Rockfella Total bliss! Enclave Plus Keymaster May 28, 2010 #43 What about Ogeneral Carrier and hitachi? Superb thread. Subscribed and OP repped.
N ngcoders Beginner May 31, 2010 #44 Here is the calculator done in JavaScript on my blog - Best Window/Split Air Conditioner, Brand , Stars , EER and more … | NGCoders - Next Generation Coders
Here is the calculator done in JavaScript on my blog - Best Window/Split Air Conditioner, Brand , Stars , EER and more … | NGCoders - Next Generation Coders
B Boot_Comp Contributor Aug 15, 2010 #45 @blr_p: Great job. Appreciate the effort. Repped. One thing I would really love to see would be this comparison for 0.75T AC's too.
@blr_p: Great job. Appreciate the effort. Repped. One thing I would really love to see would be this comparison for 0.75T AC's too.
Gannu Unbanned Juggernaut Oct 29, 2010 #47 Anilreddyv99 said: good job but i have doubts about daikin Click to expand... What about it?
nikrusty Well-Known Member Forerunner Nov 13, 2010 #49 overload though ;p Yeah and what about Daikin, I've heard they are the best. Their splits have motor in it to push water out, leaking is a general issue of splits! overload though ;p Yeah and what about Daikin, I've heard they are the best. Their splits have motor in it to push water out, leaking is a general issue of splits!
Kaleen Bhaiya Innovator Feb 20, 2011 #51 ^^ yes they are... as you can still observe the general window ac's being used in the household for more than 4 years+. and some even 8 years
^^ yes they are... as you can still observe the general window ac's being used in the household for more than 4 years+. and some even 8 years
P pallav_79 Beginner Apr 15, 2011 #52 Can any one let me know how can i get model name with brand name like Voltas Vertis Gold 1.5T with its model name?
Can any one let me know how can i get model name with brand name like Voltas Vertis Gold 1.5T with its model name?
A ajmeyn Contributor Apr 15, 2012 #55 The table in the first few posts are totally messed up. Could they please be formatted to be readable (or as the calculator is available via the blog maybe those posts can be deleted?)
The table in the first few posts are totally messed up. Could they please be formatted to be readable (or as the calculator is available via the blog maybe those posts can be deleted?)
E eXcesscaLIBER Contributor Feb 11, 2013 #59 Considering the first post was over 5 years back, a new table with latest A/cs and brands will be helpful.. Reactions: Mohit
Considering the first post was over 5 years back, a new table with latest A/cs and brands will be helpful..