Is Sex Education season 4 (also, its last) worth the time?
20 mins into the episode and am super uninterested already. Such a let down from the freshness of the first two seasons. Even the third season was decent.
Season 4 is different and an attempt to return to form after a more repressive and rather unlikely IRL Season 3. The abstinence advocacy was a big surprise but I think they were trying to send a message with that strategy. Which is it doesn't work. If you got this far just watch it to the end. The reviews are quite harsh but I just ignored them.
There is a lot of gay/trans stuff in Season 4. If heteros are confused then its even worse with other groups. In a way it was educational how those groups go about navigating a similar challenge.
I have a theory on this that's likely to be very unpopular - toxic masculinity is nothing but misguided masculinity. It's a response to a (forced) retreat of traditional masculinity, leading to this cowardly, redpill/blackpill version whose endgame is god-knows-what.
Why do you say unpopular?
I definitely agree its misguided and thing here is you only realise that if you're mature or let's say more experienced.
But the kids consuming this media are neither. They're not likely to listen either as this redpill stuff pushes all their buttons especially if they have been either jilted, rejected or betrayed. No clear thinking is possible when in such an emotional state.
A sense of revenge builds up which these redpill ideologies promote. Taken to the complete extreme means murder. But for many its increased mistrust of women. I feel there is a mirror like attitude from the female side too if they have experienced similar setbacks in their personal life. You see this already in movies where the protagonists are female and not succeding. You can substitute males for them and there would literally be no difference as to what they are saying
1h 33m | R
^For example...
In a nutshell as the FP article stated. Any masculinity taken to an extreme is toxic.
In other words, the answer is not less masculinity but more of it, of the traditional (yes, one that draws from societal traditions) kind and as such, only other men (fathers, most importantly) can salvage this situation.
I can see your reasoning here if you interpret the rise of redpill etc as a response to the 'forced retreat of traditional masculinity'.
Hmm, its true that as women became more educated and empowered that traditional masculinity would have to adjust but I don't think it was forced into retreat. It might appear that way in some ultra conservative or orthodox circles though.
The role of a woman and what that means differ by whether you are in a village or major metro. Plenty of masculinity going around in villages. I don't see it any less in the city just different. More flexible and less blunt.
The only female equivalent I can find of the redpill lot are radical feminists. But I don't think they are all that numerous or significant