Okay Watched them SPs -
Castle - Nothing To watch except the Dark Warm tone at First and Then the Stana Katics Smokin Hot Ass

Losing interest Now...
Blue Blood - Nothing Special,But this Show Had Some Great acting which it Retained.good watch
Okay What other SPs To procure people? please Suggest new Shows.And I dont like sitcoms
Oh wait , heres my TV SHow Backlog -
Arrested Development s123
Band Of Brothers
Big Bang Theory, The s12
Boardwalk Empire
Bones s05
Borgias, The
Breaking Bad s123 (Yep Thats So uncool i know,But i watched the pilot and Found it boring)
Cape, The
Fairly Legal
Good Guys, The
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) s1
How I Met Your Mother s1356
Monroe (watched only pilot)
Shameless (UK) s1234567
Twin Peaks s12
Web Therapy
Wire, The s1 (same Like Breaking Bad,the Pilot Bored me To death , WTF? it is Supposed to be the Best Show ever made )
Vampire Diaries, The s1
Spartacus- Gods of the Arena
Spartacus- Blood and Sand
Sons of Anarchy s123
Goodness..when am i gonna Finish All this

Completed So far -
Dexter s12345
Californication s1234
Shameless (US)
Big C, The s12
Covert affairs s12
Castle s123
Walking dead, the
Blue Blood