 : December 30, 2023 at 10.53 AM - GOI-Official writes that I am now part of a Delhi High Court lawsuit.

Jail Threat 13 : Somewhere between January last and February First week - tell NCH that I am a paid propagandist who attempted DDOS attacks on them for which they are coordinating with the Cryber Crime Cell. They tell NCH to punish me.

---> Below is a screenshot from a complaint mail sent to Mitsu, NIXI and NCH on November 2, 2023. I had wrtitten that I had lost the motivation to fight. Somehow wrote from the fake ID GOI-Official here that I never wanted my domain and that I am a paid propagandist.


This incident was my very first encounter with the actual "babu culture" that has long been associated with our country. Am I generalising the entire nation? No. Do they exist? Unfortunately, a massive "yes". A little scrutiny here reveals that this company "" is run on the principles of that repulsive "babu culture". "Babu" had a problem when I "argued" because he thinks he is above me and that I have no right to voice my opinion. "Babu" called me a child who he was "sparing" because he couldn't digest the fact that I was not submissive.

"He 'argued' with the Registrar Team" - This is the phrase that has been repeated by for countless times. I don't know what the guy thinks of himself. But the time for disillusionment has arrived.
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My apologies. Could give a summary of this? As per last update, i am only aware with limitation of 2 domains per person for .in cctld. I have two domains and both on mitsu and it's look like things are really bad here. I moved my domains to mistu year ago because of the 10years deal.

are they threating us to put in jail because we have not put the correct address and they can also suspend the account?

as far i am ware managing 100+ domains, some registrar offer domain deletion for .com and offer refund like dynadot. Once you paid assume you will get this. I understand they need correct details for whois but suspending account is not right. Second Account verification need to be done as per business only if GSTIN id is given otherwise masked aadhaar based verification must work.

Why they have made it so complicated. I get it if you can't help with dns changes but only if mitsu nameserver is not being used.

I don't know a top tier .in registrar going this far. This is brutal. Whois must be protected for .in too. We see thousands of spams.

I will offer my help if i understand the whole story, for now moving those domains outside from mistu to spaceship.
Could give a summary of this? As per last update, i am only aware with limitation of 2 domains per person for .in cctld. I have two domains and both on mitsu and it's look like things are really bad here. I moved my domains to mistu year ago because of the 10years deal.
This reply is going to be extremely lengthy so I hope you go through it. First of all, I am a student and had purchased this domain to teach fellow students (From primary school to university level). It was an ambitious undertaking. I request you to spread the word as many places as you possibly can. Please post the link of this particular post that includes the A-Z of this scam. My efforts for justice must not go in vain and the company must face the consequences of the gross human rights violation and aggressive cyber-bullying it has subjected me to. Why was my sister's dignity attacked repeatedly? She has no products from Mitsu and has nothing to do with them! I bet you've never seen a scam operation like this. I'll post the entire scam's detailed summary right here. Again please read it and spread the word. They made me submit my Aadhaar, figured my age and realised that I am young student who they could bully with jail and life threats.
are they threating us to put in jail because we have not put the correct address and they can also suspend the account?
The initial jail threats were sent for that and posting their "secret" "confidential" communication aka cheap third class abuse. As December, 2023 approached, they started sending me jail threats citing fictional cyber crimes i.e. DDOS Attacks, Cyber Defacement and what-else that they probably saw in their REM Sleep. No words to describe these scammers. My address input was correct. My name, mail, contact, city, pin was entered accurately. I didn't know that I was supposed to enter my doorstep address since my home residence isn't the educational institution that my domain name went by. My account was "manually suspended" without alert whilst replying to my support query. Yes, they literally replied "manually" that my account is suspended since I provided improper/unacceptable contact info. I got abused with monetary threats when I asked them to be more transparent about this "no-alert manual suspension" and inquired where and how to submit my Aadhaar. I got scared and submitted my full Aadhaar. My Mitsu account was then restored and Mitsu's support aka then sent one more 500 rupee threat and remained "mysteriously" silent for 48 hours without replying to any of my five (5) mails and then suddenly called me and screamed that my domain was suspended. So here you go. It's going to be lengthy but I need to be heard:

