Current State of broadband in our country; Ruled by Evil Empires!

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Ask any telecom commentator in India about the success of the industry in the country and he will probably start extolling the reach of mobile telephony in India — 500 million active connections and 15-20 million new ones being added every month. Interrupt him to ask the number of Indian broadband Internet users and the voice often turns into a mumble — *7.5 million.

not only does India have among the slowest Internet speeds in Asia (other countries have speeds ranging from 1 Mbps-100 Mbps; the most common one in India is 512 Kbps), the prices paid by Indians for the same are the highest.

Traditionally people have controlled landing stations by forcing expensive cabling and interconnects onto buyers, stuff which isn’t technically expensive but made so commercially by operators

there is no shortage of submarine bandwidth in India, therefore addition of new capacity will not affect current prices all that much. This is born out from data compiled by TRAI, showing a total capacity of 18.6 Tbps across all existing submarine cables reaching India. A mere 0.5 percent of this capacity was used in 2008.

Forbes India - The Long Arm Of Broadband
Read report on state about state of Broadband,its speeds and highest prices worldwide. I am pissed at Govt/trai for not making any kind of rules regulating prices of bandwidth in India and these evil companies are looting us and also slowing down overall economic growth.

:@ :@ :@ :@

Isn't there anything we could do other than silently watching? and occasionally ranting about it? :ashamed:
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i seriously worry about this, and things are seemingly not gonna improve if BSNL (largest net provider in India) continues distributing 512 kbps unlimited for 1350. Daylight rape of consumers. =.=
I've met TRAI people, people from Airtel and Reliance at various conferences. Fact is, TRAI are a bunch of pricks who don't have the guts to actually do anything. So the big companies happily continue to mint money with their broadband cartel.
anfjavid said:
We have to think on how we can force these buggers to give Hi-speed BB for reasonable price.

Simple - organize a mass boycott and the companies will give you what you want in a day.

And change you effing picture. It's not funny. If you think it is, try telling that to all the people who've died in terror attacks.
I look forward to the day when we have a 15 Mbps plan for USD 35/pm. :huh:

All it takes is one single company to take the initiative to offer bold new plans and draw a swarm of customers towards them. The others will eventually follow. :|

So it could be that Pacnet turns out to be the clearest and nearest alternative for lower Internet prices in India.

Here's hoping Pacnet comes to our rescue.
Gaurish said:
Forbes India - The Long Arm Of Broadband
Read report on state about state of Broadband,its speeds and highest prices worldwide. I am pissed at Govt/trai for not making any kind of rules regulating prices of bandwidth in India and these evil companies are looting us and also slowing down overall economic growth.

:@ :@ :@ :@

Isn't there anything we could do other than silently watching? and occasionally ranting about it? :ashamed:

Lol, i just replied to your same post on IBF :D

Ask yourself if Airtel or Reliance (the only 2 private operators to control landing stations) would have made the initial investments in the first place if they knew they would get screwed over by the govt. Doesn't your article show that Reliance had to fight VSNL to get rights to mumbai ?
Terrific article. :hap2:
Most amazing is despite only 0.5% of the capacity being used these companies are imposing 1 - 2 GB limits and FUP :rolleyes:
Sad indeed, that the consumer exists only to be looted. :bangin:
something must b done wid these buggers.... the BB cost is too high and on top dat these companies are implementing FUP... it sucks... people in the world are utilizing internet to the fullest and we are stuck with this checking the download limits... just look at Finland they have made 1mbps net connection a birth right and here we are 1mbps is a dream for us.... i am stuck with 200kbps connection and most of the people are stuck with dialups and mobile net with pathetic speeds... wen is this country gonna change...
I just don't understand one thing that as we see in the telecom sector, where reliance brought about a revolution in early 2000s by offering free incoming and ultra low call rates, now we have the cheapest call rates among the world due to stiff competition and anyone can afford a mobile, why don't we see such kind of initiative for broadband from these companies?

We've lot of ISPs in India still not one of them has taken the step forward in offering decent speeds comparable to the rest of the world, in affordable rates. If they do that, it would give a momentum to broadband industry, especially in our country where majority of the people don't use it yet. It will obviously benefit them too, wouldn't it?
Keane 16 said:
Simple - organize a mass boycott and the companies will give you what you want in a day.

Well, will surely organize it provided you come here and join me.

Keane 16 said:
And change you effing picture. It's not funny. If you think it is, try telling that to all the people who've died in terror attacks.

If you can wake them from their graves, I'll tell them :tongue:.
anfjavid said:
If you can wake them from their graves, I'll tell them :tongue:.

How is that funny? You're just a **** (that's the c-word). It's not even slightly funny.

Or are you pro-terrorism?
thetoxicmind said:
I look forward to the day when we have a 15 Mbps plan for USD 35/pm. :huh:

All it takes is one single company to take the initiative to offer bold new plans and draw a swarm of customers towards them. The others will eventually follow. :|

Here's hoping Pacnet comes to our rescue.

the effing cartel that runs telecom in this country, like all cartels hate innovation. they wont change unless they are forced to.
Broadband is what is holding India back in a big, big way. Broadband penetration overall is pathetic. Masses aren't aware they are being duped, us Techies who know we're being robbed make up what, 0.001% of internet users in India?

India needs some international company like Comcast to come over and set some standards. Or like another poster said, a mass boycott but good luck getting people to do that. Pakistan has better broadband infrastructure and speed plans than its IT-specialist neighbor.
This discussion could go on forever & never be resolved- problem is with the people who RULE over India- corrupt to the core and incomptent and ignorant to the boot. The minister concerned in Ministery of Telecommunication is not there because of his qualification to fill the most important job of India i.e. Telecommunication and Information Tech- BUT because of Dirty Politik of our nation. He has his own agenda- to fill his own coffers- and of the regional party he represents- by thousands of crores per YEAR. He does not give a fig about Internet access at right speeds and right price to a small minority desiring internet access, poor guy is probably a computer illiterate lawyer-who acquired his degree by Mafia methods. His Ministry DOES NOT EVEN HAVE AN OFFICIAL WEB SITE.( List of official web sites of govt of india- no Min of telecom website? ). Therefore one really rightly dispairs at the state of affairs of Internet access in india.
Params7 said:
Broadband is what is holding India back in a big, big way. Broadband penetration overall is pathetic. Masses aren't aware they are being duped, us Techies who know we're being robbed make up what, 0.001% of internet users in India?

India needs some international company like Comcast to come over and set some standards. Or like another poster said, a mass boycott but good luck getting people to do that. Pakistan has better broadband infrastructure and speed plans than its IT-specialist neighbor.
I'd rather live with 256kbps for the rest of my life than have Comcast monopolize the country's broadband services.
The service providers are not to be blamed, its the TRAI who is the main culprit, maybe the I&B minister should be abducted & kept hostage till the necessary are fulfilled.
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