Dell U2410 - Awesomest :D

Does this issue occur often with the much loved U2311h too? it's real bad that even after paying so much premium one has to face such issues..
Just got a new Dell U2410...seems like my monitor has a dead pixel(don't know if it is called as dead pixel but it appears white/yellowish when everything else in the background is black) in the center..Should I ask for a replacement..? And how to verify whether my monitor has this bleeding issue...

P.S :- b.t.w my firmware revision is A06 made in china manufactured in june'2011
surya_neo said:
Just got a new Dell U2410...seems like my monitor has a dead pixel(don't know if it is called as dead pixel but it appears white/yellowish when everything else in the background is black) in the center..Should I ask for a replacement..? And how to verify whether my monitor has this bleeding issue...

P.S :- b.t.w my firmware revision is A06 made in china manufactured in june'2011

Seems like a dead pixel. Confirm it and if it is indeed one, get a replacement.

Do I Have A Dead Pixel? Dead Pixel Test

To confirm backlight bleeding, switch off the lights in the room, load a complete black image on the screen and check for instances like these.

Thanks..Without using the test link I can confirm that it is a dead pixel..yesterday night when I was watching Xmen classic movie..there were several instances I could see that bright spot in the total black background...does not seem to have the bleeding issues though...Can anybody let me know the replacement process and how long does it take..and do you guys advise me to get the replacement?


I could access the problem with the link..
surya_neo said:

Thanks..Without using the test link I can confirm that it is a dead pixel..yesterday night when I was watching Xmen classic movie..there were several instances I could see that bright spot in the total black background...does not seem to have the bleeding issues though...Can anybody let me know the replacement process and how long does it take..and do you guys advise me to get the replacement?


I could access the problem with the link..

Just call Dell and explain the problem. They will ask silly and stupid questions. Suggest them that you can send an image of the defect and they will say OK. They will accept that the product is faulty when they see the image. They will not suggest you to send a pic themselves - probably that's how they are trained.

Replacement may come in 1-2 weeks and the courier guy will pickup the old product when delivering it or may be sometime later.

The only downside of this entire process is that you have to be on the phone for a long time.