Do you believe that Apollo moon mission was a hoax ?

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fluttering of the flag, has the point been countered?

You have to revolve the flag counterwise and anti-counterwise to put in the ground, even in vacum situation that will cause a flutter.
Well,NASA is going backl to the moon again within the next few years.

As for the budget,US is a damn rich country and they were in the middle of a spacerace.So the politicians were nonhesitant to allocate big bucks for NASA

The Apollo program included a large number of uncrewed test missions and 11 crewed missions. The 11 crewed missions include two Earth orbiting missions, two lunar orbiting missions, a lunar swingby and six Moon landing missions.
Click on the button and check out the new Apollo interactive (Requires Flash Player).

The Apollo program was designed to land humans on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. Six of the missions -- Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 -- achieved this goal. Lunar surface experiments included soil mechanics, meteoroids, seismic, heat flow, lunar ranging, magnetic fields and solar wind experiments.

Apollos 7, which tested the Command Module, and 9, which tested both the Command Module and Lunar Module, were Earth orbiting missions. Apollos 8 and 10 tested various components while orbiting the Moon, and returned photography of the lunar surface. Apollo 13 did not land on the lunar surface due to a malfunction, but during the brief orbit around the Moon, the crew was able to collect photographs.

After the last lunar landing, total funding for the Apollo program was about $19,408,134,000. The budget allocation was 34 percent of the NASA budget.


another convincing thing here is

The Cost of the Moon Race: $100 Billion to Land on the Moon

Apparently the whole Apollo project was 34% of the NASA budget.

And not 1..not 2.. but 7 missions to the moon in less than a between 1963-72!!
So you can imagine the kind of money spent along with the cold war and nuclear arms race going on simultaneously..cud it be possible?
And after that... an abrupt FULL STOP!! No more missions..that says something..

The moon missions were cancelled because there was no further use for them.The 1st aim for the moon landings was to beat Russia to it which was achieved in Apollo 11.the later missions were basically scientific missions.

About the Van Halen

for similar counter arguements:

I want to quote here

"Fox should stick to making cartoons," agreed Marc Norman. "I'm a big fan of The Simpsons!"
okay i have another theory...Maybe Nasa actually went to the moon for once and brought back the rock samples. Cudnt it be possible simply that the following missions were fake?? that way they had the evidence and also the peoples faith so that no one wud question them??

Dont you think that this theory is possible too?

Again in the documentary, they have shown a footage of hilly backdrop..only thing is that in one image the Lunar module is there and in the second image the Lunar module isnt..since the lunar module never moved, how is it possible..the backdrop of the hill match 100% in both the images.. :O

Also, in another image, the astronauts are shown to be wandering in a area which is shown again in a footage from another day..only thing is Nasa claims that it is 2 miles(or maybe kms) away from the previous location.. mirror image anyone??
But what is really intriguing is the fact that nasa never ever thought of going back to the moon again when there is enough technology now to go there and infact create an outpost!!

Maybe they know that now it wud really be hard to fool anyone again..

Going to moon is not cheap, it made tactical sense those days ie during cold war.
This is one of the best tyhreads on TE!!! :D

Cayottee repped!!!

Have bookmarked this page. Will read all the links as and when I get time..... Way to go guys!!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kumar again.
@params: ya seriously US knows how to keep their secrets safe.
Frankly, i don't care if the landing is fake or not because i know the government(US) is hiding so much shit from us. hey the next thing we know an alien escapes from their laboratories while we're killing each other over apollo

But what is really intriguing is the fact that nasa never ever thought of going back to the moon again when there is enough technology now to go there and infact create an outpost!!
Maybe they know that now it wud really be hard to fool anyone again..
ya could be the reason. Also there was some allegation regarding the announcement of the astronauts speech over the radio anybody heard of that
More proofs validating the hoax theory:


One of the main anomalies that leads me to believe that the Moon footage was taken on a film set is the fact that the same mountains appear on different Apollo missions which are supposed to be landed several hundreds of miles from each other. In the following sequences you will even see the camera pan across the landscape that at one point includes the Lunar Landing Module. In another shot from the same mission, we see the very same mountains, but no Lander? How can this be when the mountains appear to be exactly the same distance away from the camera?


On this video during the Apollo 16 Mission we are told that the film to the left was shot during the first trip by the Rover to Stone Mountain, a trip that was carried out on 21st April and at 1 km west of the landing site... The second piece of footage to the right was taken the next day, at a site that was 4 km to the South of the landing site... What you can see in BOTH films is the same rocks. How can this be if the sites are several km's apart?

