No argument thereSerum Institute did contract manufacturing for Covidshield. We did not develop this vaccine.
2% are pretty low odds. While exceptions are always there, they don't make the ruleAnd this is the problem where one feels he has won the war just because everything went fine with him and expects the others too to follow irrespective of the sufferings.
People like you clearly fail to understand that not all 5 fingers are similar and that different bodies react differently. It's like, if you are not having an allergy consuming a particular food item and if the other person suffers you will simply keep defending on your pov because you are not the sufferer here while claiming the others suffering sheer baseless.
I can sense a person with artificial limbs and shoes which never get hurt so no wonder he doesn't feel the pain.
Let me rephrase.I hope you are right, but I feel that many are assuming that two shot vaccines can not have long term adverse effects, which is good if its just hope, but tricky if its a belief when it comes to objectively looking at the need for more transparency and data, and most importantly learning lessons for future pandemics/vaccine mandates (if necessary).
Why is a booster shot required? Because efficacy of the first two reduces over time.
If you think there are long term adverse effects then hold off on booster shots.
I'd wait for more research because these trials and papers tend to contradict each other. You want a series of tests conducted in different countries showing a trend. We're not there yetOld vaccine platforms might hopefully have lower risks of long term adverse consequences than MRNA, but now there is emerging evidence that observed risks including in AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 are significantly higher than those estimated in stage 3 trials, so I would not be so sure, especially given the fact that trials were rushed which hurt the quality of the trials across vaccines, and possibly made the trials meaningless.
I still think taking the two shots and then holding off is the sweet spot in terms of risk. Should you contract it after you have better chances of recovering than not.
If you then hold off on boosters you delay any long term effects. Thing is my niece said she wanted to get a booster because she did not like getting covid. So there is a psych element here too.
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