Sun, Sep 3, 2023 8:XX PM: A .in domain is purchased by me from Mitsu Inc to teach students free of cost. The domain goes by the name of an institution which doesn’t exist. This is my very first domain purchase so I get confused in the sign up field upon seeing the boxes mentioning Company/Institution Details, GST ID etc. Since my home residence doesn’t happen to be the said institution, I end up writing the name of my city in the address field. Back then, I was not aware that the Registrant is required to enter his doorstep address when the company/institution doesn’t exist. All info is entered accurately and I hit the bed with hopes to start posting educational content the next morning.

Sun, Sep 3, 2023, 9:46 PM: I send a mail seeking a little help with setting it up.


Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 10:20 AM: I get a reply from that my Mitsu account had been suspended. It was not a pre-entered template. literally writes that "First of all you need to complete KYC for providing "unacceptable" contact info, then only any support will be provided." I am threatened as though I am a scammer. They demand my Govt ID and tell me that my domain is getting suspended in just 48 hours if I don’t comply immediately. My account is suspended "manually" by before I could even reply.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 10:21 AM: A legal template is sent from saying that my Mitsu account was suspended. This further clarifies that the suspension was done "manually" otherwise this legal template should've arrived long before replied.

Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 10:48 AM: 28 minutes later, I send a reply to expressing my respectful dissatisfaction over this sudden suspension. I write that I have no intentions to ‘violate’ or ‘not comply’ with any regulations and request them to let me know where I was supposed to send them my Govt ID, on Gmail or on their Mitsu site. I also ask them if popular registrars such as GoDaddy, Hosinger, require Govt ID to use a domain. When I received that account suspension mail, I still wasn’t sure why I was facing that. In my mind, I am still not a company. Their suspension mail didn’t say that my address was incomplete. It just said that my contact info was improper. I suspected I had mistyped something else. (The red underlines are inserted in in the edits here to highlight the important lines.)


Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:04 AM: The response I receive from them made me rethink my life decisions. I wish I had gone with GoDaddy and paid more. I have never heard of any company replying to their paid consumer in this manner. replies, "We donot like customer who try to teach us the things. We donot need a advise from you, we donot want that a customer to give us any advise after violation of instructions. SO donot teach us. Now for all this exercise of your fault we will charge you (INR 500).”


Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:22 AM: Just 18 minutes after that 500 rupee threat, I submit my Govt ID in reply to mentioning that I was asking for clarifications and wasn’t trying to teach them anything. I am scared at this point.


Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 12:15 PM: replies that my Mitsu account had been un-suspended. I am given a 48 hour deadline to update my contact info without any documentation, video guide or written help but with another INR 500 (USD 6.01) threat. Yes, no instructions but a threat that they’ll charge that amount if they do it. I was given a deadline as if once again, I am a scammer. He verified everything from my Aadhaar and still replied like this. (Note that I am still not sure if I am to update anything else other than my doorstep address.)


Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 1.27: PM: Mitsu’s control panel lags behind in UI compared to all other modern registrars. It's stuck in 2000s. I look up on YouTube and don’t find any videos by Mitsu. To ensure that I am doing it right, I note down all my steps one by one and mail it in my reply to Mitsu Support to confirm that my steps are correct. Yes, as a consumer, I sent my handwritten instructions manual to Mitsu to confirm my steps. Probably the first such instance in the history of the internet. I also ask them if I need to update anything beyond my home address. No response for 23 hours.


Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 4:07 PM:
Three hour pass awaiting their response. So I go ahead and update my domain contact info per the steps aforementioned by me. I ask them in this reply to confirm if my update was reflecting on my WHOIS details. They redact the contact info of all the domains in public WHOIS queries so I have no way to check it myself. I receive no response for the entire day. As night approaches, I get anxious and post this harassment here with screenshots of their unacceptable abuse.


Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 10:31 AM: Still no response. I send them another mail telling them in clear English that I had updated my contact info my home address. I request them to confirm that I was not violating any regulations now.


(Note, from hereinafter, I cannot post the screenshots of the mails from Mitsu since they have updated their legal agreement to make all their interactions confidential and

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 11:43 AM: finally reply after 23+ hours are over from the 48 hour deadline. They send me two KB Articles in reply to my query when I had written them that the job was over.

Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 11:44 AM: Just one minute after that, return question me if I had not followed the steps mentioned in the KB articles. Yep, literally a question from them and nothing else. The Mitsu admin had suddenly forgotten how to check the Registrant WHOIS details. Instead of telling me if I was still missing anything, they ask me in return. That’s golden. This one line question is all they replied.


Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 12:16 PM: 24 hours are officially over. I begin worrying. I go through both KB articles thoroughly and ensure that I have followed the steps. I reply to Mitsu Support that I have updated my contact info with my home address. I ask them if I need to do anything beyond that. I request them to confirm if I am still violating any regulations. No response.


Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 1:XX PM:
I get frustrated from the silence. I call them on their support contact number +919322203242 to ask why they were not responding to my mails. The guy picks up the call, doesn't introduce himself and before I could utter a word, he tells me that from that very day, their call support has ended. Totally a coincidence right? They tell me to mail anything I want help on and hang up the call. Their support page gets updated the next day with a new line ‘Call support discontinued’ and the mail response timings are increased nearly two folds. New lines added "Phone Support Discontinued", " easy with Email!", " just send us a mail".

Screenshot of Mitsu Contact Page on September 5, 2023:


And on September 6, 2023:


Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 3:05 PM:
I begin panicking and reply once again to confirm if I am still violating any regulations. I tell them that I am no violator since my initial mistake was not wilful and I have been responding at a rapid pace to ensure the safety of my domain. I tell them that I am unable to focus on my work owing to their silence. No response. No response that entire day. No response until the final minute of that 48 hour deadline.


Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 12:15 PM:
(Deadline had started on Sept 4, 2023 at 12.15 PM) I get a surprise call from their support number +919322203242. Mitsu was ready with the phone in its hands, waiting for the clock to hit 12.15 PM. Here is the transcription of the call received from +919322203242 on September 6, 2023 at 12.15 PM:

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively)
Yeah.... Can send us your complete phone number and address? We are filing a police complaint on you as well as TechEnclave for declaring the complete internal communication on the website. You're a small child of 2X years and you don't know the exact legal implications of posting the "secret" internal communication on the website.

(Note : They were asking me my number while being on a call with me. They were asking me for my address 48 hours after receiving my full unmasked Aadhaar. They figured my age from my Aadhaar but pretended to not know the address. Mitsu Magic! Speaks volumes as to why this call was made.)

Me: (In threatened voice) What did I do?

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively) You have posted the complete "internal communication" on the public website. There is a legal contract between you and us to keep all the conversations a secret. Now you as well as TechEnclave will have to answer why you've made it public.

(Note: So he tells here that he was filing a police complaint on me and TechEnclave for the "secret" communication where he abused me. Here is the secret communication once again.)

"We donot like customer who try to teach us the things. We donot need a advise from you, we donot want that a customer to give us any advise after violation of instructions. SO donot teach us. Now for all this exercise of your fault we will charge you (INR 500).”

Me: (In threatened voice) Where is it written that I am to keep it all a secret?

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively) Where to keep it a secret? Go to the legal agreements section. During sign up, you ticked a box "I agree and am bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement." You can write that a we had a conversation like this but you can't post the exact mail that was written to you. You are making a mistake and above that filing a complaint? No problem, you can file anywhere you want but you and TechEnclave will have to answer why you've made it public.

Me: (In threatened voice) Ok, I'm gonna remove the mail screenshots, okay?

(Note: I'd never surrender to this bullying by removing the screenshots but I uttered this line as I was put completely off guard with the jail threats. He wanted the entire thread removed to keep this scandal a secret.)

