dipdude said:
I'd like to know what ken and kaz have been smoking !

dipdude said:
Famed developer John Carmack sat down with G4 TV (Video) during E3 this year and gave viewers the scoop on the Sony PlayStation 3 and the challenges of its development environment. Carmack, somewhat of a legend in the gaming community, gave us really the very first FPS title Wolfenstein 3D in 1992, along with DOOM and the Quake franchise. He was at the show this year to show off id Software's upcoming title Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
During the interview Carmack discussed the issues with Sony’s development strategy concerning the PS3 comparing the symmetrical processing approach Microsoft took with the XBOX 360 to the asymmetric approach that Sony is using with the Cell processor developed in partnership with Toshiba and IBM.
Carmack concedes that the PS3 is a more powerful platform saying "the PS3 has more peak performance on there and that’s what Sony was looking for." However he believes that Sony made a mistake with the Cell architecture in the difficulty there is with programming for it as opposed to the 360.
Corp.'s vice president in an interview during the Electronic Entertainment Exhibition (E3) criticized Sony Corp. for $599 price-tag on the PlayStation 3 and expressed opinion that consumers would prefer to get an Xbox 360 and a Wii, rather than a PlayStation 3.
"Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3?" Peter Moore, Microsoft Xbox division vice president, is reported to have said, according to Reuters news-agency. "People are going to buy two (machines). They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii for the price of one PS3".
MICROSOFT is winning the console war by a mile. While the attention is turned to the Sony booth, the sad fact is that the company is presenting second-generation developer kits to the general audience, while the showcased product is just an empty case.
However, even that is not important. If information from our source proves correct, Microsoft will be the first company with 10 million products on the market and Sony will be in for helluwa trouble.
E3 is generally a themed event, with one or two issues dominating the whole proceedings and all other facets orbiting around this. This year as well as last it was the consoles which ruled. Two years ago it was blockbuster titles like Half-Life 2 and Doom III which held centre stage.
I sometimes think that E3 is too big, too loud and too flashy to be of any use anymore. We get the big announcements and flashy press conferences in well managed set-pieces, but unless a title can showcase something spectacular up front it will get lost in the mist. Who would have known about "Warhawk" this week if not for the fact that Sony had to fall over themselves to scratch up one title to showcase their new motion sensitive controller with? Not flippen many, I'll tell you that.
If you've been following closely, name me but twenty of the new titles you've heard about, but not showcased at a console press conference, and give me three salient details. Go on. I dare you. No, don't Google it.
While E3 is often thought of as a console gaming show, I was quite impressed by how much of the show was devoted to new PCs, both on the show floor and at events like eFocus, held the night before.
Of course, gaming PCs are nothing new. Dell was showing off a new high-end XPS gaming desktop called “Heavy Ordnance†in a bright red case; and some limited edition gaming notebooks, designed to be customized. Alienware got into the act with a special limited edition notebook inspired by the upcoming Superman Returns movie, with special artwork. Toshiba has a new gaming notebook, and was showing its new Qosmio with a built-in HD DVD drive.
[PS3] Lower-end model also lacks HDMI, memory card slot and, erm, chrome lettering
Sony has today cleared up the confusion over the differences in specification between the two models of PlayStation 3 - and the cheaper version won't support wireless controllers.
As announced by the company on Monday, two versions of PS3 will be available at launch - one with a 60GB hard drive, and a less pricy model that features a 20GB hard drive. However, what the company didn't mention at the time is that the 20GB machine also lacks a number of key features that are included as standard in the more expensive model.
The 20GB console won't include an HDMI output, which means that it won't be able to deliver high definition pictures. But perhaps more disappointing is that wireless bluetooth controllers won't be supported; instead, gamers will have to make do with retro-style wired-up versions of the increasingly controversial PS3 pad.
Sony Exec agrees with Microsoft Exec regarding Nintendo's Wii
In strange turn of events after E3 ended this week, Sony Computer Entertainment executive Phil Harrison agrees with Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President Peter Moore regarding Nintendo’s Wii. A few days ago Peter Moore was quoted saying that consumers could purchase a Microsoft XBOX 360 and a Nintendo Wii for the same price as a single PlayStation 3. According to GamePro, Harrison said console buyers should buy a Nintendo Wii in addition to a next generation system, whether it is the XBOX 360 or PlayStation 3.
The article explains that most companies have been mislead to underestimate the technical capabilities of the Wii. The source for the article also makes a bold statement by saying: "the Wii will be visually on par with the Xbox 360 and may even exceed it slightly."
"You knew the comparisons were going to be inevitable. Now that we've gotten our mitts on both next-gen consoles' motion-sensing input devices, Nintendo's Wii controller and Sony's PlayStation 3 controller have to go head to head..."
If success was judged by the size of the queues at this week's E3 games expo, then Nintendo would win hands down.
