FaH33m said:Just had an awesome mini audio meet at my place as BF1983 and Viralbug had come. So I got to try the Nuforce uDAC ,Ibasso P3 and the HD 650 . Eargams !!
All those reviews on uDAC seem to be perfect .It is indeed one of the most amazing DAC Ive ever heard.Everything that I've got right now(SHP 9000,RE-0,RE-252 etc.) paired with it sounds 2-3 levels better than the EF2A dac + tube amp , XONAR DX etc.
Ive loaned the uDAC for a brief period from Brendon , so will try and post my impressions(music based) comparing it to the Xonar DX soundcard (similar priced) and the EF2A.
Right this is what i expected to read. The signal was passed onto the DAC untouched and you listened with neutral phones (or as close to). This is the only way to cut out the other variables and when you say what you thought about the DAC, then we know what you meanFaH33m said:The NuForce uDAC itself is a DAC /audio processor so it doesn't need a player(if you mean audio player in terms of hardware). It was connected to the PC via USB and music was played on Foobar player in Windows 7 .
CoolFaH33m said:The Ibasso P3 is a amplifier and not a DAC. I tried it with different players like my Sansa Clip+, and BF1983's Amp 3 ,also connected it to the uDAC for a short while. Since I used the P3 for a very brief period ,can't really recollect its sound .All I remember is it sounded really good with the RE1 as BF1983 had selected the op-amps in P3 to suit the sound of RE1 and his tastes.It sounded really laidback and smooth.
6pack said:If one's music spans vast gulfs, then isn't he better off getting a neutral pair of earphones/speakers? Then he could use the equalizers (yeah, I know it sacrilegious to some out there) to make the music match his taste.
titana said:A bit outdated but here you go :
All the DACs money can buy, pt. 2 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
FaH33m said:^ ebay.com -Some seller from Taiwan.Recently came to know that there's a guy near my place as well who sells tubes and tube based amps for reasonable pricing.
Superfrag said:Agreed. I had a change to audition the HD650's at Jaben, and I didn't like the way it sounds at all. Prefer the K701 and the AT's.
BTW, is Head-Direct a chinese company? I was under the impression its originally a US based company.
Vandal said:As I told Faheem, and I reiterate - they need amping, very badly. You can't use a 200$ amp to drive that load. The fact that they're not very sensitive also doesn't help.
Try em with a WA6SE, you'll knock your self out trying to steal BF1983s pair![]()
dOm1naTOr said:How is a DAC different from an external USB soundcard like the Xonar USB ?
Even the Xonar USb boasts of amped output for headphones, and so is some of the DAC+AMps.
I know most hand made DAC uses silver solders, and such stuffs to preserve audio quality, but isnt a well knows DAC in Xonar card better than most custom DAC available ?
Superfrag said:.... and get an Amp which has a great synergy with your headphones.
dOm1naTOr said:I have bit trouble with my E5. When i use it while charging from a USB port, there is a hissing at higher volume all the time, and it vanishes immediately i remove the USB.
Also there is some strange screeching noise sometimes when i move the mouse
Seems like some serious interference coming through the USb cable. Its perfectly fine when not USB not plugged it.
SO i guess a DAC + E5 will lead to similar effects, and might cause more noise than the Mark IV. Anyway im getting the Mark IV for my SHP 8900.
Will look for a simple DAC for other headphones, which are easy to drive.
Will there be any difference if some gold plated high quality USb cable is used , which picks less interference ?
And is there chance of any means such interference might occur on a USB DAC ? :O
Now im scared.