DEFY vs Xperia X10

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I have been reading various threads and posts about DEFY and decided to go for it but unfortunately it was out of stock :(
I saw a good offer SE Xperia X10 @ Rs 16000/-
Xperia has pros over Defy faster processor, big screen and yes today SE rolled out GingerBread Update.
so should i still go for Defy or Xperia X10.
and one more question, Letsbuy coupon code ( ICICILB) works with cash on delivery ?
emmarbee said:
Prove this! [with respect to hummingbird]

:) I guess he is referring to quadrant scores for CPU scores (which we all know can be "fixed", by changing filesystem,enabling/disabling stagefright,etc) for phones running stock firmwares. Imho The TI/Cortex SOC are ahead both in cpu/gpu and also better power efficiency.
Neocore which mainly looks at Gpu is almost same for qualcom and TI/Samsung SOC. after all the Neocore app for android has been developed by Qualcomm. ;)

Ofcourse It is difficult to compare 2 different generations of processors/SOC in android because there is uniform testing/benchmark app for android OS vis-a-vis 3dmark/pcvantage etc.
@emmarbee and @aka911:

Hello. I never base my research on benchmark as I believe it can be manipulated to get scores that puts even dual core to shame. Plus Linpack and Neocore is more oriented towards Qualcomm. When I said Cpu processor speed, I meant Instructions per second performed by the processor. Snapdragon QSD 8250 compared to Hummingbird and OMAP 3430 (Defy) has more instructions per second.

Now I understand that the previous gen used 65nm instead of 45nm used by hummingbird.

When looking at Defy and Xperia X10, I still stand by saying that Instruction per second is higher on QSD8250 compared to OMAP3430.

Now I understand that when I said "much better" That might be misconstrued as saying that it is light years better than other processors. I will correct my statement. It is slightly better than Hummingbird and much better than OMAP 3430
So if I type a URL (let's say flash based) in browser, it'll load much faster in QSD8250 than HummingBird?
If I unzip a certain archive, it'll be much faster in 8250 than HB? And such CPU intensive apps will be better off with 8250 than HB? I HIGHLY doubt that. Hummingbird chipset has been considered as the best by many reviewers and even I was in that assumption. Prove me wrong.

aradhakr84 said:
@emmarbee and @aka911:

Hello. I never base my research on benchmark as I believe it can be manipulated to get scores that puts even dual core to shame. Plus Linpack and Neocore is more oriented towards Qualcomm. When I said Cpu processor speed, I meant Instructions per second performed by the processor. Snapdragon QSD 8250 compared to Hummingbird and OMAP 3430 (Defy) has more instructions per second.

Now I understand that the previous gen used 65nm instead of 45nm used by hummingbird.

When looking at Defy and Xperia X10, I still stand by saying that Instruction per second is higher on QSD8250 compared to OMAP3430.

Now I understand that when I said "much better" That might be misconstrued as saying that it is light years better than other processors. I will correct my statement. It is slightly better than Hummingbird and much better than OMAP 3430
^^^ You are right except one thing. X10 is supposed to have 16m colors. It was due to android version 1.6, it can show only 65k or 256k colors. I believe that will change with upgrade.
X10's Display is of 65K and not 16M. So no upgrade will bring 16M colors..

I suggest you go for Defy if Cam is Not a Priority and X10 if Cam, Facebooking,Video Recording are your top priorities.
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