unlagged hitscans with regular projectiles won't work. the game is already hitscan dominated. when people have rails that hit accurately but rockets that are laggy they aren't gonna use the RL, LG or PG at all thereby changing the essence of quake :S with cpma, arqon's goal is clear. it's not about making 50 ping feel like lan but making 100+ pings feel like 50. anyway, in cpma even with 100 ping you don't have to lead by huge amounts to rail. if you're aim is good you will adjust to the lag in a few days. try shafting at 100 ping in any unlagged mod. unlagged stuff is great if you're dealing with ONLY hitscan weapons so InstaUnlagged is fine. in ZPM rockets were unusable at high ping. a lot of people like to use the other weapons
oh and dota isn't point and click

if you're playing serious clan games you cannot get by without strats. you should see some games of some good Indian clans like Roar and Manay playing. there's a lot of stuff involved like picking the right heroes, teamwork, the right items and each person doing a specific job like farming or denying gold and xp to the other team. dota is kinda like cs in the sense that when you're playing with random teams.. it's more of a tp thing where you just try to get as many kills as possible. comparable to playing on a pub server. what happens when you play cs against a good clan without teamwork and strategy? likewise, in dota you end up getting raped. the game isn't easy to play at a high level.