* Symptom
After new Catalyst 9.x driver installed, CrossFireX can't be enabled. When CCC starting first time after install, the adapter unplugged status message displayed and you may also receive incompatible driver disabled warning window pop up message too.
In the CCC, you can check and apply CrossFireX enable option but it's disable again after display off and on.
* Cause of problem
.Net Framework 3.0 of Windows Vista is incompatible with new Catalyst 9.x driver suite and this causing CrossFireX enabling problem.
* Workaround step
- To fix the windows incompatible adapter disable error: Microsoft has announced hot fix KB958851 to fix the PCIe device hotplug issue in Windows Vista and Windows server 2008. When Catalyst driver install, Windows Vista also recognized this as hot plugging PCIe adapter and the KB958851 patch install will fix this problem.
(You can request & download this hotfix to Microsoft in here -
Issues occur when you hot-plug or hot-unplug an external PCI Express graphics device while a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 is asleep or hibernating)
- To fix CrossFireX can't enabled problem
1. In Windows Vista, there is .Net Framework 3.0 integrated with OS resources and this must upgrade to 3.5 SP1.
You need to download .Net Framework full installation package from Microsoft (the size is about 242 Mbyte) and doing install.(You can download this full package in here -
If you experiencing error 1603(and similar error) and .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 failed to install then doing below steps.
Or you can jump to step 2 if .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 installed successful.
1.1 Perform registry check, clean up and registry defragment. I recommend Vista manager utility for ordinary user to doing this.(Utility homepage:
Yamicsoft Software Download - Homepage)
1.2 Install .Net Framework 3.5 SP1
2. Reboot system after successfully installed .Net Framework 3.5 SP1.
3. Download .Net Framework hot fixes and install - KB958481, KB958483, KB958484 - and install these fixes as this orders; KB958481 -> KB958483 -> KB958484.
It's not need to reboot after every fix file installed because each file doing different .Net Framework version fix.
You can download these hot fixes are in here -
4. After all 3 hotfixes are installed then reboot the system.
5. If there is any previous Catalyst driver exist then uninstall and to make it sure, use DriverSweeper utility to completely remove remaining ATI driver files in Windows safemode.
6. Install new Catalyst 9.x driver suite as installation instruction in normal Window mode.