Such as ?There are around 11 lakhs people in quarantine across all parts of India, however the method of contact tracing defies all rules/ laws of epidemiology. There are definitive rules of quarantine for diseases with more than 60 percent asymptomatic cases, but NOTHING has been implemented.
What exactly does this help entail ?They should have asked for help a month ago.
Why ? ever since independence this country has been slated to fail. People still continue to make such predictions and when the results don't show end up looking like dunces.It's a miracle/ medical mystery that India is still having very low case load.
As of now the hospitals are no more busy than they were a year ago at this time. Proof that the measures are working
Phased opening is what every one else is doing. If cases spike we clamp down on hotspots. The death counts in India will be low because we won't be counting people with co-morbidities. Unlike Italy & US that do and end up with inflated numbers.India has to lift the lockdown and face the virus head on, lots of lives will be lost. But it won't exceed the number India will loose due to the economic situation.

UP: Four patients die, 102 test positive in last 24 hours
Among the four deaths on Tuesday, two were reported from Agra — both linked to a private hospital that has been sealed now — and one each from Kanpur and Moradabad, taking the total death toll in the state to nine.

Agra District Magistrate Prabhu Narain Singh said that both the coronavirus-positive patients, who died on Tuesday, had underlining health ailments.
“One had lung carcinoma along with kidney failure, both leading to decreased immunity and super infection.
The other patient had intra-cerebral haemorrhage that required ventilator support.
Henceforth, COVID-19 should not be considered as the cause of death. In such type of patients, primary disease mortality is very high.
Both the patients may have died in normal circumstances. Samples were taken after their death as Paras Hospital is one major hotspot,” the DM said, adding that with the four fresh cases, the district now has 23 cases linked to Paras Hospital and their contacts, 14 linked to Fatehpur Sikri patient and five contacts of a local physician.
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More on this died of vs died with debate

Died of Covid, or died with Covid? | India News - Times of India
India News: On Friday Wuhan in China revised its Covid-19 death toll upward by 50% to 3,869And New York city last week upped its toll by 3,778 after it began repo.

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And don't you think the govt deserves credit for aggressive contact tracing ? because i'm learning this was not the case in other countries. It was much more lax and the results are apparent in the case loads of these countries.Bro, it's very simple. Firstly, we knew about quarantining measures before you told us.
You didn't know the extent of it. How many in the whole country ? where to find this info because its not in any report. So i went through various health directorate docs and added the numbers. Around one million and that isn't the full number. I found it odd no one in the media picked up on it. That alone takes out a lot of potential infected. The rest is due to many mistakes made by people who did not follow rules.
Yes, kilroyquasar mentioned that. But there is more. In one of the meetings the centre rapped certain states for a "gap". What is this gap ?I have friends who arrived from abroad and have been in quarantine and being visited by govt officials. However, this is true for only later cases. Earlier cases weren't handled with enough strictness and there wasn't any strict testing of passengers arriving from abroad. There was only thermal screening till as late as 20th March. How do I know? I have friends who came on 19th.
The people that were supposed to be quarantined were not in quarantine (!)
Meaning the state was not checking that they were in quarantine.
Which states screwed up here ? not mentioned. But if one looks at which states have the larger numbers we get an idea.
So this slip up is on the govts of those states. Then they had to go catch more people and quarantine them. This is why the quarantine numbers are so high. So they attempted to fix the problem but the damage was done by then.
It could have been far worse than it is right now. It isn't because of the steps we took.As I have said previously, it is very simple for people like me. You seem to be impressed or at least satisfied by our govt response, and I do agree with you, some decisions taken have been better than those taken by other countries. However, in our opinion, they came too late and the response has been a little reactive and knee-jerky. The main issue I personally have is why are our lives being held hostage due to a disease which would have been so easily contained just because of the fact that it didn't originate in India and all that was needed to contain it was do strict quarantining of all passengers from abroad as early as data about this virus was coming out. I clearly remember, us in the TE whatsapp group talking about it as early as first/second week of January as some of us were receiving shipments from Aliexpress.
I don't think a lock down could have been avoided even if we acted two weeks earlier than we did.
To avoid the lock down would mean we would have to catch every single person that was potentially affected right at the start. The compliance number here has to be over 90%
We missed that target because certain states screwed up by not following the centres directives.
The models were predicting one lakh cases by April and then doubling every three days.
By that metric every govt in the world is responsible for this then ? barring Taiwan and possibly Vietnam.So, again, please don't assume that our opinion of the govt comes from a place of ignorance and we don't know what the govt has been doing. Our opinions come from the fact, that we believe our govts response has been unsatisfactory, irrespective of the plaudits you bestow upon their actions.
But our numbers aren't where they should be isn't it. People were and still are predicting doom & gloom.
Look this is a team effort. Everybody has responsibility.Lastly, there is a latest order by MHA, that all those companies who open their offices or factories will be held responsible and penal action will be taken on them under the Disaster Management Act, if even one of their employees tests positive for Covid-19. By the simple logic of this order, I think the govt should put itself behind bars first, because their inadequacies allowed the disease to enter the country in the first place.
i've seen comments that said their employers expected them to work but getting sick was not employers problem. In other words employers were washing their hands entirely of the matter of safety of their employees. If employee does not turn up because they are scared then what happens ?
This is a major concern because the economy has undergone a reset. That means people will not come back to work immediately because they are afraid.
Now employers have to enforce social distancing and ensure workers follow the guidelines so we can open the country up.
We have to get going and ensure next wave will be smaller still

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