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively) No no no, sir. Don't remove it, sir. We've already sent a legal notice to TechEnclave. Our legal team has already sent a legal notice to TechEncalve. Secondly, you've not updated your contact details properly. We "just" checked it. You're playing with the government of India. Your domain is suspended now, do whatever you want to do.

(Note : So this scammer 'just' checked it, not before that when I had asked him five (5) times well before this deadline after sending him my own handwritten instructions manual. This scammer knew that the update was complete and he wouldn't be able to force me into paying 500 Rupees extra unless he went 'mysteriously' silent. He couldn't reply 'yes' becuase if he did that, there would be no room left for extortion. He couldn't reply 'no' cuz if he did that, I'd ask somebody else eg. my relatives or any of the members here on TechEncalve to confirm the same for me. A scammer like Mitsu knows when and how to stay silent. His goal was to extort that 500 INR extra with 'silence' as he writes on the site: "If KYC is updated by us after suspension then the same is chargeable to Rs.500 per incident." Also note how he screamed 'your domain is suspended now' 23 hours before the actual domain suspension.)

Me: (In threatened voice) I have done it.

Mitsu: (Screams even more aggressively) You've not changed anything, we 'just' checked it.

(Note: 'Accredited' Scammer 'just' checked it, once again. He was on sleeping pills before this.)

Me: (In even more threatened voice) I have sent you 10 (Actually 6) mails, you're not replying. I've done it. I've been asking you to confirm it. You're not replying.

Mitsu: (Screams way too aggressively) You've not done anything we just checked it. WE ARE NOT HERE TO DO THE DUTY FOR YOU. WE SAID WE'LL CHARGE 500 RUPEES IF WE CHANGE IT. Your case is referred to the Government of India. You're playing with the Government of India. Do whatever you want to do. WE ARE SUSPENDING YOUR DOMAIN.

(Note: Yeah scammer Mitsu, that's one way to avoid answering the actual question. I never wrote to Mitsu that I failed to do it. Never asked Mitsu to do it for me. I had written in over five replies that the update was complete, confirm the same from your end so that I can work in peace. Scammer Mitsu knows to how to skill-fully change the line. Bloody lowlife, filthy scammer wanted that 500 rupees at all costs. SCAMMER RECEIVED MY PAYMENT BUT HE WAS NOT READY TO PROVIDE SUPPORT. I never asked him do it and was repeatedly asking for the confirmation that my domain was safe.)

Me: (In shaking voice) You're playing with me, right? You're playing with me, right? You're playing with me right?

- Mitsu hangs up the call triumphantly -

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 12:28 PM: replies to me and Legal NIXI ( that I had failed to update contact info and violated .IN Registry regulations. That I am liable for legal actions for posting their "secret internal communication". Oh, okay? I scroll down and see the screenshot with ‘proof’.. And voila! My address update had been undone! Yes, my address had somehow magically been reset back to my sign up input. They undid that update and entered the name of my city back in. I scroll down further and find that had UNQUOTED all the interactions following my Govt ID submission on Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:22 AM. Yep, they told NIXI that nothing happened after that. I understood much later why they ignored all my requests. They couldn’t reply NO as the update had been done. Had they said no, I’d ask somebody else to confirm that for me and it’d be clear that my update had indeed been completed. Had they said yes, they’d not be able to force me into paying that INR 500 extra after lying to NIXI! They had waited out the period and I must pay them now if I am to get my domain back.


Sep 6, 2023, 12:56 PM: 28 minutes later, replies me with intimidation to remove my public feedback. Unlike, quotes my very last reply to them i.e. Tue, Sep 5, 2023, 3:05 PM. It’s very clear what trick they were playing here: That wasn’t updated about the updates sent to

Fraud support.png

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 2:31 PM: I mail Legal NIXI ( and NCH ( detailing the game Mitsu was playing with me and include Mitsu Support’s mail ID in the recipient IDs. I quote’s last reply to me from Sep 6, 2023, 12:56 PM and by doing that, I ensure that all the interactions actually reach NIXI including the ones unquoted by I mention that my address update had been undone after Mitsu waited out the 48 hours intentionally and that they were now forcing me to pay INR 500 or lose my domain. This was a well planned scam tactic to over-charge me.