Flag flutters even when the astronauts are not fiddling with it..:


The site 'Badastronomy' has discarded the hoax theory which says that the flag flutters on the moon when there is no air..which means they are not onthe moon.. To this theory Badastronomy said that the flag fluttered only when the astronauts are trying desperately to fix it on the ground..

Okay, point taken...but what about this image above?? There is no one fiddling with it...why is it still fluttering??;)

About the moon rock theory.. :
How did man manage to collect the rock samples if we didn't go to the Moon???

750 lbs or so were said to be collected on the Apollo missions. This maybe so, but according to official NASA records, only a couple of pounds were actually collected by the astronauts. It would not be impossible to irradiate a rock or put it in a vacuum to get the same results.

Did you know that two years before the Apollo 11 mission, its lead scientist Dr. Werner Van Braun made a trip to Antartica which is a prime area for collecting Moon rocks?

The most convincing evidence of photo editing:

Check this page out and you'll be hardpressed to believe in the hoax theory.

Announcement from Nasa is itself a proof of a hoax :

Also consider the recent announcement from NASA that it would take scientists 15 years from now to design and build a craft to go back to the Moon. Why when we have allegedly been there 6 times already?

J. F. Kennedy announced in 1962 that Man would travel to the Moon by the end of the decade. Just 7 years later Man allegedly did just that. But more than 35 years later in a World that is vastly technologically superior to the 1960's, why would it take over twice as long to do the same thing today?

The Telescope theory :

If debris from the Apollo missions was left on the Moon, then it would be visible today through a powerful telescope, however no such debris can be seen. The Clementine probe that recently mapped the Moons surface failed to show any Apollo artefacts left by Man during the missions. Where did the Moon Buggy and base of the LEM go?

I have a query..we have one of the best radio telescopes on earth with tremendous capabilities to shoot distant galaxies from earth. Also, the Hubble space telescope which is powerful enough to capture pictures of distant supernovas, galaxies etc.

Why dont they just point these powerful telescopes to the moon, when it is so close to earth than the faraway galaxies and supernovas? They wud easily map the moon with precision.

They dont do it because they know, it will expose Nasa's little secret!!:cool2:

The astronauts would not swear on the bible!!

On the website,, they have a footage which shows the Apollo Astronauts refusing to swear on the Bible that they went to the Moon (and Buzz Aldrin (one of the astronauts of apollo 11) punching the investigator!).

Btw, thanks nikhil for the reps..and do check those web sites listed here..they will change the way you and i think...its a bad bad world!!:ohyeah:
^^OMG, before this i was skeptical about the hoax theory but after seeing those images(of the mountain backdrops) and the Flag fluttering unattended, i have to say that the conspiracy theorists do have a very valid point.

and if the moon rocks were actually collected from antarctica, it proves the point that nasa could go to any extent to cover things up.

CaaYoTee said:
Announcement from Nasa is itself a proof of a hoax :

Also consider the recent announcement from NASA that it would take scientists 15 years from now to design and build a craft to go back to the Moon. Why when we have allegedly been there 6 times already?

J. F. Kennedy announced in 1962 that Man would travel to the Moon by the end of the decade. Just 7 years later Man allegedly did just that. But more than 35 years later in a World that is vastly technologically superior to the 1960's, why would it take over twice as long to do the same thing today?

If they are so inconfident with the idea now, when we have the technology, how could they possibly do it flawlessly in the 60s when the technology was in its infancy?

When Nasa says that it'll take 15 years to go back to moon even after supposedly having enough experience with the apollo missions, it validates the hoax hands down.

And when the astronauts refuse to swear on the bible, what else is left to prove?
CaaYoTee said:
But what is really intriguing is the fact that nasa never ever thought of going back to the moon again when there is enough technology now to go there and infact create an outpost!!

I think Nasa is busy right now, completing the space station and going to mars.
DarthVader said:
^^OMG, before this i was skeptical about the hoax theory but after seeing those images(of the mountain backdrops) and the Flag fluttering unattended, i have to say that the conspiracy theorists do have a very valid point.

and if the moon rocks were actually collected from antarctica, it proves the point that nasa could go to any extent to cover things up.

If they are so inconfident with the idea now, when we have the technology, how could they possibly do it flawlessly in the 60s when the technology was in its infancy?
When Nasa says that it'll take 15 years to go back to moon even after supposedly having enough experience with the apollo missions, it validates the hoax hands down.

