Dumb Q: How is "Saiyan" pronounced ?

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Before joining TE, i only knew the meaning of "Saiyan" as in Hindi (a girl's lover or something along those lines). :rofl:

I know this may sound stupid, but i got to know what exactly Saiyan means only very recently. I was intrigued why so many people put "Saiyan" as there IDs here! Then i came to know that its a japenese anime character ... hehe:bleh:

So the question is, how is it actually pronounced? The way we pronounce Saiyan in hindi? (check out this video, you will know what i am talking about :YouTube - saiyan dil main aana re- remix:ohyeah:
:bleh: rofl.... Saiyan....hahahahhahahhahahahahhahhahah


milk went up my nose ....
^^ROFL^^ well thats the way bikey pronounces it too. Saiyan would die in shame. It was extremely hilarious, me and chic_magnet almost fell off.

I think its.. "see-YAAn" :P

BTW do you even know how to pronounce 'anime'

Oh and we even have a super_saiyan.. :rofl: :rofl:
Renegade said:
I think its.. "see-YAAn"

ROFL..really tht sounds like some jap anime character..eh..'See-yaan sounds like a brother of 'Shinchan'....:rofl: :lol: Check out Shinchan on hungama tv if u havent already...:rofl:

Well, i think it shud sound something like Saae-yan..but not sure..:tongue:
superczar said:
imagine Crazy_eddy singing that out aloud to our friendly neighborhood Saiyan
Even the Brokeback cowboys would hang themselves in shame, then. :ohyeah:
^ ROFL!! :rofl:

If your talking about the Anime charecters Saiyans...then in English Saiyan is pronounced as 'Say-in' and in Japanese is pronouced 'Saiya' Jin (which mean people in Japanese.)
Watch out! He's real angry and is coming to kill you all :O

Private Ryan said:
OMG..u guys still watch dragonballz...??:S

lol, for starters its a pretty good anime. But those who have seen the new animes might not like DBZ. But it rocked during its time.
While you are here you can let us know how to pronounce your name. Dont tell me you yourself dont know!! :rofl:
Private Ryan said:
OMG..u guys still watch dragonballz...??:S

Sure u guys must be watching Kochikame and Doraemon as well...:rofl: :lol: :tongue:

DBZ is one of the most popular anime ever made.Author Akira Toriyama is a legend in manga.
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