Wed, Sep 6, 2023, around 3 PM: My sister calls them on +919322203242 to inquire why they were doing all this. Here is the transcription of that call:

Mitsu: (Screams) He has still not removed the 'letter' from the website. He has written to the Government of India as well as to me, that it's me that I am trying to extort the money from him.

(Note: Who is the 'I' here? The man screaming here is the same man that had picked up my call on September 5, 2023. It's the same man who had abused me on September 6, 2023 at 12.15 PM. Who exactly is Mitsu Support? Why is he present every time anybody calls on the support number? This is bound to be the job of a solo fraud.)

My sister: You're talking about the current E-mail. I am talking about the issue at hand.

Mitsu: (Screams) Madam, he has written to the Government of India that I am trying to extort the money from him. I will... We'll take it very seriously now. Now we'll not give any relent. "You're not seeing" anything, so you don't call me anytime now.

(Note - The scammer appears to have an identity crisis here. He is confused between "I/Me" and "We/Us". This is not normal. This is most likely a solo fraud who has to pretend that there is a team. This team is likely entirely fictional.)

My sister: I have seen the mail and whatever conversations that he has had. He has only pinpointed what exactly happened. Nobody is calling you. You only called and scared us that we'll do things.

Mitsu: (Screams) No no no no no no no no no.. (Mitsu's mouth is almost touching his phone mic as he repeats all those "no-no"s) He has written to the Government that I tried to extort the money from him. Now, I will show you how to (Extort the money).

(Note - My sister intervened before he could say that he was going to show her how to extort money)

My sister: You need to talk professionally.

Mitsu (Screams): He made a mistake that's why we sent him a mail na. We were 'sparing' you. Nobody will help you when you provide 'false' information. He is doing this under your instructions and you're just pretending a base ki we are the correct person. Now we will file a police complaint.

(Note - This scammer was now sparing my sister as well. Whatever that means.)

My sister: What is 'false' information? We are the resident of city _____. We have been living here for decades. What is the 'false' information?

Mitsu: (Screams) Where is the address? You provided the wrong information na.

(Note - This scammer was now starting this from square one where he is gonna pretend that he didn't just scam me.)

My sister: What is 'wrong' information. We are the resident of _____.

Mitsu: (Screams) So what madam, you're not living in the Prime Minister's house. Who is going to trace you when some crime takes place in the future?

My sister: What crime? If anything happens, the onus is upon us to take care of that.

Mitsu: (Screams) It's a government rule. Why are you arguing na?

My sister: Sir, you need to talk professionally. You don't deserve to be in whatever position you are in right now.

Mitsu: (Screams aggressively): Ya ya ya, you're a professional and you're trying to extort the money from us by filing a false complaint, now we'll show you the power.

My sister: You need to talk like a professional first.


My sister: Sir, you need psychiatric treatment. I'm going to report this to law enforcement.

Mitsu: (Roars like a maniac with his mouth literally touching the phone mic) YOUR ACCOUNT IS SUSPENDED NOW. YOUR DOMAIN IS SUSPENDED NOW. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT YO DO. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO USE ANY SERVICES. Now you go to the court.

(Note: This is the second time he screamed "Your domain is suspended now" and it's still 20 hours before the actual suspension.)

My sister: To the same court okay.

Mitsu: Na na, you filed a complaint na.

- Sister hangs up the call -

(Point in question, who is that ‘I/Me’ on call? Just another Mitsu employee? Really? A random employee took my report personally when I was addressing Mitsu? Are you getting this? Can you guess who that ‘I/Me’ is? Well, duh! So the forced overcharge was attempted and when I informed that to the authorities, 'he' couldn’t digest the fact that I had reported 'him'. Again, you can easily guess who that 'I/Me/He/Him' is.)

