Linux Cuba Declares War on Windows!

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In an effort to rid every computer in the country of the American-designed Windows OS, the Cuban government has banned the software and created its own Linux-based operating system.

The Communist country 90 miles off the coast of Florida calls the Linux OS "Nova", and the government considers it an integral piece in the fight against U.S. hegemony in Cuba. Shown at a Havana conference dedicated to "technological sovereignty", the goal is to have Nova replace Windows on computers all across the island.

While most of the world has enjoyed a consumer computer market for decades, the Cuban government only started allowing such a market last year. According to Cuba University's Information Sciences Director Hector Rodriguez, around 20 percent of computers on the island are already running some sort of Linux-based operating system.

"Private software can have black holes and malicious codes that one doesn't know about. That doesn't happen with free software," said Rodriguez. "I would like to think that in five years our country will have more than 50 percent migrated [to Linux]." The Linux movement may be in full swing for Cuban consumers, but many of the country's government agencies are resisting the change because of possible software compatibility issues.

While the netbook craze may see Linux become more popular with consumers in America, the percentage of Linux on PCs stateside is far below 20 percent.

The turn away from Windows is the latest move in Cuba's resistance to all things American, which has been ongoing since Fidel Castro took over the island nation in 1959. Rodriguez certainly sees a ideological link between Linux and Cuba, "The free software movement is closer to the ideology of the Cuban people, above all for the independence and sovereignty."

Source-tomsharware..:) Good news for all linux fans..:)

link- Cuba Declares War on Windows - Tom's Hardware
And how are cubans supposed to get the new Linux OS. Castros (Fidel or Raul) still do not allow unrestricted internet in his fiefdom.

Commies had some great ideas but of course they were for supermen and not ordinary folks. Everywhere commies go they bring repression and iron curtain. :@
Its Good news that linux is growing and I hope to see more free computing and open standards!

but I am not in favour of forced conversion, it should have been done voluntarily. By will; not by force:)


waise, this move it not that bad:P


MS is not allowed to sell in Cuba, so it means almost all cubans used *ahem* versions of windows.

So,Its far better to use Linux instead of Pirated windows
Slowly slowly everyone getting the facts right :P All we want better openCL/Gl for game development and developers should release an installer for Linux too ..

Go Cuba Go :D Donno when our nation will awake :|
Governments using Open source does make a lot of sense.That way they won't be tied to MS for support and updates and can have their own in-house experts to take care of computers.
I guess it's the initial "conversion period" that most governments or even companies for that matter are concerned about when it comes to switching to Linux.You know, reduced productivity and all in this period......
don't mix your evil sh1t thought of Open Source = Communism.

It is simply freedom morons! :x .

cuba can enforce FOSS on government things.but let the average home desktop user buy micro$oft window$ to satisfy his thrist for inferior software and monopolistic ,closed source thing.
praka123 said:
don't mix your evil sh1t thought of Open Source = Communism.
It is simply freedom morons! :x .
cuba can enforce FOSS on government things.but let the average home desktop user buy micro$oft window$ to satisfy his thrist for inferior software and monopolistic ,closed source thing.
Well, an average home user needs usability over anything else.And that's what MS provides with their OS.Linux is a bit rough to be accepted by technophobics [read majority of population].For governments, data security, stability is more important than all else and that's where Linux comes in.
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