Hmmm, I Played a Lot of Quake Wars this morning, both SP and MP. Quake Wars is quite different, I was hoping it would be like Battlefield 2, But thank god it isn't, ofcourse the overall gameplay is Inspired by BF2, but it's not like it. It's not like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory either; since the setting is more modern. It feels fresh and the game really pushes team play, Unless you can work together, defeat is pretty much imminent. It's a common problem and one that has no cure. moving on, you can choose to be either Strogg or Humans. I'm bit disappointed with what you get when you're Strogg, especially the weapons. AFAIK, there's no rocket launcher available when you're Strogg (or maybe It is and I haven't looked close enough) also there's no DarkMatter Gun and BFG available. I guess it was done to differentiate the game from Quake 4. one major thing about weapons is the that they REALLY require aiming and accuracy. you can't bunny-hop and aimlessly shoot like Quake 3 Arena and W-ET, one needs to take cover, go prone, use Iron Sight etc. the hit detection IMO, Can use a bit of tweaking. Still, the game is quite fun. I didn't play SP much (only played til I got hold of weapons and stuff) but the AI is pretty good (at normal) and certainly miles ahead of the retarded cochroaches you got in Battlefield 2. I think the Unique point of this game is that, it features tactics a la BF2, but the overall gameplay pace is much faster and hence it's more fun. If you play really good, you're promoted (I got promoted to Pvt.First Class) and can unlock certain achievements (extra grenades for an example) there are 4-5 classes available (sorry, don't remember the exact amount) you have Medic, Engineer, Spec-Ops etc. I've noticed that, unlike BF2, when you're a medic, you can't heal yourself by holding the Med-Pack and apparently, the med-pack supply seems to be unlimited. you also get Shock Pads for reviving team mates (just like BF2) I have yet to play as an engineer so I don't know what you get/don't get. also, on a side note, you do have the Rocket Launcher when you're playing as Humans, but the damn thing is turtle-paced, it takes a long time to reload and shoot, I guess it was done to avoid the one-hit-wonder n00bs, but it's really annoying. you're more likely to get killed while trying to shoot someone than anything else. the graphics of Quake Wars look excellent, they really do; the Megatextures are showing their power here and everything is meticulously detailed (check the SS below) strangely enough, I think there's a 30FPS Cap when playing SP, the cap gets removed when in MP. the frame rate stays smooth nonetheless. as for the sound, I was using really bad quality headphones, but still everything sounds quite nice. the gunshots and other effects sound excellent, like you can imagine, the stroggs have a much scruffier voice than humans and it sounds damn good too! lastly, the server browser is W-ET-ish so it's user friendly and tweakable, it was a bit slow for my taste however.
that's my two cents for the game, Screenshots below:
- Screenshots @1440x900 - Maximum Settings - 16x AA - 16x AF -