The important point is he never said don't use a condom. The point that matters is if people require condoms are they available or not. So you get the lecture, sit through it and then go collect what you came for in the first place.The point is why does the question of morality or faithfulness even come into the picture? AIDS doesn't care about whether you are faithful or not. It is an STD and faithfulness becomes a factor for impact only when one chooses not to use condoms.
Barbers stopped reusing blades in the 90s. This is why the shavettes came in. No more straight edge razors. So you always get a new sharp blade that gets disposed off.Also don't forget that AIDS is not just an STD either. It can also spread through blood in several other ways. Getting a shave at a barber using equipment/ blades used on others is one possible means. Blood transfusions is another. heck people even got just by donating blood when non-disposable equipment was used.
blood transfusions are mostly screened nowadays.
truckers going around the country and then returning home is the main vector for std spread in the country.
they're going after the illegal business. if the govt does not get a cut out of a transaction or is unable to impose one then they try to discourage it.It's definitely right to say that condom usage is not the only factor for curbing the spread of AIDS, but then wouldn't it be more apt to focus on the important factors than about morality or faithfulness which do not even figure as a factor. It is absurd to focus on morality while suppressing the more important scientific factors.
What's even more absurd is that its coming from somebody with a medical degree. Forget his political affiliations or the fact that he holds a ministry, this is not the kind of logic expected from a doctor.