Diwali Dhamaka - Show your <stuff> thread :P

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@Being.smart dont't worry I buy some awesome crackers every year!
Lets hope my dad gives me that moolah.. Will buy them tommorow!!

Last year we had bought crackers which filled up whole of our bed ka nichu ka space xD
I will post a pic tommorow!
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Diwali ...


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count me in too,stopped buying crackers a few years back,surprising how many te members have stopped lighting crackers,such behavior cant be expected from my cousins and friends.
All those who says "It pollutes environment"- Please stop driving your car/bike at the very same moment and also using AC, they pollute more..

All those who says "Its wastage of money" stoping using internet at the very same moment, you pay 20k a year just to waste your bandwidth on TechEnclave :-j

From myyyyyyyyyyyyyy deep heart i feel, most member here are 25++ who have stopped buying crackers, this might be due to the reason they are living more of a professional life
and are drowing in thier oldies :P......

and yeah firing cracker with kids is much more better than gifting some girl costly gadgets :bigok:

No offense to all :X:X, still waiting for some pics :)
Diwali Dhamaka: Show your house lighting thread

Its diwali time and yeah time for some BOOM!! Boom!!!...

Take a picture of your house lighting for this diwali (Done by yourself only no professional), and post it here... let see who has done better decoration

Please be genuine while posting the pic, no cheating

I will be posting my pics tomorrow,and once again
, i request anti-lighting group who says save electricity to please stay away and don't spoil the the thread, i know its bad but little bit of Joy is must
All those who says "It pollutes environment"- Please stop driving your car/bike at the very same moment and also using AC, they pollute more..

All those who says "Its wastage of money" stoping using internet at the very same moment, you pay 20k a year just to waste your bandwidth on TechEnclave :-j

From myyyyyyyyyyyyyy deep heart i feel, most member here are 25++ who have stopped buying crackers, this might be due to the reason they are living more of a professional life
and are drowing in thier oldies :P......

and yeah firing cracker with kids is much more better than gifting some girl costly gadgets :bigok:

No offense to all :X:X, still waiting for some pics :)

1.It is necessity to use bike/car for travelling.

2.Not only TechEnclave :P

3.I'm 23.

4.Grow up and you will know what the girls gives in return :P
Stopped buying them like 10-11 years back. They ache my ear, I have to go out in the cold and hear more racket, and are unsafe too. I really does not bother me, what happens at Sivakasi; but noise and smoke pollution certainly are no ways to celebrate. Nice lights, good foods, and exchange of sweets sounds much much better. Well off to packing some gifts --- for me. And not to miss out: My whole colony reverberates with the crescendo and musical harmonics which jar normalcy of decibel levels.

Learn to respect others opinions, like we are yours. Your pleading here looks bad. It is festival time, enjoy man. Do what you want. Go burn up cash in: noise, paper, and smoke. In the morning the colony sweeper will mop it up. :) Happy Deepawali...! God Bless..!
I also used to be like you when i had friends and relatives , but since all of em drifted away , i stopped buying diwali crackers.
29 posts and not a single firecracker pic? I was expecting to see a few pics here as I too don't buy them since the past many years! :P
I got some tuni lights (well thats what its called here those red-green-pink blinking leds)
if you want I can share some pics. :P
cars n bikes are necessity.crackers are not.the noise,the smoke and streets covered with pieces of papers as if littering in India isn't enough already.crackers do sound like fun for kids but grown ups are supposed to be the one who teach them.just donate that money to some orphanage and you will really light up their (or at least one kid's) diwali.

Not just pollution..whatever you blast during diwali is most probably made by children under dangerous work conditions.So do not encourage the manufacturers to make more of these stuff.
Please read the OP's post, especially the last line. Naysayers can start a thread of their own. Fireworks add joy to the festival. Arguments related to pollution and waste of money are valid, but they also apply to many other things (driving a car, instead of bike as a single rider, buying unnecessary gadgets,spending on fast food etc.). One still does them for the sake of comfort and joy.
Not just pollution..whatever you blast during diwali is most probably made by children under dangerous work conditions.So do not encourage the manufacturers to make more of these stuff.

never bought fireworks , sadly this year my kid wants to play with it , so i am gonna start this year , not much anyway
Please read the OP's post, especially the last line. Naysayers can start a thread of their own.

This thread is not iOS. ( :P )

Fireworks add joy to the festival.

Yes they do, but doesnt means everybody should burst crackers. Its a festival of lights, not of smoke and noise.

Arguments related to pollution and waste of money are valid, but they also apply to many other things (driving a car, instead of bike as a single rider, buying unnecessary gadgets,spending on fast food etc.). One still does them for the sake of comfort and joy.

Analogy/Interpretation is flawed. Try driving a bike wearing a 3 piece suit on your way to attend a function.. try doing that in the summers for extra effects.
One purchases a car due to necessity, comfort or luxury. None of which is comparable with crackers.

Fast food if eaten in moderation and properly wont be that bad as compared to smoke and noise pollution. Secondly, you are not harming others.

We usually have enough of smoke and noise in our day to day life already. Its not off the mark to give serene celebration a chance.
Driving to meet friends/relatives, witnessing good lighting in and around the houses, and few fireworks in the sky will def be much preferred than be startled by the firecrackers.

Ofc bursting crackers in moderation is fine, but the more subdued this aspect is.. better for everybody.
Even i am against the idea of bursting crackers ( have been part of Anti-Firecrackers campaign in Delhi, when i was in school) and haven't used a cracker in more than 10 years. But what i don't get is people trying to be self righteous. If he drives joy out of it then let him do that, he already knows the consequences of air pollution and he is fine with it.

As for the fast food argument, yes, it's harming others . You eat crap and develop medical complications ( blocked vessels ) , go for an operation and use public hospitals which have govt. subsidy. Effectively what you are doing is burning up taxpayers money to support your operation.

Note : the thread will now most probably go OT and people will start discussion on self righteousness.
This thread is not iOS. ( :P )

What is iOS? If it is about Apple, i do not get it.

Yes they do, but doesnt means everybody should burst crackers. Its a festival of lights, not of smoke and noise.

Loud firecrackers or colorful will produce smoke or merriment or bot of both. Depends what you are interested in.

Analogy/Interpretation is flawed. Try driving a bike wearing a 3 piece suit on your way to attend a function.. try doing that in the summers for extra effects.
One purchases a car due to necessity, comfort or luxury. None of which is comparable with crackers.

Fast food if eaten in moderation and properly wont be that bad as compared to smoke and noise pollution. Secondly, you are not harming others.

What you have mentioned are some genuine cases and I will call them exceptions. In India, one does not wear Suit everyday. Analogy of car was for the posts which compared crackers to 'waste of money'.

Consumption of fast food does harm everybody. One eats it (in moderation or otherwise), accelerates health problems and becomes burden on society/family members/public healthcare due to deteriorating health.

We usually have enough of smoke and noise in our day to day life already. Its not off the mark to give serene celebration a chance.
Driving to meet friends/relatives, witnessing good lighting in and around the houses, and few fireworks in the sky will def be much preferred than be startled by the firecrackers.

Ofc bursting crackers in moderation is fine, but the more subdued this aspect is.. better for everybody.

It is one way of celebrating it. Some people find fun in firecrackers.
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