Marcus Fenix
In developer terms COVAXIN is unit tested in India only. No UAT has been done by a 3rd party who has no horse in the race.My father got vaccinated with Covaxin, he was hesistant but went through with it. They had finally released the effeciency and trial results for the Covaxin sometime after his first dosage. During his second/last dosage he found that the Covaxin is no longer available anywhere except his booth. The only vaccine we are eligible for currently is Covishield at our area and I refuse to administer it into my body. Can anyone let me know if it's safe or effective as Covaxin?
It's kind of like a developer saying that his/her code is unit tested and has 0 bugs. No one would put that code in Production even in non-life threatening IT systems.
As for Covishield it was used in full scale deployment in UK since it was developed at Oxford.The total dataset from UK used for analyzing side effects is much more accurate compared to COVAXIN.

Covid vaccine: How many people are vaccinated in the UK?
A look at progress made in vaccinating the country, as more than 52 million people have received at least one dose and 38 million have had a booster or third dose.

As for yourself at this point beggars cannot be choosers. Get whichover one is available.
My uncle on my father's side died as he had not gone for vaccination. But 2 of my uncles on my mom's side had gotten COVAXIN 1st dose and survived the virus after 7-10 days.
Similar case happened to one of my colleague's father and another colleague;s 87 year old grandma both of whom had received 1st doses of Covishield and survived a bout.
The vaccine just increases your fighting chance.