Ostensibly, the purpose of a major trade show like last week's E3 Expo is to demonstrate the upper crust of consumer technology, to expand the limits in the customer's mind of what's possible. But historically, what's possible for the consumer has also meant what's affordable; and this year, we're not only seeing the price of enthusiast tier PCs rising to unexplored levels with the inclusion of technologies like Nvidia's quad-SLI, but the price of top-tier gaming console prices rising as well - and Nvidia isn't absent from that market, either.
Game innovation is not dead, according to game executives
"Is game innovation dead?" That was one of the questions that gamers asked during E3 to people involved in the video game industry. All of the employees from various game-related companies agreed, to some extent, that innovation is definitely not dead -- yet. Video games and game consoles are still evolving as time and technology progresses, and public relations people and engineers were passionate about mentioning that video games will continue to only get better in the future.
When Sony announced that their new PS3 controller would include "motion sensing" capabilities, the questions immediately arose: is this a "me too" feature meant to steal Nintendo's thunder? Is this a wholehearted "ripoff" of Nintendo's brave gamble? Prior to E3, the biggest question about Sony's future controller was whether or not it would look like the boomerang concept design maligned by so many gamers. All that changed when Sony showed their new controller sporting tilt-sensors. Even the rumor mills didn't have a lead on this curious announcement.
As it turns out, no one knew for good reason: Sony wasn't communicating with developers. Imagine being a developer and learning through the media that Sony had decided to drop vibration feedback support, for instance. That's not the end of it, either. It turns out that Sony was so tight-lipped about its tilt-sensors that they gave their own Warhawk developers a mere 10 days to build support into the game in advance of the E3 demonstration. This led many gamers to charge Sony with first degree uncoolness, as it were, as the mixture of last minute maneuvering and the similarities between the two controllers combined to make great accusation fodder.
The PS3 will come standard with a functional Linux Operating System as well as compilers and other tools to take advantage of homebrew software and prospective upstart developers. Of course, this also means the PS3 will be compatible with just about every USB device on the planet!
This post on Curmudgeon stacks up historic console prices, in both relative and absolute terms. 600 clams is still expensive, but it's not the highest.
E3 was a blur of new information about Spore - but who’s to keep up with it all? Lucky for you I compiled everything I could remember into one huge post here.
In an interview with GameSpy, Spore creator Will Wright mentioned that the game will be released in April/May 2007 for the PC, and then afterwards will be ported to cell phones, and all consoles. He even went onto commenting about the consoles themselves, showing a bit more enthusiasm for the Wii than the PS3.
Nintendo is guaranteed to sell the most consoles in ANY country this time around. Microsoft recommends Wii. Sony recommends Wii. As the article points out, "if Nintendo was everyone's second console of choice, wouldn't that make it the top-selling console with the most market share?" Nintendo's taking the power back!
Nintendo, it seems, is trying to spread the word about the unique style of game play that it offers through the DS by launching the Touch! Generations website and including a marketing sticker on games that use the touch screen on the DS in unique ways.
Broadcom Corporation (Nasdaq: BRCM), a global leader in semiconductors for wired and wireless communications, today announced that the Wii™ game console from Nintendo will include Broadcom® Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi® technologies. Featuring the first Bluetooth wireless game controller system to ship "in the box" with a leading game console, along with the first integrated Wi-Fi solution for online gaming, Nintendo's Wii demonstrates the industry's highest level of commitment by a game console manufacturer to deliver a robust, state-of-the-art wireless gaming experience.
"The Wii game console will take advantage of the most popular wireless technologies to deliver an advanced user experience that no other competitive console can match," said Genyo Takeda, Senior Managing Director, General Manager, Integrated Research & Development Division for Nintendo. "Broadcom's ability to supply and support custom features for both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi has enabled us to provide our customers with a unique gaming experience powered by high-performance, field-proven wireless solutions."
Easily the most consistently visited booth at this year's E3 Expo belonged to Crysis, the Windows PC-based game that makes full use of the perhaps the most detailed rendering engine in the history of gaming. Palm tree leaves, razor stubble, dust in the roadway - all are rendered objects that are susceptible to being moved, and perhaps even mutilated.
If you already heard about this, don't post "old" or whatever, because... that's spam. And besides, I'm sure pleanty of people haven't heard of this.
Apparently, the Wii consoles displayed besides the TVs at E3 this year weren't nothing but show. That's right, just an empty box with a light. The truth is, underneath the displays, were GameCubes running on Wii development kits. This, I believe is actually good news. Why? Because the graphics you saw at E3 were not Wii graphics. I thought they were good, but apparently they can get better. The graphics card is still in development with ATI. Proof:
The date may not be set and the price may not be known, but Nintendo fans across the globe are already beginning to rally as we near one of the most anticipated system launches our industry has ever seen. E3 was abuzz with activity as gamers rushed to get a first hands-on opportunity with the Wii. Whether you show allegiance to Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo, the Wii brings a new sense of gaming that’s so fresh and entertaining that it really has to be played, and people had a chance to do just that. With record-breaking lines, the Wii was the talk of the show. Now that E3 is over, we’re counting the days until its launch, and to celebrate the countdown we’ve compiled a list of every launch game we know about. Before we kick it off, we’d like to explain a few things. Listed below are the games already confirmed by Nintendo (or other publishers), though we will be adding or subtracting games as details arrive. In addition, there are other titles such as Final Fantasy and Excite Truck that we are simply awaiting official word on before adding. All things considered, this is shaping up to be a very strong launch for Nintendo, and we can’t wait to see how the world responds to the innovative gameplay Wii has to offer.Included with each game are the basic details, as well as a description of the play style. Below we’ve featured a key to the terms we’re using. Enjoy!
