Do you still play UT04?

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Rave said:
ive got the slowest reaction time of all so dunno what ur taking about.....

haha, i knew u would bring that up.... u and ur mid door split second headshots.... still gives me the creeps.... :D so yaar how are you?
Karan said:
haha, i knew u would bring that up.... u and ur mid door split second headshots.... still gives me the creeps.... :D so yaar how are you?

naa ive lost my touch, cant hit anything now...

vikas more pro, shoot me from dd when am CT.. :O
The mouse brand and the game difficulty doesnt really relate. In terms of technology, stable framerate and a mouse which doesnt skips are the requirements. Rest all depend upon the amount of time spent practising game, sharpening eye to hand co ordination and irrational thinking. I still sometime play this game in Godlike mode when going 1 on 1 with bots and inhuman mode when facing multiple bots. Personally speaking, bots are ch*ts. You can actually predict on what direction they gonna head and what items they are gonna pick. The only unpredictable stuff they do is dodge your firing. Besides that, everything else is predictable.

The case is totally opposite when playing against real players. You can predict thier dodge directions and but cant predict thier movements in maps.
too good man, I struggle at adept.

UT04 will die soon. UT07 is around the corner, right, that will be the end of UT04.
xplicit said:
Saumil now that u have the *ahem* REG File, why don't u join us, at around 11 pm....
Yea, let me get my new hdd. Only 3gb free on this 40gb, where will I download and where will I install.
the games take around 5.5gb and maybe some virtual memory, either empoty your drive or buy a new 160-300 gb drive.
techboy said:
too good man, I struggle at adept.

UT04 will die soon. UT07 is around the corner, right, that will be the end of UT04.
I seriously boubt, UT04 will be like CS 1.6 and UT07 will be like source, not everyone can play UT 07...but most can play 04.
It depends, UT is known more for its insane fun gameplay more than its graphics, not that the graphics arn't great, but it will depend on how 07's gameplay will be, I hope they will retain the classic UT shoot em' u gameplay.
Karan said:

Aditya had the priviledge of playing instagib deathmatch with me ....... ask him for his experience..... he owns in rocket launcher and all those cheap guns.... for me, Lightning gun and railgun ROCK! It helps me aim a TON, cuz althought it doesnt improve it, it FORCES you to aim fast..... which is a very good thing..... rave could tell you a few things about it.... :P

rocket launchers require prediction and timing as opposed to point and click so no, they're not cheap at all :)
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