Ask any telecom commentator in India about the success of the industry in the country and he will probably start extolling the reach of mobile telephony in India  500 million active connections and 15-20 million new ones being added every month. Interrupt him to ask the number of Indian broadband Internet users and the voice often turns into a mumble  *7.5 million.
not only does India have among the slowest Internet speeds in Asia (other countries have speeds ranging from 1 Mbps-100 Mbps; the most common one in India is 512 Kbps), the prices paid by Indians for the same are the highest.
Traditionally people have controlled landing stations by forcing expensive cabling and interconnects onto buyers, stuff which isn’t technically expensive but made so commercially by operators
there is no shortage of submarine bandwidth in India, therefore addition of new capacity will not affect current prices all that much. This is born out from data compiled by TRAI, showing a total capacity of 18.6 Tbps across all existing submarine cables reaching India. A mere 0.5 percent of this capacity was used in 2008.
Forbes India - The Long Arm Of Broadband
Read report on state about state of Broadband,its speeds and highest prices worldwide. I am pissed at Govt/trai for not making any kind of rules regulating prices of bandwidth in India and these evil companies are looting us and also slowing down overall economic growth.

Isn't there anything we could do other than silently watching? and occasionally ranting about it? :ashamed: