Do u Miss '90s indian Tv shows

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I used to delibrately blurr my vision while watching Zee horror show and those RAMSEY movies, still remember their names Gangu Ramsey, Shyam Ramsey and Tulsi Ramsey

remember this bhoot ??

For Indian Horror shows, nothing can beat the Zee Horror show even today, the intro itself used to be scary with the mask in background, I used to close my eyes whenever I would feel that horror scene is impending


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I very much miss Malgudi Days.

Gosh, this thread is so nostalgic. When I was kid there was no cable in our home & me & two sisters had to go our uncle's home, just one min away, to watch Zee Horror Show. I don't remember the timing, but it was at night 10-11. As the show begins a black cat appears, that scared the shit out of me everytime. I used get so scared, I can't define in words. But I never missed that show & I always eager to watch it everytime ! The worst part was, after show, walking back to home....And everytime, I used to stare in dark, see around if any vampire is following me OR if any tree is waiting to suck my blood. On top of it, my sisters either used to make me go home alone OR used to make scary sounds while coming back. Everytime it ended with plenty of susu & scary dreams, but good nights sleep

I also miss byomkesh bakshi, karam chand, suraag, tehkikaat & many more

If I turn TV on today, all I see some Rowdie shit, a ganja blabbering saying to respect women but scolding them mc, bc etc. I fcking hate this

I am very glad & proud that I saw such shows in my childhood
raja aur rancho, sea hawks, kanoon, padosan, junoon, surbahi, shanti
can we get all these shows in DVD ?


giant robot, super human samurai, junglebook, pingu and how many awesome cartoons and historic epics

ok now i'm glued to youtube

Everything great about Cartoon Network has gone to shit. Then those good 'ol WWF days and now those are gone too.

Miss those 80's US TV shows being showcased on Sony and Star Plus dubbed in Hindi (I Dream of Jeannie, Small Wonder, Boy Meets World & Different Strokes). The only memory of Zee Horror Show is that haunting opening theme and me sulking behind the couch to catch a glimpse of it. I clearly remember one of it's episodes had this scene lifted from Hellraiser (Frank's transformation):


Scared the bejesus out of me!
Hitman, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Undertaker, Dudley Boys (Get the TABLE!!!), Scotty too hotty, Edge and christian, Hardy boys, Stone cold, Goldberg.... I miss them all...

Moreover young stephanie....

Then those good 'ol WWF days and now those are gone too.
I really used to like Gaya Baya awaiting Sunday for its telecast and that Vikram Betaal in late 80's
DD Bharati airs some old tv serial now. I think it was Byomkesh Bakshi.

The K serials and similar serials, waste 15 mins of their time on close ups of the actors with dumb expressions on their faces. Most of the time either someone is nodding or has their mouth open in some sort of expression only they and the director knows.

I liked the old serials in English (which were dubbed in hindi) which came on Star Tv and Sony - I dream of jeanie, Silver spoon, Bewitched, Small Wonder and a game show called Crystal Maze.

Also DD used to air I Love Lucy, DD's Comedy show, Telematch (which hungama aired again some 2 yrs back recently) and old british comedies long time back.
also, how we can forget Shri Krishna,Om Namah Shivay, Mahabarata and Ramanaya, also Chandrakanta, damm all those serials are epic, loved

& "Duniya badal gayi, insaan badal gaye, badle nai kabi, Mitti Ke Rang Mitti ke Rang"

&& our only source to latest hits, Chitrahaar,

Poora bachpan yaad aagaya aaj, where's my time machine
Ohhh.... Thanks for reminding this show... It was too good. I wonder if someone remember 3 stooges.....

yup remember it. also fraggle rock, and flash gordon i think.

talking of crystal maze, something similar to it was being aired at night on TV5Monde on dishtv some 4 yrs back in french. Loved it. It used be in some deserted castle in middle of an ocean with real tigers in a cage at end of the show. The guy running it was a baldy too.
I guess even if DD National, Re-runs or Syndicates the Older shows from the 80s & 90s it can really get ahead of rest of "Same-Old-Saas-Bahu-Rona-Dhona" Channels like Star, sony colors etc.

Also the Cartoons these days are total crap, where is the Disney Hour, Popeye, Swat kats, The Mask (mask in hindi was hilarious), Looney tones etc some many superb cartoons on Cartoon Network used to be aired but today its some BS toons & failed translations in hindi.
That's definitely something DD missed out on. Their think tank is either a sloth or plain non existent.

And yea, dearly miss the power zone of cartoon n/w apart from the Desi toons.

Herculloids, space ghost, birdman, centurions, plastic man.. used to be the norm in the evening. Happy Days+Lost planet wd complete the perfect foil act for the DD based shows.
No one mentioned Tehkikaat?

Tehkikaat was damn good,along with Suraag,Karamchand,Reporter,Raja aur Rancho,and 3 More detective shows Starring Deepti Naval on Star plus,Mukesh khanna on DD and Mita Basisht On DD

In terms of cartoons, Does anybody remember Silver Hawks?
Seahawks,there was show about the paranormal stuff could remember its name,flop show,all the best,there was a also a indain game show for got its name,veirkam and beetal,yomkesh bakshi

the tv shows of today cant hold a light to theses gems of pasT

Seahawks,there was show about the paranormal stuff could remember its name,flop show,all the best,there was a also a indain game show for got its name,veirkam and beetal,yomkesh bakshi

the tv shows of today cant hold a light to theses gems of pasT
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