Did anyone saw that in Delhi?

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This happened right across my house, about 100m from where I live. I could hear the shouting and I thought it was revelry.

The cops have come out and said almost all of NCR descended on Gurgaon that night. What basically happens is that the riffraff in NCR have managed to get a lot of money due to land sales, lobbying and other associated misdemeanours and now spend it on partying and drinking. Earlier, all women in Delhi used be indoors after dark. That is not possible anymore as they also have a living to earn, and have a life to live. And since most of the work is in Gurgaon (and most of the alcohol, malls and fun) there is a mix of women and wine - not a good one at that.

Not to say that locals may have not been involved, but most of the locals were probably inside, not outside, at the time of the incident. The earlier almost-kidnapping of a call center employee (thwarted by a valiant cabbie) was done by people from Delhi, who were in Gurgaon drinking till they spotted and started catcalling the woman. Gurgaon has always been the watering hole for Delhi - even when I was a student here 20 years ago and the shops were open all night.

Delhi is actually still very dangerous - a drive through a colony at night will demonstrate why. We have drivers who ferry women home every night they work late, and we ensure there is at least one more male colleague in the vehicle at the time the lady is dropped. Because this sort of nonsense can happen anywhere - the entire region is filled with men who have seen the women in their house dominated and abused by the men. The lady of the house is usually missing a few more teeth or *if lucky* a few more inches of skin every day.

You have to understand North Indian culture to see how deep the problem is, it starts inside the home and then spills to the street. The men end up assuming they own women and the mating ritual can be as primitive as beating women's heads in with a club and dragging them into a cave. In some cases, the club is actually used. Civilisation has not actually launched here, we wait for it patiently.

Now, can the expletives be please deleted from the posts - I see mods posting but profanity remains. Thank you :)
m-jeri said:
Earlier I used to ignore vids like this. But now my baby neice is going to grow up in this country. :(.

^^ You are overreacting... It has nothing to do with India! If you think that the situation is better in other parts of the world, you are living in a different world!

This is what happens when you popularize some bullshit like flash mobs... everyone wants to do it in their own way!

Bl^nK said:
This is the reason i always pack heat, concealed carry .32.

^^ Which model?? I think it must be having 6 rounds at most... Not enough in such a situation!!

Not to mention the 14 years you do for firing even one of those 6 rounds! And that is if you survive the mob after it hits back at you once your barrel is empty!

I carry a S & W knife myself but I am sensible enough to know that it is no avail against a drunk mob! Sometimes brain is better than brawn!
You been up North side ever...? New Delhi/UP/GGN-Jath/Gujjar land..? If you answer yes -- have you observed men and their eyes when they see a female of any age..? Seen their mannerisms, how they drive, oogle, cat call, comment, get close to women...? Laugh+guffaw.
nehaladsul said:
^^ You are overreacting... It has nothing to do with India! If you think that the situation is better in other parts of the world, you are living in a different world!

This is what happens when you popularize some bullshit like flash mobs... everyone wants to do it in their own way!
^^ Which model?? I think it must be having 6 rounds at most... Not enough in such a situation!!

Not to mention the 14 years you do for firing even one of those 6 rounds! And that is if you survive the mob after it hits back at you once your barrel is empty!

I carry a S & W knife myself but I am sensible enough to know that it is no avail against a drunk mob! Sometimes brain is better than brawn!

Though it is a lot worse for women, but men are not safe in the night anymore.
Being robbed, shot at, beaten up, run over and what not.

I work in Greater Noida, that is why I carry a metal baseball bat. Like you said, not going to help in a case of mobs but then I can't carry a gun.

And whoever says that it only happens in the satellite towns, in which world are you living?
Go outside any club after midnight in Delhi, be it Zero Tolerance CP or Vasant Kunj, you will what the drunk mob of men is like. Same goes for the satellite towns.
A woman has the right to express herself whichever way she sees fit, but with the Delhi crowd of horny buggers what can you expect?
It is wrong to tell a girl not to wear something, but one can't help but say that because Delhi is not safe PERIOD and to add to that, girls have a lot more to lose than guys

What has happened to my poor old city?! :(
nehaladsul said:
^^ You are overreacting... It has nothing to do with India! If you think that the situation is better in other parts of the world, you are living in a different world!

This is what happens when you popularize some bullshit like flash mobs... everyone wants to do it in their own way!

^^ Which model?? I think it must be having 6 rounds at most... Not enough in such a situation!!

Not to mention the 14 years you do for firing even one of those 6 rounds! And that is if you survive the mob after it hits back at you once your barrel is empty!

I carry a S & W knife myself but I am sensible enough to know that it is no avail against a drunk mob! Sometimes brain is better than brawn!

.32 S&W 31/1, yeah it holds 6 rounds but i find revolver's much more reliable and faster than pistols and speedloaders can always be used in case you are planning to go on war. I have permit for 500 rounds in a year instead of usual 25-50 rounds being member of MRA.

Mob of Adivasis tried to lynch the caretaker of my Farmhouse few months back, all it took was a warning shot :)
asingh said:

You been up North side ever...? New Delhi/UP/GGN-Jath/Gujjar land..? If you answer yes -- have you observed men and their eyes when they see a female of any age..? Seen their mannerisms, how they drive, oogle, cat call, comment, get close to women...? Laugh+guffaw.

^^ You are generalizing... Yes, I have been there! And in any case, the point being...? :S
Bl^nK said:
.32 S&W 31/1, yeah it holds 6 rounds but i find revolver's much more reliable and faster than pistols and speedloaders can always be used in case you are planning to go on war. I have permit for 500 rounds in a year instead of usual 25-50 rounds being member of MRA.

