Dead Space 3 - Discussion Thread

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Gameplay has improved quite a lot since the first few levels which kind of thrw me off a bit to begin with. Got done with Level 14 after quite a few long sessions of gameplay. The Necromorphs are frightfully fast in this game and they attack in hordes making usage and preservation of Statis modules very crucial for those moments of absolute Necro-mayhem! Also, I haven't really enjoyed the liner outdoor environments in the game so far, it just isn't Dead Space-ey to me. Those closed quarter creepy tension based combat sequences which I cherished in DS 1 and 2 just cannot be re-created in outdoor icy terrain, even with hoards of monster attacks.
Oh crap there's more of icy-terrain? I loved that in Lost Planet though. Will find out more today.
@Gannu: Yup! One advice bro... in all that snow and winds keep your guard up, always! Those Necro's are wicked fast on these levels.
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Completed the game last afternoon (on the PC). This game obviously just turned out to be a run-of-the-mill zombie shooter for me largely. The tension, gripping closed-quarter combat against the Necromorphs just wasn't there. I remember quite a while ago Gannu had recommended Dead Space 1 and 2 to me and I took it up. It was back then one of the best survival horror titles I had played. Both of them instantly got into my best game lists. But this just didn't feel "Dead-Spacey" to me. Not to say it's bad. Some of the action sequences in the open terrains were brutally fast with the odds stacked up against you in heaps. The Necromorphs have become unrelentingly fast and without the proper use and saving of the Stasis mods it's sometimes near impossible to survive the onslaught. The puzzle elements were also pretty okay, nothing that took me long to figure out except one that needs more muscle movement co-ordination with the mouse+keyboard combo than wits.

Overall, it was a mix of an average to a good game for me. Dead Space 1 and 2 were a class apart.

""Good men mean well. We just don't always end up doing well". - Isaac Clarke
Reached Chapter 13 and it has been a good journey this far. Collected plenty of resources and built a lot of custom weapons (saved some of the blueprints as well!) on the bench with the salvaged parts. Haven't used any of the stock arsenal. With the upgrades, some of the custom weapons can turn out to be pretty lethal! I built this one which has a primary fire as the chain gun with an insanely high fire rate and the secondary as a shotgun with a very high damage, so both the ends are met. Besides, attachments include acid covered bullets and ammo sweep! With this one, none of the necrosh1ts have managed to come close to me and flank me. :ohyeah:

A piece of advice - have a Tungsten torque bar handy at all times. You never know when you'd come across those locked rooms and there may not be a bench nearby or enough Tungsten to build one. There's assured loot in all these locked rooms and the rewards are worthy of spending 20 Tungsten to build one and keep it in the inventory.

Another thing I noticed was the save system being fcuked up! I completed one entire area swarming with these necros, saved and quit to go to the company yesterday night at 12 (to cast off our ship). Came back, crashed and resumed the game today morn. only to fight the same region again. Wasted another 20 mins. to complete this region and progress forth. Unfortunately, I am going to sail with the ship for the next couple of days so may not be able to complete it in the next few days. Nvm.
Forgot to update. :P

Reached Chapter 17. As was the case with Dead Space 2, there are no intermittent loading screens between each chapter and the transition happens smoothly. The suit has been upgraded to Elite and all the upgrades have been unlocked. I believe this is the best suit in the game. But invariably all the suit designs suck and has that Lost Planet touch to it with some fur additions and fibre weavings to protect Clarke from the icy planet's extreme conditions. I loved the suit designs in DS 2 - the vintage brown ones were so classy (like the Mustang Eleanor!). :cupidon:

The human AI is downright rubbish. They just seem to stand or take cover at one spot without any movement. Couple of shots and they are done. We need the AI from Killzone or Crysis here - it would have been challenging. The bench seems to be the lone consolation in the game - brings out the inventor in you!. I crafted a dual chain-gun once (that's right, two barrels in one! Although DMG is low, the fire rate is insanely high; both the guns can't be fired simultaneously either). I swapped the shotgun for a rocket launcher. And added an attachment to protect Clarke from the explosions so it can be used in close range as well.

Will hopefully conclude the title tonight.
Completed the title yesterday night and the ending felt a bit rushed. And this game was nowhere in the leagues of DS 2. Sequels are supposed to be better but I wonder what Visceral thought of when they sat down to write DS 3. Anyways, DS 4 is due in the next few years and I hope they introduce newer characters this time. The soundtracks were really good esp. during the space exploration part. It felt a bit like Aliens - dark, subtle but haunting.

Please wait for the credits sequence to roll completely. :P

@Black_Hawk: Not sure if you noticed, Ellie has different colors for her eyes. One had a blue iris and the other was green. :P
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Not sure if you noticed, Ellie has different colors for her eyes. One had a blue iris and the other was green. :P

She lost the right-eye in a scuffle with Stross remeber; Uses an artificial eye with a different colour of the pupil and thus displays a rare genetic disorder called Heterochromia.
Gannu: Yup I saw that and it was a neat touch really, made much more sense with the replacement eye thingy. In Dead Space 2 IIRC her original eye color was blue?

But those boobies... hot dayum! :ohyeah:
The ingame v-sync option forces 30 fps - disabled it and enabled it from the Catalyst Control Centre.

Dam it! I knew something was really dragging this game down. It's the broken V-sync feature in this game's engine. Good thing I read this post.

I'm really surprised how sharp the PC version looks visually. It offers far more customisations than it's predecessors. I'm 5 chapters in and love the atmosphere. Contrary to my views from the demo, this is a fine title. I still can't get around the whole weapon modification system. It's a bit confusing. When does the first suit upgrade arrive? I'm really keen to enhance it.
It will come shortly Allwyn but don't have high expectations from the suit upgrades. It is nowhere similar to DS 2. :(

I found the arsenal customisation a bit confusing initially but once you have amassed enough resources try experimenting with it. Its fun. I once made a weapon with dual chain guns. :P Later changed one of them to a rocket launcher.
I did approach a suit station and all I had was the Eva suit, which I'm assuming is my default one. Decided to upgrade my health and armour. I have modified my Plasma cutter, but the firing rate is extremely slow, compared to the stock one. Dual chain guns eh, nice!
Also, the Dead Space series is not canned.

Dead Space 4 NOT Cancelled, Peter Moore Calls out “Shoddy Website Journalism”

After rumours that Dead Space 4 had been cancelled thanks to the poor sales of Dead Space 3, the web imploded with anger against EA, first for daring to ignore what the fans wanted for the franchise and then for putting business and money ahead of, well, anything. The site from which the claim originated, Video Gamer, brought in a ton of hits, watched the drama unfold and laughed as every EA hater in the world picked up their pitchfork and marched to their favourite forum to b**ch. There’s just one thing wrong with the story: Dead Space 4 isn’t cancelled. EA denied it within hours, but the fact that Video Gamer told an outright lie to their readers, and the reaction it caused, ruffled a few more influential feathers…

Peter Moore, Chief Operating Officer of EA, took to to let off a little steam. He didn’t mince his words.

Source: Games Reviews
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