eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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neerajvohra said:
month to deliver the ipod or the gift ? I too ordered one ipod with this coupon.
The ipod was the Diwali gift then... My bad for not framing the sentence properly... :P
mjumrani said:
How long does it last?
My doubt is there is no sale in French Connection, how can he get such cheap perfumes?

Is there any place on the internet where you get authentic and un-tampered perfumes?(Which can be shipped to India of course)
For the record, fashionandyou perfumes are tampered with, ie, they are diluted, thus fake.
I have read some bad reviews about this perfume. So I would recommend to test it at local store and then buy it.

I came across a product in ebay which I click buy now, it show up a screen said "Start SMS process".....instead of pay now screen, it asking my mobile no.....though that product is not a bid or big amount anything,

I already register my mob no with ebay where I get paisapay SMS,then what is that ?

Please help
^ some buyers have the option to put up sms verification requirement in order to buy their items, normal ebay thing , some sellers do it , just ask the sller to remove this sms verification thing , some do it some might not
Even I had to do this when I purchased a Laptop in Diwali...

What's the problem in a simple sms registration anyway??

Want to ask one question as most experts are here, I bought a product in 31/1/11 and the seller can't deliver that and he refund the amount on 12/2/11.... I also receive a SMS which stated that "Your refund will be processed in 3 working days". But there is no sign of it till now.

I want to know how many days it take to get back money from ebay.

here is the screen

The refund should have reache dyou by now.
Its been 15 days, so the best option is to call CC at 18002093229 (toll free)
Tell them about you transaction, they would provide you the transaction number for the refund.
Could be your bank related issue.
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