I was under the impression that the slowest USB3 is theoretically rated at 5Gbps (625MBps) so it shouldn't give less than half of its rated speeds. Orico might have cheaped out on the controller.
Yes, please share the product page/link here. Thanks.
It is a generic one, so have to find an equivalent link, but will not find it on Amazon. I was proposing to actually sell mine since I am not in need of external storage at the moment.
Attached the CystalDiskInfo and CrystalDIskMark screenshots. I have the disk currently paritioned into live linux, encrypted and non-encrypted storage and thus it is showing up as 450 GB on Drive E.
It is a generic one, so have to find an equivalent link, but will not find it on Amazon. I was proposing to actually sell mine since I am not in need of external storage at the moment.
Attached the CystalDiskInfo and CrystalDIskMark screenshots. I have the disk currently paritioned into live linux, encrypted and non-encrypted storage and thus it is showing up as 450 GB on Drive E.