ya , me too .. slept at 3 or so , couldnt keep my eyes open any further

. Then got a little work in the morning and when i cam back , it was the 4 th match between IG and NA'VI.
If someone followed the International (I followed it late only

), should have known that there is always a set of heroes the teams select and set of heroes they ban . Heroes like anti-mage , dark seer , rubik , Naga , enigma , morphing , wind runner , enchantress , broodmother , etc are the constant heroes , either gets banned or selected. Apart from the regular 5-5 bans , the system itself should randomly ban another 5 or 8 heroes , forcing the teams to play unplayed heroes . We have 90 Heroes in total , and system should ban the one`s that are very frequently played in these tournaments to give a twist to the whole gameplay , and see if the teams can find new strategies and plans with new heroes.
Also there should be some way to turn the tides in the middle of the game , apart from roshan. Once the team gets enough items , they almost become invulnerable and beating opp team becomes a cake walk. May be something like spend X gold (combined) to rebuild towers etc.. it will be nice idea.
add me : MSPlay
Anyway , any LUNA fans here ?
- - - Updated - - -
Here is the breakdown of what happened (
credit :
http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/z8ofd/the_play_multicam_edition_navi_vs_ig/c62gbt5 )
RIGHT after Song of Siren:
Puppey (Enchantress): Wisp heal
XBoct (Jugg): Bladefury
Dendi (Rubick): Force staff out of ravage, steals ravage, ravages.
LightOfHeaven (Enigma): BKB -> Blackhole
AA (Shadow Shaman): Runs away a little, then lightnings