Storage Solutions Esata Enclosure for storage ! Buying Guide!

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Hello Bretheren,

Im looking for a esata sata solution to dock my spare 500 gig HD as of now and higher capacity may be later .

this is being done as of now to store more media in my ever expanding collection of media files.

My budget is about 2.0- 2.5k ( flexible, if there are breakthrough features for premium)

As a proverbial NOOB , here are some standard questions, earlier answered the better:

1) What features should I be looking for while selecting enclosure?

2) Any online vendors selling this at reasonable price/ offline vendors in Mumbai ( lamington is 20 mins from my place , so no issues)

3) Any Brands to prefer and any to avoid?

Im thinking Esata enclosure over Portbale Hard Drives as a storage solution because of possibility of expansion later on and the difference between the speeds between the two I right in my thinking....or Im better of a 1tera ext HD as a no hassle solution??

Any knowledge /insights given here are welcome.

External Enclosure - Transcend Storejet Enclosure with e- SATA or Vantec models. Easily available in India at 2~2.1k

Features to be looking out for:

AS you will be adding High storage drives,

1) Check for compatibility with 1 or 2 tb drives

2) cooling solutions.

3) Transfer facilities like USB, Firewire, e-SATA

4) Quality adapter for power supply

Transcend has all the above except firewire.

Its available online through Delta, ITwares. But no idea about lammy.

If you have a USB 3 mobo, do check out new portable HDDs supporting USB 3.0 from WD/ Seagate.

But if you are comfortable carrying a big bundle and External power supply , then please go with enclosures as it is far more better.
This helps bigtime.....thanks ...

any more information is welcome.

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Has anyone got their hands one this product, looks like it has all the features and is selling for .7k less than transcend.

Piranah 3.5" Hot Swap Case with e-SATA / USB 2.0 -

Although this doesnt have Rj 45 cable for lan streaming and may be direct torrent dload et all.

Support for upto what capacity HD is not mentioned

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anyone for Piranah 3.5" Hot Swap Case with e-SATA / USB 2.0 -
Piranah...seems to be some local China Made setup.

It offers no cooling setup rather than some 40cm fan which I suppose will not be enough.

Also the warranty is just dealer warranty and only 3 months.

If you want some cheap ones you can go for zippy's too. Atleast it offers 1 yr warranty and also cheaper. Try looking at Lammy's

My recommendation is that you can go for Transcend one.
Trasncend it is then fooling around with HARD DRIVE i the lesson we all have learnt in our journey filled with lost datas , unrecovered partitions , missing saved game points etc etc :)
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