Crysis out for PC

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low_bass_makker said:
Just finished the game, Best graphics I have ever seen. Some times I feel that I am watching a movie. But the games extract everything from the system. Very heavy graphics but to be played in the HIGH setting. got 20-30 fps but playable...

Final chapter...


Damn u dudeee..why are u putting spoilers here? Was it that necessary for u to put that screenshot with the heading "Final Chapter" ? LOL :@
I don't see anything wrong with that :P..hell atleast you know what you're up against in the last stage, well atleast I hope you know :P
F|0ccY said:
How will it work on my system?Should I bother getting it?I seriously wouldn't mind playing it on lowest if I have to, I just want to experience this game.

AMD 3500+@ stock
2gb ocz gold

Dont even think of playing it on low settings. :@
i'm kinda disappointed with crysis thought i'de get some photo realistic stuff its nothing but a far cry with better looking textures.but one thing good is that the character textures are very well done. the rest looks pretty much flat try to go underware and look at the sea bed its just one flat texture.
Ero-Sannin said:
i'm kinda disappointed with crysis thought i'de get some photo realistic stuff its nothing but a far cry with better looking textures.but one thing good is that the character textures are very well done. the rest looks pretty much flat try to go underware and look at the sea bed its just one flat texture.

Maybe because your playing it at low maybe medium settings on DX9 mode?This game is BY FAR the best looking game ever made so far.
Ero-Sannin said:
i'm kinda disappointed with crysis thought i'de get some photo realistic stuff its nothing but a far cry with better looking textures.but one thing good is that the character textures are very well done. the rest looks pretty much flat try to go underware and look at the sea bed its just one flat texture.

which GFx are you using...

F|0ccY said:
Maybe because your playing it at low maybe medium settings on DX9 mode?This game is BY FAR the best looking game ever made so far.

I awesome.
Official Requirements

Operating System Microsoft Windows XP/Vista
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz
Memory 2.0GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS/640 or similar
the game doesnt look like far cry at all on very high settings. I am playing on very high ... and it is just KICKASS .... This game has the best graphcis ever and i will say it is followed by COD 4.
Graphically a masterpiece. . but after hours of same old levels , and same old "realistic" Ai .. it does get a bit boring ... CoD 4 has a mix of both by its own standards .. but with a much better storyline ... which is think is much more important than just graphics .. atleast Far Cry was hard .. but Crysis is easy , thankz to the nanosuit :P ..
does anybody have any idea when Crysis will land on Indian shores? I've tried Pre-ordering it via EA India's retarded pre-order system but the damn thing didn't even give me a confirmation email nor did it ask for any financial data (CC number) since EA's the publisher, I assume Milestone will distribute it? I've emailed them too, but haven't gotten a response yet. anybody got any info?

evox said:
does anybody have any idea when Crysis will land on Indian shores? I've tried Pre-ordering it via EA India's retarded pre-order system but the damn thing didn't even give me a confirmation email nor did it ask for any financial data (CC number) since EA's the publisher, I assume Milestone will distribute it? I've emailed them too, but haven't gotten a response yet. anybody got any info?


one option for you is to order it from i was shopping there a few days ago and almost pre-ordered it but then i had read a thread here that it was expected in november so i held off. back then it was priced at 40$ (approx 1550-1575 bucks). since shipping is free that would be the total cost to you. it's a slight premium over what we pay for games here but it should be worth it. also, approx 2 weeks for shipping. considering that there is no firm information about a release date here, in all likelihood you would get it before the indian release.

edit: went looking for the link so i might as well post it here - Buy Crysis (DVD-ROM) (PC CD-ROM) - Order Now!

1583 bucks. approx 2000 for the collectors edition.
spindoctor said:
one option for you is to order it from i was shopping there a few days ago and almost pre-ordered it but then i had read a thread here that it was expected in november so i held off. back then it was priced at 40$ (approx 1550-1575 bucks). since shipping is free that would be the total cost to you. it's a slight premium over what we pay for games here but it should be worth it. also, approx 2 weeks for shipping. considering that there is no firm information about a release date here, in all likelihood you would get it before the indian release.

I just bought games worth 2.8k. charges too much, after Crysis, I've got plans to buy CoD4, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men and Gears of War. I just can't afford to shell out 1.9-3k for a single title, that's just too much. according to the EA PR, the Indian price should be Rs.999 [Crysis] anything above 1.2k would ruin plans for my other games, so I'll just wait I guess :(
join the club. in my case i'm trigger happy on steam buying all kinds of games and as a result, i have no budget for the big releases this month :(

to be honest though, 1600 isn't too bad when the prices we're used to vary from 1299-1499 usually. 999 would be pretty lucky for a title as high profile as crysis, but after the orange box anything can happen.

one other thing to consider is that all the games you want to buy might not be releasing anytime soon here, so it might not be necessary to budget for them immediately.also, kane and lynch is being hammered by reviews and gamers all over, you might want to reconsider that ;)
also, kane and lynch is being hammered by reviews and gamers all over, you might want to reconsider that

Yeah, it's pretty problematic. but truth to be told, I'll buy the game just for MP. Fragile Alliance sounds pretty awesome :) Tech2 reported it'll be priced Rs.699 that's a really nice price for a brand new title, so I think it's worth a buy. we'll see, I might change my mind and pick up the Hitman Trilogy pack they've released recently :D
I'm getting 12-25fps outdoors at 1152x864 with custom High to Very high settings (no AA, Edge AA - 2, All Post Processing, Water, Clouds Effects Very High, Shadows,textures,physics,sound High) - This game is surely a very 'comprehensive' experience for an fp shooter, besides being beautiful. I've been playing for some 6 hours and am on 4/11 level.
is anyone playing it at 1680x1050 ?

'coz with my ATi X1900XT its not giving me the option to set that resolution. Only 1400x1050 or 1440x900. I upgraded the drivers to latest Catalyst but still don't get 1680x1050 as an option in the resolution..... :(
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