Thanks for letting me know that BBC does those programs. But, this is just the BBC. How about Al Jazeera? Can they make programs on how there is rampant abuse of Asian workers in UAE without getting jailed or worse? How about NYT or WaPo run programs on the USA showing how there is a huge gun shooting problem there or about their health care etc? Usa looks like an undeveloped country judging by the replies i see on reddit on how much the people get shafted by the companies operating there. But their newspapers paint that country as the greatest thing on Earth.
1. Why the hell are you talking about Al Jazeera? Do you want India to be like Saudi? If yes, then don't worry. BJP is doing a great job of regressing our country. And if you want something like Al Jazeera in India then Republic, Zee, Sudarshan has got you covered. You'd never hear anything negative about the country or the government there. Only negative news will be about states without BJP government.
2. NYT and WaPo both have written multiple articles about lax gun laws, mass shootings, health care and many other problems in USA. From where are you getting the impression that these news outlets don't write about problems in USA. Did you even looked up by yourself? I can give you dozens of links about these topic and many others. And why are you obsessing about these two in particular? Why don't you talk about Fox News (or rather Faux News)? If you want a major corporation ignoring problems in USA (and blaming everything on liberals, marxists, communists, and or immigrants) then that's the place you should be looking at.
3. You're talking about US redditors?