Do you still play Quake3Arena online

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Staff member
How many of you still play Q3A or wont mind playing it online?
Also which are the servers which give best ping for Indian players.
i still play q3 with a few of my friends on hamachi ;) tried my hand at cpma in frag-shack servers, but i really do suck at it :P . used to get 40-45 ping to fragshack
i play q3 offline 2, used to play a lot when kawa server was online, sadly FS and indiatimes both servers give me 100 ping so its not possible to play :(

as for FS server IP, you wont be able to connect to it thru q3 directly, you need to dload the FS launcher
HELL!! pt playin on 100ping will get blasted off b4 i can switch ta my RL :( ..

nyways thnx IF, but does anyone know of the current hottest servers ( course with lowpings) for Q3A? ..cmon there has to be some for this legendary game..
^ only thing Team Arena sucks ass. :)

@icefusion you dont need the launcher to join fs :P /connect will do.

im always on the lookout for games. if anyone wants to play osp, cpma or q4 just message me on msn : ashrATshaolinproductionsDOTorg

as for servers... - Fragshack OSP but people only play promode CA on it :/ - Fragshack CPMA. we play a lot of 1v1s here. - Indiatimes OSP. - Indiatimes CPMA.
I play online mostly on the fragshack servers. I used to think I was a good player until I started playing online. After which I'd be reduced to gibs in a blink of an eye. My justification: I'm not used to CPMA yet :P

@Ashr: If I'm not mistaken, aren't you India's top Q3 player?
For some reason, I never liked CPMA. It completly changes the game and not even 25% to the original.

OSP rawks for me as it gives lots of options to tinker around with for more pro settings and also removes some of the annoying trickjumps which made the original q3a unfair. But, atleast it is 90% similar to the original game.

I still love playing CTF games and CTF maps of Q3A are lame. Besides CTF, every section of Q3TA is even more lame.

Anyway, its upto to individual taste. Sometimes, I prefer UT2004 over Q3 due to gameplay issues. I feel UT2004 is much more balanced games in 1 on 1 DM games, but for pure adrenaline rush, Q3 rawks.
tracerbullet said:
@Ashr: If I'm not mistaken, aren't you India's top Q3 player?

dunno. i've only been to one big lan even in recent years and that's Blitzkrieg '04 where i won the CPMA tourney.
Used to play a lot between 2000-2002.

I think I was the first one to start playing CPMA in India around late 2001. Back then everyone used to hate it and swear by OSP heh.
Q3 is far from dead... IMO, it's still the most fun multiplayer game. I play with a bunch of guys every night on the FragShack OSP server, or, if I'm lucky to find some bloke to play 1v1 with, I'm on the CPMA server :)
well, even i would like to know tht.. i joined at arnd 1 in night today.. ther were few people playin.. but they left in like 20 mins
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