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mmmMmmmm so we have Jeffery Archer fan here huh

Sons of Fortune is very similar to

Kane n Able

Come to think of

Archers Best work according to me

Kable n Able

Prodical Daughter

As the Crow Flies

Not a Penny More Not a Penny Less

Fourth Estate

I have read all the books of archer except the prisons diaries n silly short stories of his, which more or less are lift of some equal silly plays
Zayni said:
About books, have you checked out Son of Fortune by Jeffrey Arthur?! if not, then make it a must to buy or download it..its an extraordinary well-written masterpiece!!!

Yeh yeh..i have read it...:) my sis is a big fan of i get to read her books too..;)

But I too like Kane and Abel more...have u read it...?its a must if u are a Jeffrey ARcher fan...not to forget "Not a penny more, not a penny less"..finished it under 4 hrs and then read it all over was tht good..

Kane n abel took more time simply cos it was fat..:P

You can also try Eric Segal's Doctors if you havent already..:) Its a masterpiece..

Dont know why but apart from that novel, i didnt like any of Eric Segal's novels..left Acts of Faith half way was tooo slowww..:P

Hmasalia said:
I have read all the books of archer except the prisons diaries n silly short stories of his, which more or less are lift of some equal silly plays

Nice choices there bro..btw, i have read all of them except for As the crow flies..hows that?? :)

Dont know why but i find Archer's novels too philosophical..especially his later creations..seems the prison has taken its toll on :P
Anybody here have read Ayn Rand ?

I finished the book called "The FountainHead". Found it to be really good, especially the character of the person called Howard Roark in that.

And now I am reading "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. Another great book :)
^^Read Fountainhead a long time back..i must say it did have some psychological effect on me..atleast then:P One of her best creations..her other novels never actually cud get over the effect Fountainhead had on its readers..must add though tht it was a bit boring in parts too..i skipped a few pages here n there where it was draggin on ..but nevertheless, a gr8 story..:)

Atlas Shrugged was ok types to me..;)
i feel kinda lost here :S...the last book i read was some two years back :( i can't believe i kicked the habit...very bad of me :no: blame the fookin board exams :@.... trying to get back to reading something at least ... will take recommendations from the above posts :D
Google story- david vise
The company that I admire so much.This book gives a good insight into
the company.
hehe fountainhead a book for architects :D.... just dont let you affect it too much though...

@private ryan... i would be interested in seeing your work dude
^^Well even if you dont want to, it does have a strange effect on you..just cant run away from When i was in engg. college, i remembered some of my friends from Archi stayin in my hostel used it call it a bible for architects..almost no architect completes his 5 yrs without reading it or atleast knowing about it...:P

As for my work, u mean my compositing work?? Well, i'm working on my showreel..just got started..will let you know when something worthwhile is ready..:)
^^Not for any online site re..i got a chance to work on the titling and opening sequence of a forthcoming low budget movie which includes a lot of color correction and roto work in the opening sequence,me working with 2 other guys on it... the money's good..cant really reveal much about it as it'll be a breach of trust...

Btw, i'll soon be uploading all my art work in pm u a link then..:)

btw u too into CG??
Private Ryan said:
Yeh yeh..i have read it...:) my sis is a big fan of i get to read her books too..;)
But I too like Kane and Abel more...have u read it...?its a must if u are a Jeffrey ARcher fan...not to forget "Not a penny more, not a penny less"..finished it under 4 hrs and then read it all over was tht good..
Kane n abel took more time simply cos it was fat..:P

You can also try Eric Segal's Doctors if you havent already..:) Its a masterpiece..
Dont know why but apart from that novel, i didnt like any of Eric Segal's novels..left Acts of Faith half way was tooo slowww..:P
Nopes, im not a fan of archer's, but since ive read and liked sone of fortune, i might try other..have to save money to buy more noting your suggestions, thanks, im defintely going to get me the Red Fountainhead and Kane and Abel...For starters, Sydney Sheldon might be a good idea :D :D
Fountainhead was dry at times, and I didn't like the portrayal of some characters in it. Besides, I never agreed with Rand's "Objectivism". I'm currently reading Jean-Paul Sartre's "Being and Nothingness". It's not for everyone though, and I'm having a tough time getting through it.
@ zayni

If you are gonna read Sidney Sheldon

I seriously suggest u start with

If tomorrow comes....

Fantastic book
^^Yeah..thats a good suggestion..btw, i wud have suggested 'The Other side of midnight'..i have read all of Sydney's but this is one of my favorite SS novels..its dark and sinister..:P the end cudnt have been better..:hap5: The Rage of angels is good to start with too..:) but imho, Sdyney writes pure masala stuff..once in a while its okay..but sometimes it goes over the top..:no:

@Zayni : Btw, if u wanna get those Jeffrey Archer's, i think 'Not a penny more..not a penny less' shud be a good choice ..its a gr8 novel and u'll finish it fast..:)
kippu said:
has anyone tried erich von daniken's books?
ive read chariots of the gods....really makes one wonder..
currently reading Emma by Jane Austin.....reading classics takes such a frigging long time!
This thread was going great until people started throwing around names like Archer and Sheldon.. Sigh...

<Braces for flames>

Not to say I didnt love some of Archers books but I somehow got bored of these "pop" authors some time back..

@nukeu666 - I know what you mean. Tried reading Anna Karenina once and it took me forever to finish..

BTW anybody here read anything in French? Want some good novels to start off with.. Leave out "Le Petit Prince".. Already got that..
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