DOTA 2 - Discussion Thread

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Along with CSGO MM servers. It will be provided by GameGOD, who are running a big CSGO and Dota 2 event this weekend in Bangalore. Although the CS GO server seems to be up and running, there has been no word on when the Dota 2 server will go live. Probably some time next week.
It will be provided by GameGOD.
I know that we will have our own server soon but GameGod?? SERIOUSLY?? O.M.G NNOOO!! From where did you hear this?
Just think about this. GameGod online stream was horrible. The worst stream and cast which I've ever known. It was a complete joke, messed up right from the start. If they were not ready to provide a proper stream then they shouldn't have done it in the first place. That would've been better. Expectation and reality were vastly different. If the server is going to be provided by the management of GameGod then I'm totally against it. They couldn't even manage a small broadcasting how the heck are they gonna run a server for thousands? This sounds more like they want to make quick money than provide a good service. Also just FYI NODWIN group is not being liked by the guys on reddit because of one particular incident. They have a very bad reputation there. So a server being run by GameGod event which is being organized by NODWIN group will surely raise eyebrows.
It was announced in the GameGOD event that started on Friday, check out LordNOD's facebook page. Yes their management is not very good, but at this moment they seem to be the only one willing to invest on this. People are reportedly getting decent pings to the CS GO server, although I haven't been able to connect to it myself. What's the worse that can happen, we keep playing in SEA servers?
It was announced in the GameGOD event that started on Friday, check out LordNOD's facebook page. Yes their management is not very good, but at this moment they seem to be the only one willing to invest on this. People are reportedly getting decent pings to the CS GO server, although I haven't been able to connect to it myself. What's the worse that can happen, we keep playing in SEA servers?
That is true, but that is where they can screw around. They are the only people who came up, and they will probably hold all the monopoly. Just imagine this, an organization which has been literally blacklisted in the reddit dota 2 community, just how bad/pathetic can you be? I think I now know the real reason behind this GameGod event. Its like an experiment to show these to the guys who came for the visit (Funn1k, Edward and other staff) that things "can" work and not actually to promote "Esports" or "professional gaming." Sigh.
If the management is gonna suck then yeah SEA for me. At best i normally get <100ms around 80-95ms. At worst well 1000ms.
dammit why doesn't anything good come out from events held in India. If GameGod organizer/NODWIN group does have the right to host the server I have a very bad feeling about this. It really worries me.
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The compendium is a more cash grabbing than the last one. CP drop rates are very low, challenges reset every 5 days. The only way to level up is to throw more money at it. The immortal items are nice so far, but the market will be flooded with them in August, will pick them up them for less than a dollar. This is the first compendium I am not getting.

As for the patch, the new items are interesting for sure. ESL One is coming up, will see some interesting strategies and hero combos. Glimmer Cape and Silver Edge are especially strong.
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I have a query my friend wants to buy the compendium but he does not have a Dc/CC and he is in college and he cannot ask his parents becausehe knows that they wont allow him to spend money on games. So i tried to login from his account and tried to use my CC details but i failed to buy the compendium. Is there any way i can buy him the compendium from my CC. I am not sure about the number of days you have to wait before you can trade the items that you bought. need some advice.
What error did you get when you tried to add the new credit card? Adding a new payment method will disable the community market for 7 days, but buying a compendium should be fine. If you buy one yourself you have to wait for 7 days to trade or gift it to him.
If you have a paypal account try going through that. Sometimes the banks block Steam transactions due to fraud detection alerts, in that case you need to call your bank and ask them to whitelist steam.
If you have a paypal account try going through that. Sometimes the banks block Steam transactions due to fraud detection alerts, in that case you need to call your bank and ask them to whitelist steam.

I did call them they told me that nothing is blocked from our end. I believe the reason why my transaction failed because i loged in a new account from my computer and i was trying to buy something. Steam is playing really safe but its good a lot of people just wanna scam items and some items are so freaking expensive.
That's why the 7 day trade restriction is there in place. Incase of a stolen card the bank reverses the payment and the item disappears from the inventory. It shouldn't stop you from making a purchase though. The only other thing I can think of is you need to verify your credit card. Steam will make to random transactions to your card and you need to enter the transaction amount from the payment alert in Steam verification window. You get three attempts.
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This had happened to me while i was buying 10$ of steam wallet cash. Citibank had blocked the transaction and when i called them up, they unblocked steam and it was working fine for me. But i too recommend using Paypal for any international transactions.
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