eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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adder said:
Well in sony you get 2 types of batteries Blue cycle energy which is equivalent to eneloop and then there are Green cycle energy,which have about 20% higher capacity but has lesser charge/discharge cycles.

the one you ordered looks like its a Green cycle energy.
Yesterday I received the product through TNT, yes its Green cycle energy, on the back side of the pack it was mentioned, AA-2000mAh & AAA-800mAh are blue model and remaining AA - 2700,2500,2100,1800 AAA - 1000,900mAh are green version.
Hey it worked for me.... but my fkall sbi card isnt working... gives me this error.. what to do now..

The following must be corrected before continuing:

* Credit / Debit card number - Please enter the Credit / Debit card number.

Somebody help me out now plzzz..
^ is it a maestro card which is usually wat sbi gives, but if its a visa /mc debit card , then i dont think there shud be a prob

and way is flkall sbi card :-?
There's a talking alarm clock on Deals of the Day today .

Anyone's had any experience with a similar product ? I'm tempted .
trigger said:
I am not sure how ebay guys tell it as Daily Deal, as this item is selling for much lower price in ebay itself (various other vendors).

check this

emergency charger, Mobile Accessories, Consumer Electronics, Apparel Accessories items at low prices on eBay India

same charger is sold by various sellers for much lesser price. (Rs. 92, which is over 20% less than the daily deal price)
GuruGulabKhatri said:
How did U apply?
Yup is was some form i printed of the internet..

Then filled it and submitted to the branch..

Still waiting though..

The customare care guy told me to wait a few days and if its still not arrived then i should go to the bank.. :@

Really frustrating..
HoliC said:
Yup is was some form i printed of the internet..

Then filled it and submitted to the branch..

Still waiting though..

The customare care guy told me to wait a few days and if its still not arrived then i should go to the bank.. :@

Really frustrating..
Tell me About it....

BTW can u guide Me to the Online Form link

I already have that SBI maestro Card...Easily the Shittiest card i have ever Used.....
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