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Holy shit, amazing trailer.Hannibal Season 2 trailer is out. One of the best looking shows on TV right now, great cinematography. (And a great show overall as well - Mikkelsen is excellent.).
Lots of spoilers in the trailer, so only watch it if you have finished with Season 1.
I haven't seen dexter but this show was very disturbing. I could never manage more than one episode at a go.Holy shit, amazing trailer.
Finished the first season last night. This show is not for the weak hearted. Dexter's gore seems very gentle when you watch this.
Something that you expect when you watch a show titled "Hannibal" !^Not if you enjoy a full-course meal made out of humans.
I remember reading long time back that there would be a movie made after the show ended. Had forgotten about that. This should really be funThis is a surprise. I never knew Entourage movie is being shot. Will be fun to watch.
I would say im decently accustomed to gore, but gore is one thing and cannibalism is another. Then the show takes it to the next level when humans are butchered like animals, body parts being taken out thrown into the utensils, the elaborate murders are a different kind of crazy. Its not disturbing in the sense it'l scare you, but more like make you think about how vulnerable we all are. That quesy feeling in your stomach when you see him carving a leg piece and then the realization that it is a human leg >.>Something that you expect when you watch a show titled "Hannibal" !