DOTA 2 - Discussion Thread

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Only two pages of the matches are ranked. Rest normal. And can you even get mmr's with bots?

I meant different bots. So you can run these AI bots from your system which can play Dota from your account. The bots pick random heroes, buy specific items like boots and bracer, and rush mid. They feed themselves, respawn and rush mid again. At the end of the game they have a chance to get an item drop.

They can also be used to boost MMR. You get 5 bots in a party, set up rare matchmaking parameters like Portuguese language in a Chinese server, and with some luck you will be matched against your 5 stack bots who feed themselves. Free win.
I meant different bots. So you can run these AI bots from your system which can play Dota from your account. The bots pick random heroes, buy specific items like boots and bracer, and rush mid. They feed themselves, respawn and rush mid again. At the end of the game they have a chance to get an item drop.

They can also be used to boost MMR. You get 5 bots in a party, set up rare matchmaking parameters like Portuguese language in a Chinese server, and with some luck you will be matched against your 5 stack bots who feed themselves. Free win.
Forget the MMR's, I only want the items. :D
If you know how to play do share!! XD
No, I have no clue about how to code a Dota AI. I have played against many though, they are very common in SEA servers. Frankly, it's not worth. At the end of it you might get a common/uncommon if you are really lucky. The cost of electricity alone will be more than the cost of that item.
Anyone interested in playing Dota 2 together? I am at 3.2k MMR and I am looking for people I can play with and have fun (under 3.5k MMR, no minimum limit). I am usually very calm and don't mind losing. I am the kind of guy who wouldn't really judge if my allies make dumb mistakes/ accidents like playing Lion and fingering a creep in the heat of a battle or missing a stun with SK on a 50 HP hero letting him run away because we've all done those things at one point or the other. I am good at playing carries (Spectre, Morphling, Phantom Lancer). I usually support only when there are already enough carries in my team. I've been playing unranked matches for quite a time because every time I increase my MMR, the games get less fun and more intensive due to everyone trying too hard to win.

Like-minded people add me:
Steam Id: vandaal05
Username: Foxy
The finger! lmao. Dont forget the hexing creeps. it happens lol
my mmr is 1800. I stopped playing ranked because of all the idiotic teammates i end up with. I was on a losing spree so lost my motivation. I sometimes play ranked with a friend who is at 4.5k mmr. The players in that mmr are much better but i gotta say even a higher mmr is not without its share of newbs. :|
We should play together sometime. I am not from the high bracket myself but at the same time, I don't usually get paired with really bad players (they usually know what they're doing even though they're a lot more clumsy compared to high skilled players) but there are exceptions unfortunately like this Riki on my team yesterday who took 1 level in blink when he was level 9 or something, had phase boots and built Mask of madness and there was also a Bounty Hunter in the opposite team.
BTW if you are teaming up with your 4.5k friend, then your enemies are probably not 4kish but somewhere in the 3kish because if I am not wrong, matchmaking considers the average MMR of parties, this might kind of explain the newbs you see. 4k plus players in the SE Asia server are usually really good players (top 99 percentile). 5k plus players are usually the top guys in pubs in their respective countries and 6k players are the pros and recognized pub players. 7k plus people are very rare and none exists in SE Asia servers.
I'm at 3.3k MMR and 3.2k for party
It gets good after about 3k MMR. Players are good and decent, mostly around your level. Although I have seen some with >4k MMR being thrown into our games so it is not a hard rule that everyone has to be exactly at the same number.
Add me on steam (username: vandaal05), we can play today. We could win few matches :)
Sorry man. My stupid DU final semester exam starts this coming 7th. Need to study for atleast a few minutes :D
But ill send you a request. Name would be "bot-passive" go figure why. :p
is this you? why havent you still set up your profile?


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i am at 2.9k MMR. Will add you guys. Lets play together. My username is killmastern3.

BTW, i love that fingering a creep comment. Haven't played Lion in a year i think. His ultimate with scepter now deals damage in an area. That's crazy.
BTW, i love that fingering a creep comment. Haven't played Lion in a year i think. His ultimate with scepter now deals damage in an area. That's crazy.
Lina's Leguna Blade Aghanim upgrade now go through BKB. That really shocked me. I mean isn't BKB an item to counter all magic spells? If that Scepter upgrade go through then BKB just lost one of its magic immunity. And BKB doesn't resist Chaos damage. One thing which I want is Linken's blocking Mirana's arrow. And also some sort of buff to Huskar. For eg. Pudge gains str/hp with every hero kills. and LC gains damage. Huskar while annoying early-game doesn't do much against other farmed carries mid-late game.
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I havent played for a long time, but huskar well farmed was OP. BKB and some lifesteal and he finished off squishies (back in the day ;))
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