Linux Debian 4.0r5 opinions ?

hello all, i am linux newbie here.........i am planning to install Debian's latest stable release which i thought of getting some opinions and reviews on it before proceeding with the installation...i had been thinking of installing debian for a long time ever since my college days because most of friends said that it is very good and stable OS...

however b4 going ahead i would like to have few questions answered....

1)is it a good OS?

2)where does it stand when compared with other linux distros like ubuntu, knoppix etc ?

3)which free desktop environments does it support? as per my knowledge from wikipedia...i come 2 know that it comes with its default GNOME free desktop environment.

4) does it support KDE and XFCE ? if yes do they support the latest releases?

please 4giv me if i have made any blunderous linux mistakes in terms of the terminologies or wrong information mentioned anywhere above....
1.i have always used debian for my desktop and recco it to anyone
2.ubuntu/knoppix are aimed at new users, debian more mainstream
One option is to install Ubuntu (Debian based, if that is specifically what you want) so you can also enjoy the Linux "Desktop" experience... plus you have easy access to the command line to learn all the terminal ninja commands to configure and play around :D
Being a Linux noobie, you could also opt for openSUSE 11.. VEry much user-friendly, and makes the transition from Windows to Linux easier.
:) :) :D :D thank u so much 4 the replies guys....really appreciate it...i was thinking i wud never receive any response 4 this....thank u so much...

another question.....wot abt compiz fusion? does it support that....i doubt that it does....still i wud love to have ur say on this...:) :eek:hyeah:
Go for Ubuntu instead of Debian for start. Package managing and most of working is almost same in both but ubuntu is much more n00b friendly (restricted driver manager and stuff) . Other than that any problem you get in ubuntu, you just have to google it and i bet that would be discussed on ubuntu forums 10+ times :p.
Dark Star said:
^^What are you asking are pity things.. yes debain supports it..

I would recommend you Mandriva since you are new to Linux.. Its very easy and has GUI tools for tweaking :)

^^What are you asking are pity things.. yes debain supports it..
err...u mean petty things....they may b for u my dear friend...but i have no clue being a newbie here...:ashamed: :ashamed: so plz help me out here....:p

:ashamed: :ashamed: i am aware of the fact that debian supports compiz fusion...but nowhere in the Debian -- The Universal Operating System did i c that package being mentioned there...i searched in the stable packages section as well....and went to the X windows category...however i only found "compiz" there which i have no idea of being what it was...but i was pretty much sure that it was not compiz fusion....i also found in compiz fusion's website that compiz fusion was still being tested for Debian....and yes i had read ur review on as well.....but as per ur demonstration u have only shown it for Mandriva which i found from HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials that it has pretty good and easy installation and execution....i also did a google search for Compiz Fusion's support for Debian and yes i did find some links for that as well....which were Youtube links showing Compiz Fusion being used for Debian...however what i was expecting was a stable version of Compiz Fusion which would be supported for Debian etch.... repository of shame Compiz Fusion

last but not the least...which free desktop environment and its version in ur opinion would be best for debian...both in terms of looks and stability...



3)GNOME (default)

4)Compiz Fusion....
Dreamlinux is a Debian distribution that uses XFCE as it's default Desktop although you can also elect to install Gnome instead. I would wait to install it until after the Beta of 3.5 goes final.
Debian is for people who are comfortable with linux. Not exactly good for newbies. Give Ubuntu or Mandravia a shot darkstart pointed out.
Balkazzaar said:
last but not the least...which free desktop environment and its version in ur opinion would be best for debian...both in terms of looks and stability...

personally, i prefer gnome's clean looks and simplicity not to mention compiz effects are all there hence using ubuntu.

but just recently moved to kde 4.2 beta 1 (installed on Kubuntu 8.10) and it looks very modern... like vista actually :D

i would say, start off with ubuntu/gnome for now... in 5-6 months time other distros like mandriva and opensuse (which have very polished kde installations) will have 4.2 stable versions, then you can try kde and choose which you like among the 2.
Try Linux Mint. Think it's up to v5.0 now. It's based on Ubuntu (and therefore Debian), comes with proprietary codecs installed, and is very, very simple to use. Most comfortable I've felt while using a Linux distro.

It comes with both Gnome and KDE (don't know if they use the latest version, I prefer gnome). IIRC, they also have an XFCE edition, or was it FluxBox.

Give it a try, you won't regret it IMO.
Inevitably such threads end up with everybody suggesting every distro out there and you'll end up needing/wanting to try most of them to choose for yourself which one you like :D

I'll add another! If you want a distro with older stable KDE 3.5.x series, try PCLinuxOS :D
vishalrao said:
Inevitably such threads end up with everybody suggesting every distro out there and you'll end up needing/wanting to try most of them to choose for yourself which one you like :D

I'll add another! If you want a distro with older stable KDE 3.5.x series, try PCLinuxOS :D

hahaha:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: so true....eventually i cud end up being confused abt which distro 2 try out.........??????????:p :p

but thank u so much 4 ur comments guys....really appreciate it....wot abt media features of debian...does it come with all the codecs for video and audio?

and yes....i know many of u guys have suggested me to try ubuntu...and yes....i have already tried ubuntu a few months back and i REALLY want to try out debian....the reason i want to try out is 2 test its stability and performance....
If you really want to try it, then go ahead and install it.... you can tackle any issues (software/features installation/config etc) as they come along and that will be a good learning experience...
Whats the fud with Debian ,, if you are newbie try with something easier..

Deb + gnome : Ubuntu

rpm + KDE : Mandriva

rpm with a bit geeky OS : openSUSE 11.1

Bleeding OS : F10 :p
ok....since u guys r pressing me so much....i have finally decided to shortlist ubuntu and opensuse

1)Ubuntu 8.1 and OpenSUSE 11....

2) Which is the lastest stable release for Ubuntu and OpenSUSE...

3) i saw in opensuse's website that Opensuse 11.1 is going 2 b released on december that going to be an RC version or a stable version?

4)which in ur opinion is better between the 2? both in terms of stability and looks..yes looks matter a lot...:eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah: i saw opensuse 11 found it 2 b visually pleasing....still i wud love 2 have an feature wise comparison between the calling all the gurus of linux....:clap: :clap: :D :D