Mob of Adivasis tried to lynch the caretaker of my Farmhouse few months back, all it took was a warning shot :)

^^ How did you get your hands on a 31-1?? Did you inherit it?? Whats your age man...?? :O

Ohh... And BTW, please don't try the 'warning shot' trick on a drunk mob. It's fine for people who are in their senses... I doubt it'll work for a drunk mob! :lol:

And I do hope you remember the 2nd Law of Gun Safety... :)
North Indians are pretty aggresive. I think its in the culture, where they think they own women and they can do whatever the hell they want to. Female feticide for instance is more prevalent in the north.

Down south its more safer. I am not saying completely safe but hell a lot safer for womens, as they are not treated that way. I have seen north and south both.
^^ You are generalizing... Yes, I have been there! And in any case, the point being...?

No, I am not generalizing. I am talking about observing human behavior on the streets.
Honestly, the media exaggerates the extent of crime in Delhi/NCR. Still, the crime rate is significantly higher than other cities. There are a lot of factors at play here, but I'f I had to pick one, I'd say the problem is economical. A lot of people, especially in the NCR region have gotten too rich, too fast. A significant number of these people have deluded themselves into thinking that they are some kinds of demi-gods. They think they can do anything and get away with this.

Moreover, some of them have spent all their money but still want to maintian their opulent lifestlyes.They wan't easy money and thus turn to crime.

I wish I could see a way out of it, but no one can change their mindsets now. Hopefully the next generation will be better?
Shameful indeed.

This forces me to recall an incident in Delhi 6 years back in a Bus.

I was on my way from Dehradun to Pune, to me college.

A girl took a Greenline bus and was standing with perhaps couple of notes or books.

Few people take the bus at next stop and crawl through crowd to reach and start ogling and passing lewd comments.

One started getting too close to the lady for comfort, to which she protested. The guy replied back - " Itni bheed me pata nahi chalta". wtf. You can guess the mental state of the poor girl. She wisely decided to get off the bus at next stop.

To top this, this group kept on talking dirty shit about her even long after she was gone.

The look in their eyes is nothing less than that of a nymphomaniacs.

In Freud's term, their hampered growth during anal stage of life must have constricted their rational thinking to unfathomable depths.

PS:- I am a North Indian and I live in Bangalore and I do not like Delhi and NCR region an iota.Hopefully I shall not have to move to that hellhole.
Shameful indeed.

This forces me to recall an incident in Delhi 6 years back in a Bus.

I was on my way from Dehradun to Pune, to me college.

A girl took a Greenline bus and was standing with perhaps couple of notes or books.

Few people take the bus at next stop and crawl through crowd to reach and start ogling and passing lewd comments.

One started getting too close to the lady for comfort, to which she protested. The guy replied back - " Itni bheed me pata nahi chalta". wtf. You can guess the mental state of the poor girl. She wisely decided to get off the bus at next stop.

To top this, this group kept on talking dirty shit about her even long after she was gone.

The look in their eyes is nothing less than that of a nymphomaniacs.

In Freud's term, their hampered growth during anal stage of life must have constricted their rational thinking to unfathomable depths.

PS:- I am a North Indian and I live in Bangalore and I do not like Delhi and NCR region an iota.Hopefully I shall not have to move to that hellhole.

Strange. Every person I know, who is a Delhite wants to come back. Odd one out eh?!

6 years is a long time ago. There is a bit more courage in people now and they do retaliate when its required.

I have seen girls creating a scene and making sure the buggers get their arses kicked by the public and/or police.

Honestly, the media exaggerates the extent of crime in Delhi/NCR. Still, the crime rate is significantly higher than other cities. There are a lot of factors at play here, but I'f I had to pick one, I'd say the problem is economical. A lot of people, especially in the NCR region have gotten too rich, too fast. A significant number of these people have deluded themselves into thinking that they are some kinds of demi-gods. They think they can do anything and get away with this.

Moreover, some of them have spent all their money but still want to maintian their opulent lifestlyes.They wan't easy money and thus turn to crime.

I wish I could see a way out of it, but no one can change their mindsets now. Hopefully the next generation will be better?

Generations don't make much of a difference. One ends up like their father/mother more often than they realize.

The monetary gaps between people plus the bad habit of getting sloshed is just ruining Delhi's name.

Irrespective I think its an awesome place to live, but as long as one tries not to play with danger, eg, don't wear minis at night or even the day, I know its your right and its the eve teaser's fault but then its sort of a war zone out there
Strange. Every person I know, who is a Delhite wants to come back. Odd one out eh?!

6 years is a long time ago. There is a bit more courage in people now and they do retaliate when its required.

I have seen girls creating a scene and making sure the buggers get their arses kicked by the public and/or police.

I am not a Delhite.

Never been one, never lived in Delhi. I live in Dehradun, so Delhi is a station enroute my usual journey.
Yesterday the auto expo had to be stopped, cause the crowd was getting too close to the girls who are near the cars.
Yesterday the auto expo had to be stopped, cause the crowd was getting too close to the girls who are near the cars.

Heard that. Pradati maidan is useless.

Needs more security for the girls and the cars.

No wonder I have been planning to leave this country ever since I could think straight.
And we still are proud to call ourself an proud Indian where we can do any thing on such Topic ???

I want my old India Back where there was Free Air to Bread and live as An proud india

really sad after just reading the first post and if i would have sawn that video the ..............

can we start so support community on te for rising voice against such events ?????

can we ????
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