And when the astronauts refuse to swear on the bible, what else is left to prove?
Well priority of appolo mission was to beat russians to Moon.
When next manned moon mission will be planned its priorities will be a lot different. It will be more scientific. the one which would take more scientists and astronomers to moon in 1 trip and do experiments there and stay there longer than appollo missions.
Obviously it will take time designing the craft for that. And now it wont get 34% budget as it did in past.
jeez we are in 21st century, an MIT astrophysics and aeronotical graduate will be able to design a craft to just go to moon and come back.
I am disappointed by the pole results :no:
^^Exactly,the priorities r different then and now.In one of the NASA stated that it took the equivalent of 40,000 man hours just to test the apollo mission.There is a lot of behind the screen stuff going on such endevours.You know what,i sometimes wonder how do theese guys design and build stuff such as CPUs,HDDs containing millions of transistors and build them in the millions.All of them work flawlessly evry time we start the computer.

EDIT:I found a 2700 x 2700 pixels,2.2MB JPEG of the flag's pic.By looking the flagI don't think the depression near the stalk of the flag and the crumples r caused by wind.
Kumar and Funky, have you checked my last post on page 2 of this thread..? :)

Dont you think that those images taken from supposedly different locations are starkly similar to each other...isnt it an evidence of bad editing here on earth?

Doesnt it look like Nasa utilized the same sets in different missions ignoring the fact that those images could later be questioned?

Also all those who believe in the Badastronomy claim that the flag flutters only when the astronauts are trying to fix it on the ground..then what have they got to say about this image in which no one is around the flag..and it still flutters!!

Sure Badastronomy has a theory for this...;)


Edit: Kumar, what else do you think created those wavy patterns on the flag if not air?If there is no air, it shud have been straight without anyone fiddling it..:)

An amazing fact not many know about Apollo :

Of all the astronauts,Harrison Schmitt, a trained geologist, was the only civilian ever to walk on the Moon (all the rest were military men(airforce pilots), or as Hoagland would say - "good soldiers", who did what they were told).

Neil Armstrong had even served in the Korean war before the moon missions.

Now we all know that the armed forces stick to a defined code of conduct..they follow the orders of their bosses without question.. And at the time Nasa was completely controlled by the Defense department, the CIA, NSA and few other high profile security departments. Infact funding for nasa's manned missions was sanctioned by the Department of Defense and the CIA just to cut corners with the long term arch rivals, Soviet russia.

Do you think the astronauts would dare to go against the powerful system of the USA?

And i have to point one more thing that Badastronomy doesnt provide sufficient clarifications for all of the claims of the conspiracy theorists.

Infact they couldnt provide proper explanation for the letter 'C' that appeared on the rock supposedly on the moon surface..

Check this image...


And this..


And this...


When questioned with these images, Nasa and the Badastronomy site claim that the formation was not a letter "C"but a hair that must have been captured during film development from negative reel here on earth..

But NASA fumbles here on the subject as the letter "C" appears on all the three images and etched on the rock on the same is it possible if it is a hair?

Conspiracy theorists say that the rocks were numbered from A, like in movie sets to help cameramen shooting the film as it is a common process in film making and cinematography.

And finally, why would the Nasa astronauts refuse to swear on bible if they were righteous guys and did what they said..they did!! Buzz aldrin even punched Bart Sibrel, the conspiracy theorist taking their interview...

What does all this prove? ;)
They ARE Intresting points indeed.IMO this debate is not going to end soon.As the poll shows its divided 50-50%.
params7 said:
why would'nt they swear on the bible?

Simply because i believe that those poor astronauts are God fearing you and me.Also we have to keep in mind that all of them were ex-armed forces. They knew everything about high command orders.Even after the war, they were actually working for the same bosses at the NASA.

They had to do all this because they were forced to do this..we do not need to look into CIA's history for most intelligence agencies, they had their means and the power to persuade people to performing duties for them.

A lot of those guys knew that any leak of the mission's reality may lead to physical harm to themselves and their families. Not to mention the fact that CIA had the power to dump anyone into prison (or even kill) for no reason at all..

Under such circumstances, who would wanna go against them and the NSA?? :O

I guess the guilt of fooling lacs of fellow countrymen and self conscience made Neil Armstrong to resign from NASA in 1971.Just 2 years after the supposedly successful mission.Why would a person resign if he had accomplished his life's biggest feat being a part of the organisation??

Another reason why he and many other who resigned from NASA briefly after the Apollo mission could be the constant threat of BIG BROTHER CIA lurking around their lives, forever, for fear of a leak??
Think about it..;)

I think all this frustration lead Buzz Aldrin to attack Bart sibrel,one of the conspiracy theorists when he asked the astronauts to swear on the Bible..!! ;)
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