Wed, Sep 6, 2023, 3:51 PM: doesn’t reply to that even though it’s a legal matter for them. Mitsu replies from this time quoting my complaint mail to NCH. Info@mitsu mails their response to me and includes, NIXI Legal - and NCH - in CC. doesn’t include in CC since the mail by me that they were replying to included all the earlier mails sent by me as sub-quotes. The 'closing' and 'signature' of this mail by reads, “Mitsu Support Team”, mailto : Yes, mailed from and added as CC but NOT Are you following this? They had to keep away from this mail at all costs as they would suspend my domain from the next day.

Mail to:




Thu, Sep 7, 2023, 11:34 AM
: Before any from NIXI or NCH, my domain gets suspended by Mitsu and mails to and me saying that Customer is NOT ready to comply with Govt ID and he as well as his accomplice are 'threatening', ‘blackmailing’, ‘defaming’ us to ‘extort’ money from us." I scroll down. Same screenshot with forgery from yesterday. I scroll down further. Oops! My GOVT ID SUBMISSION REPLY WAS MISSING from here! That reply is also UNQUOTED from here. So NIXI was alerted that I never provided my Govt ID and that I never replied to Mitsu Support’s reply on Mon, Sep 4, 2023, 11:04 AM. All replies after that are UNQUOTED from this mail. Ok, that’s too much lying. They had to do all this since they had undone my address update. How would they lie otherwise? They write in this suspension mail that I had magically become a cyber criminal and that they were contacting my state police for my ‘crimes’. Well, this was just a mere glimpse of the criminal intimidation I have subjected to with fake threats.


Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 10:14 PM: I catch the cheap trick Mitsu was playing by quoting different replies from two different IDs I.e and So I quote my complaint to NCH (thereby all my previous mails to and mail both and and inform the about all the updates in case they were magically missing out on. No response to this day.


Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 10:43 PM:
I mail a standalone mail outside this original mail thread to and informing the Mitsu Legal team that they were quoting the older mails from Sep 4, 2023 morning and pretending to be mysteriously unaware of all the updates after that. I also attach screenshots of all the mails that had been unquoted by my domain suspension mail. No response to this day.


Sun, Sep 10, 2023, 10:XX PM:
I mail and to return me my illegally suspended domain. I respectfully inform them that I’ll migrate to a different Registrar after 60 days and never mail them again. No response to this day.


Mon, Sep 11, 2023, 2:08 PM:
I send the same registrar migration mail again to,,,, No response to this day.


I keep mailing NCH, Mitsu and NIXI on different support mail IDs alongside their Legal mail ID in a bid to end this scam and regain access to my domain. No response from anywhere.

Tue, Oct 24, 2023, 12:09 AM:
I begin losing hope. I request and to refund me since I never received the service I had paid for. I write them that I trusted them and request them to provide me written assurance that my Govt ID is not going to be misused by them since they had sent me open threats to do so.


Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 11:48 AM: replies that they won’t refund me. They threaten me again of jail threats and order me to remove my public grievance on the other forum. They intimidate me further by writing that I worked to ‘disrepute’ them and that I am liable for legal actions. Since I had requested them for written assurance to not misuse my Govt ID, they write me in return to “APOLOGIZE TO MITSU”. Yep, I need to apologize to them and remove all my grievances for them to not misuse my Govt ID.

Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 1:21PM:
I mail,, and once again requesting the refund since I never received the service.


Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 2:08 PM: replies only to me and repeats their fake response of WHOIS compliance violation, confidentiality agreement violation and tells me that I am pretending to be innocent and trying to be "over-smart". They write that I am liable for "punishment" and I am denied refund. I am threatened again to remove my public grievance and “APOLOGIZE TO MITSU.”

Wed, Dec 6, 2023, 8:31 PM:
I mail,, and once more and request Mitsu the refund again. On the same day, I read an article on the misuse of Govt ID and write here on this thread that Mitsu is to be held liable for any misuse of my ID starting from Sep 4, 2023.


Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 12:32 PM: Mitsu Legal replies only me (No NCH or NIXI in CC) that I am not eligible for a response for them but liable to punishments for fresh new cyber crimes. They suddenly start accusing me of fictional DDOS Attacks and ‘Other’ Cyber attacks and crimes. What that other means is known only to the fantasy author that is They angrily write me to stop doing all ‘illegal activities’ that they probably saw in their REM sleep. At this point, I have not visited for over two months. But I still panic since they do have my IP and Govt ID which they might just misuse anytime.

Thu, Dec 7, 2023, 1:XX PM: I reply to Mitsu that they get full 10 points for drama but I had not signed up for any. I ask them again to refund. They never replied to this.


Tue, Dec 19, 2023, 7:43 PM: I mail and once again for refund.


Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 10:12 AM: reply that I should ask the TechEnclave forum admins for my domain and refund.

Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 2:35 PM:
I reply to that there is going to repercussions of all this bullying.


Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 7:56 PM: replies that this reply from me proves that I am a Cyber Attacker. Yes, my line that “there will be repercussions of their bullying” proved that I am a criminal. This is full blown criminal intimidation at this point.

Thu, Dec 21, 2023, 6:28 PM:
I reply to that they should try their luck in movies. I am actually scared at this point since they have all my personal info including my IP that they could potentially misuse.


Dec 22, 2023, 10:37 AM: gets angry. They reply that I had magically turned into ‘Cyber Defacer’! They 'order' me again to stop doing all these 'fictional cyber crimes'. I am sent jail threats once again. I am told that I still have some time to rectify my mistakes stop cyber defacing. Mitsu forgot to write DDOS Attacker this time, unfortunately. I mean consistency man, at least lie with consistency! I mention here on TechEnclave how they forgot to write DDOS Attacker this time.

Sun, Dec 24, 2023, 11:15 AM: I mail and one last time requesting them to allow me to migrate to a different Registrar.


Sun, Dec 24, 2023, 11:48 AM:, taking the lesson from my public grievance thread, mentions DDOS Attack alongside Cyber Defacing and 'others' as my cyber crimes this time. Mitsu tells me that they are not sparing me and taking legal actions now. They inform me that my mail ID is now blocked and put to spam.

Dec 27, 2023 at 4.00 PM: A fake ID named GOI Official is created by without any profile picture to make people think that some Government Of India employee was posting. After all this abuse, he writes that there is no proof that mailed me like that. I am called a paid propagandist and asked why I didn't contact escalation.

Fake GOI without DP.png

Dec 28, 2023 at 10.56 AM - A new DP is added to the profile with some Hebrew words. Mitsu calls the members of this forum "dreamers" and "idiots" for thinking that GOI means Government of India. He enlightens everybody how PM doesn't mean Prime Minister. from this fake ID GOI-Official writes that I am going to face legal action.

Dec 30, 2023 at 10.53 AM - GOI-Official writes that I am now part of a Delhi High Court lawsuit. He writes that I don't have guts to complaint and that I have written "BULLSHIT".

You can check the following posts to see what other changes they have made to their site and legal agreement to continue this bullying. As you saw above, that contact page was changed instantly. But that's not all.
1. Changes to Legal Agreement to cover up this scam. Plastering "KYC Mandatory" on their home page and basically all over their site. -

2. Fresh inclusion of "Confidential Template" across all their mails. Mitsu:

i) Removed their call support exactly the day after I called them to enquire why they were intentionally avoiding my address update confirmation updates.
ii) Updated their legal agreements on the same day they called and sent me as well my sister 'personal threats'.
iii) Started including a 'Confidentiality' alert in their standard mail/reply template which states 'Whatever they reply can't be posted anywhere online'.
iv). Asking me to delete this thread and send them a 'APOLOGY'! Yes, they want an apology from me!