"Nintendo's PR Manager, Matt Atwood, has confirmed accusations that Wii demo stations at E3 were not running inside the Wii case and instead were running inside Gamecube housing using Wii-spec hardware. 'The Wii hardware we exhibited at E3 2006 was made specifically for the E3 show and is not the final mass-production version. Some of this hardware was cased in Nintendo GameCube housing.'" Update: 05/19 21:08 GMT by Z : Changed 'hardware' to 'housing' in title.
Nearly 70% of readers said they are most looking forward to Wii. 21% voted for PlayStation 3, while the others voted for systems already released. 88.4% of readers believe PlayStation 3 is too expensive, while 10% believe it's "about right".
Readers have also been voting on the most important announcements to come out of E3. The top 20 are as follows...
Famitsu readers' biggest news of E3
1. PlayStation 3's price and release date announcement
2. Final Fantasy XIII announcement
3. Nintendo's Wii price/release date no-show
4. Nintendo Wii title line-up announcement
5. Announcement of Super Smash Brothers X on Wii
6. Announcement of Nintendo Wii controller details
7. Announcement of Dragon Quest Sword, available at Wii launch
8. Nintendo Wii Zelda details/demo
9. Announcement of details concerning PlayStation 3
10. New games announced for Nintendo DS
11. New details on PlayStation3 controller
12. Display of Wii controllers at the Nintendo booth
13. Hideo Kojima's presentation at the Konami Digital Entertainment press conference
14. Announcement of Resident Evil games coming to Wii
15. 27 titles playable for Wii at the Nintendo booth
16. Compatibility of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles between DS and Wii
17. Announcement of "WiiConnect24" online service for Wii
18. A Microsoft executive's comments that "PlayStation 3 is expensive"
19. Play reports of Zelda on Wii
20. Announcement of Monster Hunter 3 on PlayStation 3
Readers also voted in the game they are most looking forward to...
1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
4. Super Smash Bros. X
5. Dragon Quest Sword
6. Super Mario Galaxy
7. Final Fantasy III
8. Monster Hunter 3
9. Biohazard (Wii)
10. Halo 3
Bungie Studios will have new maps built specifically for the Vista version of Halo 2 PC and a map editor. Plus questions answered on Halo 2 (PC and Xbox versions), Halo 3, and their new book.
With E3 now gone, we look back on how the consoles clashed. Will Sony demolish the competition for a third time, or has their Blu-Ray venture induced a fatal flaw in PlayStation strategy?
The Xbox Live Vision camera will get a simultaneous release in Europe and the US this autumn. The XLV camera will allow gamers to personalize their gamertag picture, send photo messages, and chat over Xbox Live. It can also be used to play Xbox Live Arcade games such as Uno and Texas Hold 'Em Poker.
Not surprisingly, the Nintendo Wii is the most anticipated game console in Japan
The Nintendo Wii video game console is the most wanted next-generation console in Japan, according to a new survey. The Famitsu game and entertainment magazine claims that 68.8 percent of gamers surveyed said they were looking forward to the Nintendo Wii, while 88.4 percent said that the PlayStation 3 costs too much. Worldwide debate and speculation erupted after the price details of the PlayStation 3 were revealed before the E3 video game convention earlier this month. US analysts believe that the Nintendo Wii's interesting controller will also help draw interest to the console.
Video games for the Wii also dominated a list of console games that were shown or unveiled during E3 2006. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was the game that console players anticipated most.
1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii/GC)
2. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
3. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
5. Dragon Quest Swords (Wii)
6. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
7. Final Fantasy III (DS)
8. Monster Hunter 3 (PS3)
9. Biohazard Series (Wii/PS3/X360)
10. Halo 3 (X360)
A mere 21 percent of those surveyed showed a high interested in the Sony PlayStation 3, with around 7 percent liking the Microsoft Xbox 360 game console.
The 2005-2006 edition of the "console wars" is a little different from previous installments in the battle to be in everyone's TV room. There are the usual skirmishes over horsepower, cost, and developer support—as there is any time a new console hits the scene. This time, however, the gaming side of the equation has been made more complex by the choice of supported physical formats, and now with pricing announced for the two "high-end" consoles, we can consider how the next-generation optical format disc wars have factored into the strategies employed by Microsoft and Sony. In what follows, I consider and argue that Sony's decision to include Blu-ray in the PlayStation 3 represents an unnecessary risk, and could end up hurting the company's efforts to combat gains by Microsoft.