FaH33m said:
I dunno what you are upto.No offense but half of the time I really can't make out what you are saying in your posts.:ashamed:Being sarcastic or a genuine query ? Anyways will try and answer it the way I perceived it.
There was no sarcasm in there at all.
FaH33m said:
The DAC was auditioned using headphones and IEMs and not speakers.If you want I will try them out with the MX-5021 as well and let you know how it sounds compared to the sound card.
I'm not sure about this myself so threw it into the open. Let's see if i can coherently put my thoughts down.
The first question is are earphones preferrred over speakers when auditioning ?
I'm thinking since its all straight to the ear with outside sounds left out maybe earphones are more accurate. In a way they simplify the problem because all external sounds are removed or as close to it as possible. However does this create (for lack of a better term) a vacuum effect. Meaning this is how it sounds in isolation to all other sounds. In which case will a review performed with earphones carry over to speakers too ?
With speakers, you're seeing how well the sound fills the room, and how it feels. Ideally you'd have a perfect room but then again this is again another vacuum effect for me, not real world. I've always been wary of those auditioning rooms in hifi stores because they are perhaps too perfect to ever approximate how it would sound in the real world, ie your home.
FaH33m said:
Didn't get your second point/query.
Its was to do with the way you were comparing the different DACs. 6pack said earlier it was good to match equipment that complimented each other rather than the opposite. He used a simple example, use a good dac with good earphones etc. Now reading your posts on the subject I see you use terms like 'dark' & 'bright'. So i wonder at this point whether care has to be taken matching earphones that are bright with DACs that are bright instead of dark. I'm not sure whether this actually makes sense but maybe its more clear what the intention behind it is.
Put simply, when you test out those DACs, there are 2 variables (actually there's the 3rd one ie you but i'll assume you're perfect)
- the earphones used
- the DAC in question
How to perform the test so the effect of the earphones is as minimised as possibe allowing you to better compare the DACs. What i'm getting at is are the earphones you use ideal for the DACs being tested given their individual personalities ?
The earphones have a personality and the DAC has its personality. How does one select a earphone that will give a proper comparison of the various DACs. This is what i mean by baseline. Where the earphone plays a minimal role and you can ideally forget any influence it adds to the test and concentrate solely on the DACs.
Otherwise the results you get depend on the particular earphones you use and do not extend beyond to other models of earphones or even speakers for that matter.
SO when you say DAC x sounds better than DAC y, it must come with the caveat, but with using earphones a
FaH33m said:
There isn't any sort of benchmark or technical test to draw conclusions. My opinions are completely based on m listening experience and the way my ears perceive the sound. In short to some extent it's very subjective.While comparing ,I look for accuracy,detailing,soundstage and clarity of sound.If the sound is natural or coloured.For this the RE-0 is used as my reference as it's the most detailed and accurate(neutral) earphone I have.
I realise this is subjective and ideally one would be able to test out various DACs with one's equipment but that is impossible in the real world, so at best we have experiments where ppl relate their experiences. What i was hoping to do was use your experience to come to some sort of decison over the various DACs. I'm not sure as yet to what extent I can do that atm because of the earlier questions asked.
I'm also not even sure whether the questions asked are valid and whether they can be ignored :ashamed: