DOTA 2 - Discussion Thread

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Lina's Leguna Blade Aghanim upgrade now go through BKB. That really shocked me. I mean isn't BKB an item to counter all magic spells? If that Scepter upgrade go through then BKB just lost one of its magic immunity. And BKB doesn't resist Chaos damage. One thing which I want is Linken's blocking Mirana's arrow. And also some sort of buff to Huskar. For eg. Pudge gains str/hp with every hero kills. and LC gains damage. Huskar while annoying early-game doesn't do much against other farmed carries mid-late game.

Did you see the latest 6.81 changelog? Huskar's Burning Spear is no longer an orb effect. That means you can get a Helm Of Dominator, Desolator, Mjollnir or Skadi with Huskar and it will work with Burning Spears ON. Lot of pro teams have been picking Huskar lately, running an aggressive tri-lane with Dazzle/Abbadon. He is quite strong now from early to mid game.

BKB isn't the end-all item against all spells. Many go through BKB. Beastmaster's stun, Naga's net, Reverse Polarity, Rupture and now Laguna Blade. This gives Lina some late game viability.
Whats this new 188.2MB update? Downloading such a huge size after FUP is such a pain.
Which reminds me we've been getting lots and lots of updates recently so much that they are starting to annoy me.
Ah compendium..I see. Any exclusive TI4 courier? I want that Kunkka's courier.
Do you think we can reach level 7 Prize Pool for the immortal item? I have a feeling getting immortal items this time would be much harder than previous TI's compendium.
[DOUBLEPOST=1399725589][/DOUBLEPOST]I just bought my compendium. Got a Fantasy ticket. Valve says "don't forget to activate it" but that option in mine has already been marked. I dont remember ever "activating" it *confused*
btw any idea when we can start accumulating points?
What heroes did you guys get for the 10 hero challenge? Medusa and Dirge would be a bit problematic for me.


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Lot of questions there. We have already reached the 4th stretch goal, in ONE day. So yes, I am sure we will reach the 7th. Fantasy ticket can be used after May 19th. You can start leveling up your compendium right away. The Compendium Level has details on how you can get points for your compendium levels. You can get 25 point drops in game as well. Or if you are rich you can buy the points from the store, $5 for 1100 points, $10 for 2400 points. Here is my hero list, I got Meepo in there :(

i might actually buy those points who knows. i suck in prediction. >_>[DOUBLEPOST=1399768511][/DOUBLEPOST]Compendium level 121. Rich ass umurican kids.
^that guy is now in level 204 lol.
Anyway how did you choose your fav, team and player? I've selected mine but i don't see any "confirm" option or anything of the sort. My fav. team and player points are yet to be marked.


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Last I heard in reddit a guy passed level 1058. Spent about $400 in points. There is no confirm option, you should get the points immediately. The checkboxes take some time to be marked.
Lina's Leguna Blade Aghanim upgrade now go through BKB. That really shocked me. I mean isn't BKB an item to counter all magic spells? If that Scepter upgrade go through then BKB just lost one of its magic immunity. And BKB doesn't resist Chaos damage. One thing which I want is Linken's blocking Mirana's arrow. And also some sort of buff to Huskar. For eg. Pudge gains str/hp with every hero kills. and LC gains damage. Huskar while annoying early-game doesn't do much against other farmed carries mid-late game.
Agree about huskar. Deadly early and mid game. So-so late game. He needs a buff. You cant really upgrade lion without upgrading Lina. They are essentially similar. Ember needs to be nerfed. A powerful early, mid and late game hero. Trully impossible to play a fully farmed ember.
Bought compendium. Gives excellent battle points boost. 200%. This years international is going to have crazy prize money. Crossed 3 million already.
I will just leave this here. Fnatic vs Alliance last week, Era playing Huskar vs the whole of Alliance. Hilarious. Huskar with the right supports is definitely OP late game.

I will just leave this here. Fnatic vs Alliance last week, Era playing Huskar vs the whole of Alliance. Hilarious. Huskar with the right supports is definitely OP late game.
brown boots rofl. saw huskar's hp going down to a single point. haha
In one of my Huskar match before 6.81 came we had a Void in team. Got an ultra-kill. EZ. :D
I think my hardest match with Huskar was against a TB. I nearly cried as I didn't have any support. Damn pubs.
PS: and oh whatever role I play I always buy wards for myself.[DOUBLEPOST=1400057276][/DOUBLEPOST]Did you guys make any offer to the aegis? I offered some useless treasure chests and recipe and got a useless uncommon loading screen lol.
Net still in fup break, wont be able to play with humans for a while. Which reminds me I have a losing streak atm. This game is so cruel.
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So that's where my extra Loading Screen chest came from. I had put some duplicates in offering and had forgot about them. Next up will be TI special HUD and the Immortal items hopefully.
Huskar's burning spears now stack with orb effects. Playing against Huskar IMO is a gamble. If he gets a few kills at start, he's gonna snowball so hard and will be impossible to kill without 1 or 2 heroes dying on your side (even if it's 1 v 3) and from then, it's all downhill! However if he does not gain a gold/level advantage by feeding on your team, he loses his effectiveness. He is so hard to kill early game though because of his ridiculous magic resistance.
So that's where my extra Loading Screen chest came from. I had put some duplicates in offering and had forgot about them. Next up will be TI special HUD and the Immortal items hopefully.
I heard that it came after update. Not sure though. I updated twice today, 188MB and 122MB.
BTW guys what levels are your compendiums at? Mine's still 1. Thinking of buying the points. No time for farming. Let me know if anyone wants to sell 2.4k points.
Just hoping we wont get crappy immortals like the old Abaddon's mace and Druid's.
I'm also looking for Augment recipe for common, uncommon and rares. But only the recipe which require ANY items of the required rarity and not the ones which need specific items (i hate it). Please let me know. I wanna gamble with this crafting thing.[DOUBLEPOST=1400128634][/DOUBLEPOST]I guess my net is all set.
let me know if anyone wants to play.
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U have tikona for carrier ... ur net is screwed. ;)
IKR? You aren't helping. :'(
I'm thinking of getting it disconnected after this month.
These common, rare items that you guys are talking about .. do they affect gameplay or just aesthetic ?
Gameplay isn't affected. Only cosmetic. Some items look great and others horrible. I'm a bit choosy so I like to keep only the items which I like.
I think the loading screen chest is from the Compendium. One of the stretch goal unlocks. The aegis offerings will be collected weekly.
Currently playing my 10 given heroes in the compendium. We have to win with all heroes huh. Sigh.
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