Do you still play Quake3Arena online

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There's a bunch of guys who play ClanArena on the FS OSP server... you will surely find people from around 5pm and it's crowded until midnight and on weekends it goes on until 2am.... the 1v1 server, as usual, is friggin empty :( Karan, just IM me maaaaaan... I'm always ready for CPMA :)
all quake 1.16 players, come on or

these by far are the best asian servers at the moment. there are a bunch of indian players here, and many are good. u get a ping of about 150, which is really decent as all of these are noghost lagless severs.

i even had my ownh server once....let me know if u guys interested, can put it up once again.

CTF1 and Q3DM17 all da wayyy babyyyy !! lol
I ping 200 to those servers you mentioned cowax... why not start playing on the Indian servers ashr mentioned in his post (see last page). I guarantee the latency will be < 100ms.
^^ yeah i know abt fragshack etc... i ping about 30 40 there, but no fun. nothing compared OTS or sssp or Z1 rail. all servers are rail only. and theres absolutly no lag at 150 ping. as good as 40. trust me....
How can you say 40ms = 150ms :S I've played under both latencies and there are noticeable differences...
first of all what are you doing playing PR 1.16? :S none of us can join those servers anyway. we're all on 1.32. not to mention half the fun is gone when its rail only :< nothing like the thrill of hitting air rockets.
ashr said:
not to mention half the fun is gone when its rail only :< nothing like the thrill of hitting air rockets.

Agree with the first part, disagree with the second part as not everyone is as skilled as you to enjoy air rockets :D
btw cpma and osp are not lagless servers. hence noghost rules anytime. try playing on any noghost server at 150 ping, and 100 osp, u'll notice the diff.
Dude, wake up.... CPMA's netcode is probably better than any other multiplayer game or mod... even at 400ms latency you don't experience any lag when moving around.
^^ you dont, but you cant aim at 400 ms.
Yet even CPMA netcode is crap compared to UT2k4 period, I have tried PAGN servers for CS, UT2k4, and BF 1942. And in all games other then UT I get 60 ms pings, but in game in UT I get 30 ms...
I beg to differ... for 2 entire months last year, I played on the FS/Kawa cpma servers from the US @ 250-300ms latency. There will be lag while shooting (forget railing completely) but it takes a little skill/time getting used to - at no point, however, did I get frustrated and say "this is pointless".
RiO said:
I beg to differ... for 2 entire months last year, I played on the FS/Kawa cpma servers from the US @ 250-300ms latency. There will be lag while shooting (forget railing completely) but it takes a little skill/time getting used to - at no point, however, did I get frustrated and say "this is pointless".
Heh, either you may be a pro at the game, or you must love the game immensely.:hap2: You will need to aim strategically with the rocket launcher otherwise its tough, cant play even UT2k4 ONS over 100 ms pings forget CPMA...
Well, my point is the game doesn't frame at high latencies, and the only thing left for you to figure out is timing your rockets/nades/plasma/etc. based on the 300ms lag ;)
Ok so the key to playing with you is to change directions randomly. Of course its with anyone but more so with you when you are at 300ms.
RiO said:
Dude, wake up.... CPMA's netcode is probably better than any other multiplayer game or mod... even at 400ms latency you don't experience any lag when moving around.
lol, no game since NetQuake has had 'lag while moving' no matter if you ping 800ms. It would make them impossibly disorienting to play.
Ofcourse you still move late and you still get hit, but only the client side calculations are used for the sake of convinience.

Other than that pretty much anything else at 400ms is a pain.
Renegade said:
Ok so the key to playing with you is to change directions randomly. Of course its with anyone but more so with you when you are at 300ms.
Well, it's not that simple, as I used win most of my games with average players even at 300ms :D
RiO said:
I beg to differ... for 2 entire months last year, I played on the FS/Kawa cpma servers from the US @ 250-300ms latency. There will be lag while shooting (forget railing completely) but it takes a little skill/time getting used to - at no point, however, did I get frustrated and say "this is pointless".

Let me explain this in the lame man's terminology ^.^

What cowax is trying to say is that when the server is running on
the noghost mod ... even if u r pinging at 300ms and you still have
a good aim and get the dude in the crossair ... boom headshot .. .
u face no lag during your movement and neither do u notice any lag
while shooting ... the best part about noghost is that even if you
pinging 50 or 350 ... the guy with the better aim wins .... but still the
guy with 50 ping has an advantage :)

The only problem with cpma/osp is that you are at a big disadvantage
if you ping even above 100ms... so in osp if you pinging 300 and get no
lag in your movement .. you ll still have lag shots ... and thats when
Rio's as he put it -- predict and shoot --- comes in ...

So if you see it in a larger scale osp/cpma are deffinitely far more
superior mods than Noghost ... But still Noghost gives an opportunity
for high pingers also ( if they have some skill ) to compete with the low
pingers in the same server ... For more info NoGhost Server Side Mod :: Quake 3 Arena :: Maverick Servers

But at the end of the day ... the story ends as ...

You all n00bs when it comes to quake 3 and yes i own you all .. :D

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