3. Creation of a brand new refund page in Feb-March 2024 and the use of the updated legal agreement to deny me any refund or my domain.

i) Post #141 -
ii) Post #143 -
iii) Post #145 -
iv) Post #150 -


  • Fake GOI without DP.png
    Fake GOI without DP.png
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Thank you @rootyme for reposting the summary for me.

1. You signup to purchase one xyz (.in) domain and have put the address. You can't be forced to enter house number/flat number or anything. Area with pincode, district and city will work.
2. Aadhaar is only for the account verification and generally not required in 99.9% cases. Domain verification or Whois address mostly go through email verification for the domain address.
3. Domain once purchased are non-refundable in most cases.
4. Domain can't be suspended for whois inaccuracy even we have the proper city, pin, state is there. I never found the suspension and have used different whois address for like 20+ domains.
4. My address was however fully filled and they should have not asked for any amount apart from account verification to match with the whois. Also, this is strange that you can't have different whois purchased on behalf of a friend or family.
5. The support person at mitsu acting like a person sitting on a government job.
6. I have seen good, bad, best and worst after using 80+ domain registrars. Mitsu need a different scale.
7. I don't see your fault for asking about this suspension. They got triggered. Attaching a young person like you is wrong. They are a company and need some ethical and moral standards. Foreign registrars are amazing.
8. I have raj (.dk) domain from denmark which i registered as a business and the punktum(.dk handler) they asked for my business details and i given them. They were really good later i switched it to personal as no document was needed for personal registration.
9. We don't know why they are here. They could have waived off the fee as you already mentioned them it is your first domain.
10. This whole thing is very concerning for all the .in domain holders. if nixi can't handle this, i will be afraid to use this tld for any work.
11. Don't panic. You are right. Consumer Protection act gives the power to get your money back in deficiency of the service.
12. I would recommend asking them politely to give the account and domain back and get it transferred after 60days or 1year.
13. I am always available to help, if you need a .com instead of .in, will offer you a lifetime of free hosting and will setup a WordPress website if you want.
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I would recommend asking them politely to give the account and domain back and get it transferred after 60days or 1year.
Man I think you have missed a good deal of what I had posted. My domain is over 10 months old now. I have asked politely for over 20-30 times now. I was abused and my domain was put on hold after being suspended illegally on September 7, 2023. They basically scammed me, denied me domain, refund or transfer to any other registrar. I was way way too polite even after I received threats to "BLACKLISTED PAN INDIA". Mitsu's CEO knows all about this.

Sun, Sep 10, 2023, 10:XX PM: I mail and to return me my illegally suspended domain. I respectfully inform them that I’ll migrate to a different Registrar after 60 days and never mail them again. No response to this day.


Mon, Sep 11, 2023, 2:08 PM:
I send the same registrar migration mail again to,,,, No response to this day.


I keep mailing NCH, Mitsu and NIXI on different support mail IDs alongside their Legal mail ID in a bid to end this scam and regain access to my domain. No response from anywhere.

I have been polite repeatedly in the past. Please read the entire post. In any case, here is the TLDR:
  1. Pathetic unprofessional behaviour
  2. Harassment
  3. Repeated 500 rupee threats
  4. Wilful non-cooperation
  5. Domain suspension with deceptive lies to legal@nixi
  6. Bullying (A lot of it)
  7. Misbehaving with my sister and screaming to her
  8. Personal life threats on call (To wipe my presence from India), jail threats on call
  9. More jail threats upon request for refund (On mails)
  10. Even more jail threats with 'fictional cyber crime allegations' upon further request for refund (On mails)
  11. Public defamation from fake ID titled 'GOI-Official' (GOI - Government Of India) by calling me a "paid propagandist" 10-15 times
  12. No domain or refund
  13. Denial of migration to any different Registrar
  14. Further defamation by writing to NCH that I am a "paid propagandist"
You wanna switch to .com or .net ? or .org These tlds cost more but the protection will be given from global. I am already fed up with the system including NCH, pgportal in my jioairfiber case. These people are evil and the officials are nurturing them because of the money they get paid under the tree.
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