m-jeri said:I am kinda finding it hard to find new shows to watch. These are the ones i have and watched. or if not watched mentioned.
FRIENDS --> The best my all time fav..
How i met your mother
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Malcolm in the Middle
IT crowd
Will and Grace
Prison break
Beauty and Geek
American Choppers
Everybody loves raymond
Arrested Development
The Apprentice
The king of queens
two and a half man.
30 Rock
That 70's Show
My Name Is Earl
Top Gear UK
Top Chef
The Big Bang Theory
The Office US
Parks And Recreation
Mike and Molly
Its always Sunny in Philadelphia
Family Guy
Cougar Town
Anthony Bourdain : No Reservations
Da Ali G Show
White Collar
Studio 60
Breaking Bad
Shit My Dad says
8 Simple Rules
Rules of Engagement
Nat Geo Megafactories
Nat Geo Megastructures
Nat Geo Ancient Megastructures
Nat Geo Ancient Movers(?)
Lot of Nat Geo Documentaries
The sopranos
The simpsons.
Castle --> In Pipe
Game of Thrones --> In Pipe
Teen Titans --> In Pipe
These i have but...
Dexter --> Never bothered to watch.
The OC --> never bothered to watch
90210 --> never bothered to watch
Grey's Anatomy --> never watched
Bionic Woman --> never watched
Sex And The City --> Not on this life
Heroes --> i saw super man returns
South Park --> Tried one episode.
bones --> Never bothered to watch.
bionic woman --> Never bothered to watch.
Recommend few pls.
m-jeri said:I am kinda finding it hard to find new shows to watch. These are the ones i have and watched. or if not watched mentioned.
FRIENDS --> The best my all time fav..
How i met your mother
Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Malcolm in the Middle
IT crowd
Will and Grace
Prison break
Beauty and Geek
American Choppers
Everybody loves raymond
Arrested Development
The Apprentice
The king of queens
two and a half man.
30 Rock
That 70's Show
My Name Is Earl
Top Gear UK
Top Chef
The Big Bang Theory
The Office US
Parks And Recreation
Mike and Molly
Its always Sunny in Philadelphia
Family Guy
Cougar Town
Anthony Bourdain : No Reservations
Da Ali G Show
White Collar
Studio 60
Breaking Bad
Shit My Dad says
8 Simple Rules
Rules of Engagement
Nat Geo Megafactories
Nat Geo Megastructures
Nat Geo Ancient Megastructures
Nat Geo Ancient Movers(?)
Lot of Nat Geo Documentaries
The sopranos
The simpsons.
Castle --> In Pipe
Game of Thrones --> In Pipe
Teen Titans --> In Pipe
These i have but...
Dexter --> Never bothered to watch.
The OC --> never bothered to watch
90210 --> never bothered to watch
Grey's Anatomy --> never watched
Bionic Woman --> never watched
Sex And The City --> Not on this life
Heroes --> i saw super man returns
South Park --> Tried one episode.
bones --> Never bothered to watch.
bionic woman --> Never bothered to watch.
Recommend few pls.
quixand said:And GoT is great, mix conspiracies of Mahabharata and 1/2 the Fantasy elements of LOTR, but the TV show does not have an "epic" feel, I just started off with the 2nd book some days back, so let's see. Riveting, Yes, Intriguing, Yes, Truely Epic...hopefully the next seasons.. 9/10 so far.
You cannot appreciate the term EPIC until you've actually read the fiction behind it.Bluffmaster said:^You can skip Flashforward and Event. Both these shows got canceled before their first season concluded. They start off well but have no clue on where to go from there. Best is to avoid them.
And that Pimp slap is from Game Of Thrones. Watch this before watching anything. Its probably the best TV show ever made.
--- Updated Post - Automerged ---
Game of Thrones is not EPIC? Are you even watching the same show I am watching?How is this for epic : Game of Thrones: Season 1's Most Badass Moments - TV Feature at IGN
I am not spoiling the TV series for me. No ways.stalker said:You cannot appreciate the term EPIC until you've actually read the fiction behind it.
watched it when it was airing here on star world.a decent watch i must say.xtremevicky said:Criminal Minds !
Few other really good shows;m-jeri said:Shit again missed Boardwalk empire, Firefly, west wing, battlestart gallatica,24 and few others from list.. i haven't watched any of these. Back home. Damn.
Which tv show is the utube link? didnt get that.
Future Roadmap...
Got Dexter - watch it.
Get these:
party down
only fools and horses
grounded for life
home improvement
peep show
two guys and a girl
everybody hates chris
gary unmarried
lie to me
The Wire
Sons of Anarchy
True Blood
Being Human
Bluffmaster said:^You can skip Flashforward and Event. Both these shows got canceled before their first season concluded. They start off well but have no clue on where to go from there. Best is to avoid them.
Bluffmaster said:^You can skip Flashforward and Event. Both these shows got canceled before their first season concluded. They start off well but have no clue on where to go from there. Best is to avoid them.
And that Pimp slap is from Game Of Thrones. Watch this before watching anything. Its probably the best TV show ever made.
--- Updated Post - Automerged ---
Game of Thrones is not EPIC? Are you even watching the same show I am watching?How is this for epic : Game of Thrones: Season 1's Most Badass Moments - TV Feature at IGN