Error while installing most games on new PC! Help

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As i had a G Skill Sniper 8GBSR(4GBX2) Dual channel memory kit, i ran the memtest on both the modules individually and got to know that one of the modules has gone Kaput. On running the first module only, i got about 250000errors and not even a single pass. and on running memtest using just the second module, i passed the test successfuly with not even a singe error. Hence, the conclusion that the Ram is faulty(just one module though). i tried running everything with just the good module and everything ran perfectly, i was able to install everything that was earlier stuck somehow. Ill be getting the whole kit replaced in a few days, for now im using just one of the modules which works properly. Mods please close the thread as the issue has been solved. thanks a lot to all who helped.
Great, congratulations and happy gaming bruv.
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