Dishonored - Discussion Thread

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Finished the DLC.

After playing the base dishonored on full stealth, I decided to go full Rambo in this DLC. Killed everyone I could... LOL

Wasn't very long around 95 minutes at max.

Would rate it a 7.5/10

There was a nice twist in the end. Still, not a must play DLC.


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Completed 'The Knife of Dunwall' DLC last night.

Went complete stealthy, no kills (non-lethal everywhere) and absolute ghosting. The DLC map's are very decent and overall a nice addition to Dishonored. Playing the game from another perspective and the twist at the end of the DLC also added to the experience. I would recommend this to the folks who enjoyed playing the main game like I did.

Screenshots of my play-through of the 3 missions of the DLC:

Mission 1 - A Captain of Industry:


Mission 2 - Eminent Domain:


Mission 3: The Surge:


P.S. Now I for one take my stealth games rather seriously. The one thing I didn't understand about this DLC was that bodies kept being discovered no matter how well I hid them. The last mission of the game has a pretty layered map structure sprawling with guards and it was a major pain to choke out/KO guards and hide their bodies. Even after careful and planned body-hiding and trying to be as clean as possible bodies were found. It really doesn't affect the overall ghosting and no-kill approach of mine towards the game but it isn't to my particular liking. I don't know whether this DLC runs a sweep-check of bodies like Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory did after each level but in a game where bodies being found doesn't affect the overall stealth aspect of the play-through it doesn't ruin much.

Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches releasing next month

Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches, the final add-on pack from Arkane Studios, will be available worldwide on next month.

In The Brigmore Witches, players continue on as Daud, after discovering the identity and intentions of Delilah, the leader of the Brigmore Witch coven.

Players will set out to disrupt her ritual that if completed “will spell your doom.”

Here’s the full synopsis:
“After discovering the identity and intentions of Delilah, the leader of the Brigmore Witch coven, you set out to disrupt her from completing a powerful ritual that will spell your doom. Having already been betrayed by your lieutenant, Billie Lurk, you must rely on feuding gang factions—the Dead Eels and the Hatters—to negotiate your way through previously unseen districts of Dunwall en route to Delilah’s stronghold.

“Regardless of the way you reach your destination, one thing is for certain – you will finally answer for your treacherous actions and fall before the mercy, or punishment, of the Royal Bodyguard and Assassin, Corvo Attano.”

All power, weapon and item upgrades, Chaos level, and player actions from The Knife of Dunwall will carry over via a compatible save file option.

It’s out August 13 on PS3 and Xbox 360 and PC for $9.99 or 800 Microsoft Points. It hits PS3 in Europe on August 14.

@Black_Hawk : If you have played both the DLCs, I just need to know if you require the original game's save file in anyway for these DLCs or do they start afresh? Since Corvo isn't present, I'm assuming there would be no need for the save file to carry over any previous upgrades.
Completed The Brigmore Witches DLC a few minutes back.

A very nice DLC and with two very decently sized maps (3 broad levels total). The last level was perhaps the most challenging level yet for the one's who seriously want to ghost it all the way through. The new power's which the developers added to the arsenal of Daud wasn't of much particular use and the good old stealth and blink your way through still was the primary caveat for me. The story is solid and the ending cutscenes definitely add to the overall journey of Daud, the assassin. I would strongly recommend both the DLC's to the one's who loved Dishonored and want to further their journey into the the beautiful painted world of the game.

@Ethan_Hunt : Do post your thoughts after your done with the DLC mate.
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I saw some rave reviews for Daud's DLC storyline. I'll probably start complete both these DLCs before moving onto Blacklist. BTW, what's the total length of both these DLCs?
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@Ethan_Hunt : The Knife of Dunwall took me around 4 hours IIRC. The Brigmore Witches is a longer DLC and should a little over 5 hours to beat, longer if entirely ghosted (specially the last level!).

I like to meander a bit in stealth games like these, trying to search the nooks and corners of the maps. :)
@Ethan_Hunt : The Knife of Dunwall took me around 4 hours IIRC. The Brigmore Witches is a longer DLC and should a little over 5 hours to beat, longer if entirely ghosted (specially the last level!).

I like to meander a bit in stealth games like these, trying to search the nooks and corners of the maps. :)

I'm planning to do a chaos run this time. I missed out on that during my main game play-through (which I performed on ghost). I guess that would reduce my play-time as well.
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Yes, agreed. Going the high-chaos way in this final DLC will definitely reduce the play-time. Just make sure you take care of those witches and their beastly dogs fast enough!!
Done with Knife of Dunwall DLC and here are my stats:




So much for a chaos play-through. For some reason, I couldn't help but going full stealth in every mission. I'm not sure how or where did the guards find those body(s) in 'A Captain of Industry' & 'The Surge' chapters. More than that, I'm quite surprised I got a hostile killed in 'A Captain of Industry'. I don't remember killing anyone in my entire play-through. My best guess would be:

Electrocuting that whale to grab it's eye for completing Granny Rags Recipe side quest.
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@Ethan_Hunt: Congrats mate on completing the TKoD DLC!

Nope, electrocuting that whale doesn't count as a kill as far as I know.

I remember having the same problem of bodies being found, no matter how well I hid them. Infact I happen to mentioned this somewhere on this thread while playing through this particular DLC. Strange really.

Enjoy The Brigmore Witches DLC next mate! :)
@Ethan_Hunt: Congrats mate on completing the TKoD DLC!

Nope, electrocuting that whale doesn't count as a kill as far as I know.

Thank you!

I looked at your stats post above and realised that the whale couldn't have been counted as a kill. Wish they implemented a system where the stats would have displayed during the game.

I remember having the same problem of bodies being found, no matter how well I hid them. Infact I happen to mentioned this somewhere on this thread while playing through this particular DLC. Strange really.

Enjoy The Brigmore Witches DLC next mate! :)

I'm looking forward to the DLC, especially after the ending of Knife of Dunwall.

Did you spare or kill Billi Lurk?
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