Don't buy Apple iPhone 4: Consumer Reports

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Well , i think the antenna issue is more like a Batch issue . My Cousin said that there are two office mates who bought the i phone 4 and they have no issues with the signal . Currently i own a 3gs bought from Air-tel , I have had an unlocked 3g from UK and no issues with it so far .

@ thirumalkumaran . About the return or recall , if that happens i am going to give to my cousin again . He works in UK and comes for 15 days after every 3 months or i could do that through his friends too , who are working with him . It costing me less from UK including the VAT . 42k for 32 GB , only model available till now is the Black . May be if i am lucky enough i could get the white too .
tracerbullet said:
For once, I approve of your post wholly. Sigh, who's left to fight with now :(

What I really dislike about the whole signal reception debacle is Steve's reply to a user saying that he was "holding it the wrong way" or something to that effect. I think Apple rushed the entire launch because of the drunken employee scandal (if I can call it that) and consequent Gizmodo leak that occurred earlier this year. Manufacturing defects can and do occur, and it's Apple at the receiving end this time. Apple simply needs to own up and offer suggestions to alleviate the issue, and/or a subsuequent replacement as soon as the company gets the issue fixed in its next batch of phones. That's all Apple has to do really. And they can. I'm just surprised why they won't.
I think this is more of a design issue and they are in that Ford situation. "If cost of recall is greater than cost of loss of goodwill, don't do the recall". It's a bit unfortunate for me, I was thinking of getting my first smart phone and was looking at the white iPhone 4 (the first smart phone that I think has an acceptable battery life). I guess I'll stick to my dumb phone and get an iPod touch in september.
I was going to pick up an iphone 4 when they launch it in Sep, but the press conference they have announced on Friday has me a little nervous. No, I'm not really going to change my mind, as the pluses more than make up for the negatives. But, if they announce a recall or a redesign, then there is a high chance, they will almost definitely push back the India launch to later in the year.
jaganm said:
I But, if they announce a recall or a redesign, then there is a high chance, they will almost definitely push back the India launch to later in the year.

Recall isn't happening, what will happen there is that they will have wireless antenna experts there who will describe that the problem is with every phone and how iPhone antenna design is revolutionary + Apple giving free bumper stickers or vouchers to buy the same to the current owners. Steve Jobs may show up and every one is pleased.

That's what I think will happen , what do you guys think ? :D
seiously speaking, they should've put a thin rubber or silicon coating on that metal strip during design phase itself. works well for grip and protects the antenna. And how the hell that the geniuses and magicians of design not able to find the problem during testing phase?
tarey_g said:
Recall isn't happening, what will happen there is that they will have wireless antenna experts there who will describe that the problem is with every phone and how iPhone antenna design is revolutionary + Apple giving free bumper stickers or vouchers to buy the same to the current owners. Steve Jobs may show up and every one is pleased.

That's what I think will happen , what do you guys think ? :D

^^ +1 to that. Recall is impractical and neither is redesign. It doesn't make business sense and neither would the share holders keep quiet after such a move. Its not going to happen.

Knowing Apple and how they deal with this kind of PR issues (direct experience with similar issues after Snow Leopard Release messed up the lives of a lot of DTP professionals), I would say they will do one or more of the following

1. Try to play the blame game.

2. Try to demonstrate that other phones have the similar issues (even if other phones may not have the issue with the way that a lot of people consider the natural way of holding a phone for good grip comfortable use)

3. Announce free bumpers for the people effected by the problem or alternatively promise a coat of insulative material expertly painted by their professionals. .

Personally I feel that Apple knew about the antenna issue before hand possibly late in the development cycle which is why they had the bumpers ready by time they launched. I don't think the bumpers were made for aesthetics or ergonomics. Now its only a matter of whether they will be ready to give them out for free.

desiibond said:
seiously speaking, they should've put a thin rubber or silicon coating on that metal strip during design phase itself. works well for grip and protects the antenna. And how the hell that the geniuses and magicians of design not able to find the problem during testing phase?

You still think they have had sufficient field testing after hearing about the iPhone 4 prototype fiasco's. I don't know whether they even had enough simulated testing. with the way the prototypes are guarded, I would say they would have been chained to the desks of engineers working on them. To make matters worse, Apple doesn't have enough expertise in these areas to begin with. All their phone building expertise was acquired during their partnership with Motorola for the iTunes Phone. What they have expertise in is Computers and PDA's which I think is the reason why iPod Touch probably makes for a nice PDA, but the same thing in phone form had one or the other signal reception related issues in every one of its avatars.
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