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Vulc4n said:
BTW anybody here read anything in French? Want some good novels to start off with.. Leave out "Le Petit Prince".. Already got that..

^^lol..cud have helped you with german...but french...?? Arghh..they are sooo boring..good for a nap..:P(okay i brace for flames too..:P )

ich liebe deutsche sprache
zhopudey said:
Just finished 'Seige of Mithila' by Ashok Banker. Its book #2 of a 6-part retelling of the ramayana :D

No prizes for guessing which book you are really looking forward to reading :P

@Ryan: Blasphemy :@ :)
if u wana read sidney sheldon u should start with stuff like master of the game (wich is a book wich has everything u can think of) also tell me your dreams another awesome one..

as for me i just finished KEN FOLLET LYING DOWN WITH LIONS awesome book

started The man from st petersburg seems nice...
satanofgamers said:
tell me your dreams

Yaar, how cud u possibly like tht novel..imho, its one of the worst of Sheldon's.. i mean i have watched so many movies with that MPD twist tht after completing half of the book, i cud already tell what was coming..:no: plus the next half simply doesnt have much to offer, as the plot is already revealed half way..and from there on the story just drags, i too have to agree..creativity is lost if its overdone..same was the case with gud ol' Sydney...his later novels werent the best of his may be hard to convince a hardcore sheldon fan about this, but somewhr down there they know it too..;)
hehe i knw alot of ppl told me tht..

i like it only cause it was my first novel ever... wich got me hooked to books...

ur first loves always ur true love :P
^^Lol...Didnt you get anything better to start with..:P just jkin re..:)

Btw, have u read 'The other side of midnight'..? Its my recommendation if u like sheldon..:) In fact its the only one of Sheldon tht i really like...

Have moved on the more serious subjects since then...:P

Reading 2 books simultaneously at the i already mentioned, Bryan Burrough's Dragonfly and Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of Vanities...the latter is really very interesting...its a story about a wealthy man, a so called 'master of the universe' of the Wall street..a few unfortunate turn of events and a mishap turns him into the most hated man in NYC..its all about how the poor guy is set up by other powerful people to fulfill their selfish interest at his cost..more to do with ambition, racism and greed..

i've just started with it..but i can already smell a great story..:D
Private Ryan said:
^^Awesome grisham favorite...:)
Favorite Line..

Thats why i chose not to become lawyer!! :ohyeah: im not really attracted towards Grisham!!! :ashamed:
AMD4Life said:
After nearly 2 years, have picked up a book :ashamed:
Reading: The Firm by John Grisham :)

2years, without books, how did you manage?! ill pray you continue in this way though!! :rofl:
Yeah ive read all sheldons ... i agree the other side of midnight was good its sequel was also nice....

currently im into completing KEN FOLLET's novels...

if youre a fan of extremely slow medieval type stories then try Pillars of the Earth of his... it was the first boook i read of tht kind .. its about 2 generations of a family struggling to make a church...(hehe its a bit more than tht ofcource).. u can totaly get lost in the book...
Private Ryan said:
^^Yeah..thats a good suggestion..btw, i wud have suggested 'The Other side of midnight'..i have read all of Sydney's but this is one of my favorite SS novels..its dark and sinister..:P the end cudnt have been better..:hap5: The Rage of angels is good to start with too..:) but imho, Sdyney writes pure masala stuff..once in a while its okay..but sometimes it goes over the top..:no:

@Zayni : Btw, if u wanna get those Jeffrey Archer's, i think 'Not a penny more..not a penny less' shud be a good choice ..its a gr8 novel and u'll finish it fast..:)

Ive not read all of SS, but the ones i have liked are "the other side of midnight", and "memories of midnight"..did not really like "bloodline" :no: then, i decided to turn other stuffs, as ryan put it, serious matters!!! :rofl:

Ill try to get the book, ryan!!! :hap2: thanks!
Zayni said:
im not really attracted towards Grisham!!!

Yeah, i too agree tht he tends to be very monotonous with his plotlines..usually it has to be a lawyer....and then a lawyer..and then again, a god damned but for the first time, 'The Firm' was really good..its actually the only grisham i've read..had picked up 'The rainmaker'..but it again had the law graduate from memphis..n i said..oh please..not again..:no: but m thinkin of picking it up again as soon as i complete 'Bonfire of vanities' by Tom has been awesome till now..great storyline..try it if u can..but only if u like wall street and stock market related stories.. but i guess, it has more to do with the central character than the market..:)
Zayni said:
2years, without books, how did you manage?! ill pray you continue in this way though!! :rofl:

Donno when it happened but I lost interest in books sometime back in college, thanx to so much going around..Hope to resurrect the habit.. :)

Private Ryan said:
^^Awesome grisham favorite...:)

Favorite Line..

I was kinda lucky that my sis had this lying around and so I decided to give it a shot..Pretty good but damn, its so long and so unnecessarily detailed at places..Arggghh!!:@
Amd4life said:
Pretty good but damn, its so long and so unnecessarily detailed at places..Arggghh!!

Yeah..grisham tends to be too slow and too detailed at times..times when u feel like skipping a few pages and trust me, even if u do, u wont miss much, if u know the art of effective, doing it for long..actually started it engg books..;) then on with fountainhead, the first book i skipped many too is one of those highly detailed novels in which u may need to skip pages here n there..:P

But overall, the firm is one of his best works..imho, his other novels are much more slower..:no:
The firm...ill see..but really im not! Ive been so lazy this last month..all ive read were my previous diaries...stories of my life stored there :ashamed: :ashamed: i should really finish that "just rewards", but then Barbara really goes into too much details... :hap5:
since tolkien's lotr...noone has been able to come close to his world detailing and storymaking other than robert jordan with the wheel of time series

13 books in all, 12 released and i completed them by reading nonstop for 5 months :P
nukeu666 said:
since tolkien's lotr...noone has been able to come close to his world detailing and storymaking other than robert jordan with the wheel of time series
13 books in all, 12 released and i completed them by reading nonstop for 5 months :P

Totally agree:ohyeah:

As for wheel of time...I think i will read those when i get my hands on them!!! After my exams maybe...

As of now, I am TRYING to get myself to read my study material...which isnt, to say the least, happening.

The last book i read was Chariots Of The Gods.....awesome book.

Recommended to all!!!
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