Depression Redux

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Movies man. Watch movies.

Fight Club




Pulp Fiction

American History X

TV shows :

Prison break




fresh prince of bel air

hey if you dont like adobe than u could try something more interesting like reverse re-engg.(cracking softwares and games) if you want i have some good tutorials for it which i can give you and if you like programming than Project Euler can be realy interresting for you.

and remember fortune favors the brave,so be brave bro nothing is imposible in this world.
akshitmohan said:
Movies man. Watch movies.

Fight Club
Pulp Fiction
American History X

TV shows :
Prison break
fresh prince of bel air

great choices will download them pronto :ohyeah:

agent_47 said:
hey if you dont like adobe than u could try something more interesting like reverse re-engg.(cracking softwares and games) if you want i have some good tutorials for it which i can give you and if you like programming than Project Euler can be realy interresting for you.

and remember fortune favors the brave,so be brave bro nothing is imposible in this world.

i use crime but don't commit crimes :P
Whats LOTR?! my cousin just told me if i dont know about it, dont talk to him!! lol

Watch "save the green planet", if you've watched ALi G, watch it again!!!! Anything which will make you laugh!!!
Life is Hard mate , I Know. But just dont Give up. I know its very easy for me to say this ,but then you dont have an option. Think about your family , think about your friends , think about the people who love you. You have to Live for them now. And the condition you are in currently , computer is your best friend. We are your friends. Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

"Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow."

"Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed."

"Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact."

Maybe you will never get Cured , But what if you do ? Maybe you will never have a girl to love , But what if you do ? This element of uncertainty is what makes Life so beautiful. Never Loose Hope mate and keep your faith on God.

Ofcourse i am in no position to Guide you or to even lessen your pain , but if i say i care for you and that i will pray to the almighty for you will it make you feel better? There is alot of suffering in this world mate , we are just the lucky ones. Dont Compare yourself to us , look at countless others who are in a worst condition then at what you are. They dont have such loving parents or the money to even live life the way you are living. I know its none of your fault but maybe the God has better plans for you , maybe one day you will drive a Hummer. Dont Loose hope is all i can say , Live for the ones who truly love you and care about you. Ofcourse there is no escaping the pain you currently are in but accept it with a smile on your Face. So what if you couldn't achieve what you dreamed of , maybe in Next Life. Have some Faith :)

Try and make some new hobbies like Reading Novels , calling up your friends daily , singing etc. Love every moment of life , try to enjoy it as much as you can. Seek forgiveness and Give Forgiveness. Love everybody and you will find your peace.

Here is a very nice music video , its not exactly in the context of this thread but i think you should watch it.

YouTube - Tim McGraw - Live Like You Were Dying

Always remember you are an inspiration man , I swear whenever i am feeling down or bugged up by life , i think of you and the way you live your Life. Then i say to myself .... look at udit , if he can live and enjoy his life .... even i can. You have showed us what it is to live the life the Hard way. Alwayz keep smiling man. We will always be there for you :)

Bluff ~
Ahh.. learn photoshop. Make logos for sites, maybe something nice for tE ? Make avatars, signatures .. All timepass man ...
Very well said, Bluff!!

And then, You are an example for Us, Udit!! Believe me, seeing how you are makes me ashamed of even complaining!!!! Cheer UP NOW!!!! :D :D Its a request from the Puna Princess!!! (thats me)
yeah...or else blogging is quite a good idea for..its up to you if you want to write tech stuff or general blogging, stories... n who knows it may help bring out the authur inside u
@udit :
I'm very sorry to know abt all this.....i dont' remmeber if i posted anything the last time i went ahead and read ur post...but i did "Google" abt it...and SHOT a mail abt it to all - my loved ones in gmail....asking them to spend a few mins and read abt it . feels sad..........and i 'exactly' know how u feel...the feelings that u mentioned jus creep over and exactly take over ur kidding...but the best thing abt it is to cry it out....its not about being a guy and not crying...and otherz might think its all about being a 'crybaby' but the technique would go on to help those same ppl who call or think so.......when ur depressed - cry if u can.....makes u go very lighter....i aint telling u this cause i want u to feel more miserable abt it....but jus helps at times.....and if the gals in here think guys dont cry...they are wrong....only depends if the tears come out or not :) hihihihi......

as far as passing time is concerned......BLOGING is wat u should do.....i wanted to start a blog myself.....but am still thinking abt it.....well what u can put up is a daily blog...which u update every 24 hrs.......and u can call it simple..."All Abt Me" abt everything u ever wanted to tell anyone , no one to sensor , no one to point a finger , no one to edit , its pure u , ur feeelings and wat u want to type...its ur blog after all....depends on the reader if he/ she wants to read it or not... and u dont need to FIND for visitors to ur sure 100's of people from TE itself will be 'daily' visitors to the same...and the number will increase up.......

as otherz said....u have taken it so well...u gotta pull it.....u gotta pull wishes mate ! ....God Bless!
ok zayni i have all Ali G episodes will watch them :)

thanks bluffy :D .. why did u re-register?

akshit your movies idea was better :P

kippu i'll watch it too thanks
Hope you are feeling better, i gotta rush take a bath and jump on my bed and sleep tight and make some sweet dreams and wake up tomorrow morning to go to work!!! Quite a night, huh?! LOL!!! Take care guys!
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