Electric shaver to shave the head?

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Well, before a few days, I said 'Enough is enough' and finally shaved my head as I suffer from male pattern baldness. :ashamed: (Somehow this emoticon is looking exactly like me, but leave that, that's not the point.) The problem is, after 2 weeks, the hair are appearing again and that is making me worried. :( The reason is, I can't go to the barber every 2 weeks to shave my head as I am poor guy and also not happy to give him my hard earned 50 bucks to cut the hair which aren't even there. :no:

So, what are my options? Can I use an electric shaver to shave my hair? Has a TE member tried it? Is it painful? Or should I use a regular shaver with cream to shave my head? (Isn't that gross? I mean shaving your head the way you shave your face. :S)

Or will I have to get a zero machine like the one barbers use? If yes, where can I get it in Pune?

cool_dude said:
Or will I have to get a zero machine like the one barbers use? If yes, where can I get it in Pune?


Get the zero machine at lucky's opposite Dagdu seth temple for 250 - 300 bucks.
Standard rate for hair cut in pune is around 25 bucks :)
Party Monger said:
If ur poor go to that barber who sits under the tree, he takes 5-10 rs..
LOL, but won't the machine do it cheaper?

@Hacher, thanks for the info.

BTW, no TE member has tried the electric shaver ?
Dude don't use an electric shaver on your head! EVER!

Many people use razors to do the job, but you have to be careful with those.
cool_dude said:
So, what are my options? Can I use an electric shaver to shave my hair? Has a TE member tried it? Is it painful? Or should I use a regular shaver with cream to shave my head? (Isn't that gross? I mean shaving your head the way you shave your face. :S)
You could do it with cream but you would need to be careful whereas its quicker & easer with an electric. All depends on how close you want the shave, a wet shave will give you a very close one but will take more time compared to the electric. Tho with practice you would work out a routine and be done in less time. Easiest is with a headblade, tho i'm not sure you can get those over here just yet. Using a double blade or DE would take time to learn, its not impossible just needs patience. The other point is frequency, if you do not shave everyday then the multiblades will get clogged faster than a DE but that takes time to learn over multiblades.

How comfortable are you with normal wet shaving ?

Hacker said:
Get the zero machine
How easy is that for a person to use on themself ?

Aren't they designed for another person to use.

What do they look like ? the normal barber's clippers with the wire dangling out the end ?

sibot said:
Dude don't use an electric shaver on your head! EVER!
Any reason(s) ?
Get a Philips hair trimmer ( comes with around 6 or more different heads) for around 2800 bucks. Something like this but with more attachments:

Philips - Grooming kits - Personal care - Men's grooming

It'll also help you maintain your french beard if you decide to keep any. I regularly use it to keep the width of my side-burns in check. Plus, lots of chance to experiment. Also included are the nose and ear hair trimmers. :)
blr_p said:
How easy is that for a person to use on themself ?

Aren't they designed for another person to use.

What do they look like ? the normal barber's clippers with the wire dangling out the end ?

If you are newbie then its little hard but once you get used to it you can get the job done in couple of minutes

Yep its the normal barbers clipper, can be used on the beard too.
i just shaved my head with my philips electric hair trimmer last sunday, soccer fever, now i am looking someone to draw spain flag on my head, anyone ????
malhotraraul said:
i just shaved my head with my philips electric hair trimmer last sunday, soccer fever, now i am looking someone to draw spain flag on my head, anyone ????
No Thanks you ! Appreciate the offer. :) will loving looking at your picture when you post it here.

I have a good experience using and handling Zero machines for triming fur of my Lhasa Apso.
malhotraraul said:
i just shaved my head with my philips electric hair trimmer last sunday, soccer fever, now i am looking someone to draw spain flag on my head, anyone ????
Get Argentina painted now :P
Sei said:
Get a Philips hair trimmer ( comes with around 6 or more different heads) for around 2800 bucks. Something like this but with more attachments:
Philips - Grooming kits - Personal care - Men's grooming

It'll also help you maintain your french beard if you decide to keep any. I regularly use it to keep the width of my side-burns in check. Plus, lots of chance to experiment. Also included are the nose and ear hair trimmers. :)

Thanks a lot Sei, that's defi going to help.

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